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Forums - Sales Discussion - Predict XB1 US Sales! XB1 outselling PS4 OVER 3:1 on Amazon US! Sunset Bundle up 11,000%, 5 XB1 Skus in Top 40 Vs 1 PS4


Predict US Sales for Week Ending 8th

0 - 50k BOMBA 117 20.78%
51k - 100k 70 12.43%
101k - 150k 67 11.90%
151k - 200k 62 11.01%
201k - 250k 52 9.24%
251k - 300k 37 6.57%
301k - 350k 22 3.91%
351k+ INSANITY 134 23.80%
binary solo said:
Seece said:
Aphelion said:
Seece said:
This is a basic method but if you apply 100k to #1 and 1k to #100 you get

AC $350 bundle - #8 (93k)
AW $450 bundle - #10 (91k)
SO $350 bundle - #12 (89k)
PS4 - #16 (85k)
Kinect AC $450 bundle - #35 (66k)
Xbone - #37 (64k)
PS4 Destiny bundle - #43 (58k)

XB1 - 403k
PS4 - 147k

Might want to revise your estimates.  Xbox is falling PS4 rising fast, X1 10th and falling PS4 14th and rising.

I hope everyone here that was logical crusifies you and the other for all the foolishness, its embarrassingreally.  Only way X1 ever truely wins if its 250/300 and PS4 400 smacakoos $$$.

Looks like no victory for X1 in NotEveovember.

For what? You still failed to read the OP. This wasn't a prediction thread and says nothing about winning November because of the numbers.

You're lucky that the Monthly chart for Nov still supports the 3:1 ratio for now, because the hourly chart no longer suports that claim. So you might need to update the thread title some time soon.

Not gonna be updating it throughout the entire month, it was a product of its time (XB1 outselling PS4 3:1) which it never did before.


Around the Network
Aphelion said:
binary solo said:
Fascinating to see the shift in the hourlies in the last 24 hrs. PS4 went from #22 to #14 and now there's only one Xb one sku ahead of it (Ass Creed $349). I suspect there will be quite a drop off in Xb one skus as the initial rush of these bundles wear off with people waiting until MCC to buy.

Fortunately because MCC follows this week it means there will be 2 weeks of sales spikes for Xb one. PS4 has a chance at taking 16-22 Nov week, depending on the hold over effects of all the Xb one moves from the first 2 weeks of the month. But the fairly rapid recovery of PS4 on the Amazon hourlies is interesting.

Mcc will do nothing, its awesome fan service but most of those fans already own an xbox1.  Seriously who the hell buys a new console for old remakes, a 350/450 $ one.

If there are marketing deals in place for GTAv and F4 plus LBP3, PS4 will smash X1 and Mcc.    

Not all Halo fans have bought Xb one yet. A good chunk of them will by Xb one with MCC, and more will buy when Halo 5 comes along. It's effect will be to stop the number from falling too much after this week. I'd be surprised if Xb one went up on MCC week, but it should still be elevated.

“The fundamental cause of the trouble is that in the modern world the stupid are cocksure while the intelligent are full of doubt.” - Bertrand Russell

"When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."

Jimi Hendrix


binary solo said:
Aphelion said:
binary solo said:
Fascinating to see the shift in the hourlies in the last 24 hrs. PS4 went from #22 to #14 and now there's only one Xb one sku ahead of it (Ass Creed $349). I suspect there will be quite a drop off in Xb one skus as the initial rush of these bundles wear off with people waiting until MCC to buy.

Fortunately because MCC follows this week it means there will be 2 weeks of sales spikes for Xb one. PS4 has a chance at taking 16-22 Nov week, depending on the hold over effects of all the Xb one moves from the first 2 weeks of the month. But the fairly rapid recovery of PS4 on the Amazon hourlies is interesting.

Mcc will do nothing, its awesome fan service but most of those fans already own an xbox1.  Seriously who the hell buys a new console for old remakes, a 350/450 $ one.

If there are marketing deals in place for GTAv and F4 plus LBP3, PS4 will smash X1 and Mcc.    

Not all Halo fans have bought Xb one yet. A good chunk of them will by Xb one with MCC, and more will buy when Halo 5 comes along. It's effect will be to stop the number from falling too much after this week. I'd be surprised if Xb one went up on MCC week, but it should still be elevated.

Ill be elevated through the fact its the holidays, not mcc releasing.  Even MS is smart enough not to make a bundle as there would be no point.  

Seece said:


Not gonna be updating it throughout the entire month, it was a product of its time (XB1 outselling PS4 3:1) which it never did before.

Never did, amazon hourly ranking have no logical basis of telling what the market as a whole is doing.  Even monthly ranking merely show who wins.  They arent representative of the market enough to even show how much the winner will win by.  You are just desperate for a xbox victory.

If the SO bundle was still in stock the amazon hourly would still be looking pretty healthy. Currently the November Monthly stats have 5 xbox consoles in the top 40 so its no wonder there's no one bundle leading the way, the sales are spread through all of them.

Around the Network
justagamer25 said:
If the SO bundle was still in stock the amazon hourly would still be looking pretty healthy. Currently the November Monthly stats have 5 xbox consoles in the top 40 so its no wonder there's no one bundle leading the way, the sales are spread through all of them.

Yeah if Sunset was still there (Damn MS get those white consoles made) it would still be 3:1


Aphelion said:
Seece said:


Not gonna be updating it throughout the entire month, it was a product of its time (XB1 outselling PS4 3:1) which it never did before.

Never did, amazon hourly ranking have no logical basis of telling what the market as a whole is doing.  Even monthly ranking merely show who wins.  They arent representative of the market enough to even show how much the winner will win by.  You are just desperate for a xbox victory.

The monthly rankings show 3 xbox consoles ahead of the ps4, hence 3:1

It would be 2:1...


There's only one bundle now higher then ps4

justagamer25 said:
Aphelion said:
Seece said:


Not gonna be updating it throughout the entire month, it was a product of its time (XB1 outselling PS4 3:1) which it never did before.

Never did, amazon hourly ranking have no logical basis of telling what the market as a whole is doing.  Even monthly ranking merely show who wins.  They arent representative of the market enough to even show how much the winner will win by.  You are just desperate for a xbox victory.

The monthly rankings show 3 xbox consoles ahead of the ps4, hence 3:1

The monthly had not been updated for 2 days....... It is now stabilizing after the spike. 

bluemd said:

It would be 2:1...


There's only one bundle now higher then ps4

3 consoles v 1 console = 3:1