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Forums - Sales Discussion - Predict XB1 US Sales! XB1 outselling PS4 OVER 3:1 on Amazon US! Sunset Bundle up 11,000%, 5 XB1 Skus in Top 40 Vs 1 PS4


Predict US Sales for Week Ending 8th

0 - 50k BOMBA 117 20.78%
51k - 100k 70 12.43%
101k - 150k 67 11.90%
151k - 200k 62 11.01%
201k - 250k 52 9.24%
251k - 300k 37 6.57%
301k - 350k 22 3.91%
351k+ INSANITY 134 23.80%
jlmurph2 said:
steverhcp02 said:
Aura7541 said:

I agree. Sony is being very agressive in Japan and Europe with all the bundles and limited edition PS4's in those regions. The fact that Sony hasn't done much in the US has left me scratching my head...

Did you see the sales data? It is nothing more than the echochamber of videogame forums. Sony understands that hourly amazon percentage based increases mean nothing. As do many people.

People demanded action during TitanFall bundle week/month. People demanded action in response to the $100 less SKU. They came and went. Just browse the yearly 2014 best sellers on amazon. You can get a decent barometer for quantity based on software and hardware placements. HINT: The xbox one has SKU at 98th spot and 51 and 52 and the PS4 is 4th and 28th. It is updated daily..... i know i know, it takes soooo long for the information when we can simply check hourly changes with no relative comparison for quantity but it is a sad slow world. So 3 SKU versus 2, someone do the math to figure out how the PS4 is outselling the One by 10:1 based on figures


That yearly best sellers tells nothing for the Holiday or how well the consoles do when a price drop comes. This list does.

No. This is a snapshot based on new stock and launch dates. The yearly list will be more telling when they bundles enter it and discussion can ensue. But youd have to wait a few weeks for that. There are conclusions to be made this minute!!!!! Lets get to it!!!!!

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Xbox fans are always good for a laugh. Congrats on the 2 day victory.

User was moderated for this post - Conegamer

Aura7541 said:
steverhcp02 said:
Aura7541 said:

I agree. Sony is being very agressive in Japan and Europe with all the bundles and limited edition PS4's in those regions. The fact that Sony hasn't done much in the US has left me scratching my head...

Did you see the sales data? It is nothing more than the echochamber of videogame forums. Sony understands that hourly amazon percentage based increases mean nothing. As do many people.

People demanded action during TitanFall bundle week/month. People demanded action in response to the $100 less SKU. They came and went. Just browse the yearly 2014 best sellers on amazon. You can get a decent barometer for quantity based on software and hardware placements. HINT: The xbox one has SKU at 98th spot and 51 and 52 and the PS4 is 4th and 28th. It is updated daily..... i know i know, it takes soooo long for the information when we can simply check hourly changes with no relative comparison for quantity but it is a sad slow world. So 3 SKU versus 2, someone do the math to figure out how the PS4 is outselling the One by 10:1 based on figures


Yes, I know that Amazon, especially when it comes to their hourly charts, is not the be-all, end-all. For instance, the PS4 and Destiny bundle were ahead of the X1 on the hourly charts all September by 20-30 places. It seemed as if the PS4 outsold the X1 by way more than 2 to 1, but NPD showed that the ratio was smaller than 2 to 1.

However, we can't deny that MS is stepping up their game (even if it's only for the last two months of the year). This is a great way for Sony to make a statement that PS4 is the place to play and persuade consumers that their system over Microsoft's. While Sony is doing that in Europe and Japan, the company has been complacent in the US.

I am sure Sony will make a statement. There is so much time left. Even if sony were to react to this drastic sale and announcment by MSFT it has been less than a week. Remember the echochamber. I believe there were leaks of a new SKU model and teh previous announcment of a stand alone white PS4. Deals will come. Announcments will be made. Hell there is a huge PS event the first week of December. This is like when Google does their I/O a week before Apple has an event for 4 days everyone flips out about how google is making moves and then apple has their event and the 24 hour news cycles changes. This is better business and marketing announcing last. they have teh luxery of doing so. Hold tight.

steverhcp02 said:

I am sure Sony will make a statement. There is so much time left. Even if sony were to react to this drastic sale and announcment by MSFT it has been less than a week. Remember the echochamber. I believe there were leaks of a new SKU model and teh previous announcment of a stand alone white PS4. Deals will come. Announcments will be made. Hell there is a huge PS event the first week of December. This is like when Google does their I/O a week before Apple has an event for 4 days everyone flips out about how google is making moves and then apple has their event and the 24 hour news cycles changes. This is better business and marketing announcing last. they have teh luxery of doing so. Hold tight.

When you have Microsoft as your competition and they are being agressive and clearly showing they are not taking the PS4's launch success lying down there is no room for any Luxury to sit back and wait.

People aren't asking to see a pricecut or so, just acknowledgement on their part that competition is doing some great deals and it wouldn't be that bad an idea to start listing some good bundles for the holiday season, especially with the MCC looming on the Horizon. Tis always easier to stave off competition while you're winning than the resources required to fight back if you're losing.

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

whatever said:

Xbox fans are always good for a laugh. Congrats on the 2 day victory.

User was moderated for this post - Conegamer

I know it's off-topic but this thread has several moderator warnings throughout it not to post stuff like this here, if you aren't happy with the thread or the victory this really is Not the place to voice it.

The OP is pretty clear he is just talking about Amazon and the US site at that, he is so clear there wont even be crow-eating required if the numbers from the US region come out to show that X1 didn't win the week sales because it is clearly just based on the days of the bundles and price cut launching in the States, on Amazon.

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

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Indeed Ganon, this isn't a prediction thread, just stating what the situation is currently.


Dang I might get one of those, thats almost a free XOne. MS has gota be taking a hughe loss on these, I dont realy care if I still have some money left by the end of this month Im buying one.

Seece said:
Indeed Ganon, this isn't a prediction thread, just stating what the situation is currently.

Tis a pretty awesome way to start Nov tho, can't wait to see what the Halo Collection does for the X1, a fair few people have been downplaying that but close to 70gb of Halo goodness on a single disk I think is gonna rock the ps4's grip on the states in a big way.

It's great news all round in reality tho, lack of competition = stagnation and no gamer benifits if our console of choice is happy to just sit there at number 1 letting sales happen based on sales having happened.

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

DakonBlackblade said:
Dang I might get one of those, thats almost a free XOne. Ms has gota be taking a hughe loss on these, I dont realy care if I still have some money left by the end of this month Im buying one.

If people have X1's in their home, sign up for XBLG, Xbox music, that fitness sub for Kinect. Doesn't matter too much taking a 100dollar hit on hardware if you're going to create a stream of revenue from each machine with those subs.

Why not check me out on youtube and help me on the way to 2k subs over at

Wow what an incredible day. If you go outside and listen quietly, you can hear the tape being peeled off all the new Xbox Ones all across the country. As we continue through the month of November we will continue to witness gamers everywhere unite under the greatness that is Xbox One.