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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Prediction: SSBU/3DS 10mil Shipped Together By Years End! (or Close to It!) UPDATE: 9.58mil Shipped :-D


How Much Will SSB 3DS/WiiU Have Shipped+Digital By Years End?

Around 7mil 66 30.84%
Around 8mil 52 24.30%
Around 9mil 27 12.62%
Around 10mil 23 10.75%
Over 10mil 46 21.50%
tbone51 said:
Tomorrow will be 4mil for both officially confirmed (japan's release of SSBU and we know Europe will be about 100k FW!

Τbone you didn't find it out?It might sold 100k FW just in France!80k-100k...!You didn't see the french chart?

Around the Network

A mini update before the third major one. (think of it as a 2.5 version) :p

~US: 3DS=1.2mil+ (By Nov 1st) / WiiU=490k+ (First 3 days)
~Japan: 3DS=2.0mil+ (By Nov 30th) / WiiU=[Tommorow] (First 2 days)
~UK: 3DS=60k+ / WiiU: 35k+ (by Nov 29th)

Total Official at least 3.8mil sold (obviously missing other numbers)

tak13 said:


US Sales are 490k (wii u) totalling up to about 3.66mil Sold for 3ds+WiiU! (3DS #s are Japan Nov 22nd and US Nov 1st. Both Include Digital)


Retail Only ~ Total  ~  Region+Date

1.737mil ⇒ 1.969mil: Japan (Nov 22nd)          905k ⇒ 1.200mil: US (Nov 1st)

Total: 3.17mil



tbone51 said:
tak13 said:
tbone51 said:
Tomorrow will be 4mil for both officially confirmed (japan's release of SSBU and we know Europe will be about 100k FW!

Τbone you didn't find it out?It might sold 100k FW just in France!80k-100k...!You didn't see the french chart?

Got sourc?I thought it was estimated over 70k only?

Ι estimated it but you can see it on ruyuzaki;s french chart thread!Even ruyuzaki expects 80k-100k...!Also if it was 70k in France,how you got the 100k first week?if we plus only uk to that it is 105k...:P

★ [UPDATE 3] ★ 

Japan: 2.02mil (3DS) +  233k (WiiU)          
US: 1.2mil (3DS)   + 490k (WiiU)
Europe: 200k+ (3DS)  +  50k+ (WiiU)   (*Just numbers we know like UK)

Total: 4.2mil Sold at least...

Around the Network

★ [UPDATE 4] ★
US #s are in Ending Nov 29th. Its 2.21mil Combined Sold (including Digital) and Splits are 1.5mil 3ds and 710k WiiU
Japan: 2.02mil (3DS) +  233k (WiiU)          
US: 1.5mil (3DS)   + 710k (WiiU)
Europe: 200k+ (3DS)  +  50k+ (WiiU)   (*Just numbers we know like UK)
Total: 4.72mil Sold at least...

Will Not add to OP, but will show this breakdown of official #s and VGCharz estimates on missing Countries!!!

Official #s

⇒US: 2.21mil (All #s Ending Nov 29th) 
3DS→ 1.5mil [58 days] (Over 220k of that is Digital)
WiiU→ 710k [9 Days] (40k of that is Digital)
⇒Japan: 2.35mil (All #s Ending Dec 7th) 
3DS→ 2.02mil [13 Weeks] (232k+ of that is Digital)
WiiU→ 233k [2 Days] (Not Including Digital)
⇒Europe: ???
3DS→ 55k+ [just First Week)
WiiU→ 35k+ [2 Days] (UK FW was 35k+)

Total Official #s only= 4.65mil →→→ "SOLD" ←←←

Now for VGC estimates on missing numbers...

⇒Europe 570k (-90k from official #s)
3DS→ 491k [58 days]
WiiU→ 169k [2 Days]

⇒NoA (Excluding US)  180k
3DS→ 120k [58 days]
WiiU→ 60k [9 days]

⇒Rest of the World  230k
3DS→ 160k
WiiU→ 70k [2 or 9 days]


Total for Missing Countrys= 980k! Now in case of Overtacked or maybe slightly under, we'll put this as between 850k-1050k SOLD!


So combining everything will give us between 5.50mil-5.70mil SOLD By Nov 29th WW (Dec 7th in Japan)

And we got this now from official only numbers Sold

⇒US: 2.21mil (All #s Ending Nov 29th) 
⇒Japan: 2.36mil (All #s Ending Dec 14th) 
⇒Europe: 190k
Total Official #s only= 4.76mil →→→ "SOLD" ←←←

Waiting on more official sold numbers :-/

It's at 8.07m sold to consumers right now with one week left + digital sales. And if we're talking about shipped units it's most definitely close or a little higher than 10 m. tbone prediction god?!