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Will Not add to OP, but will show this breakdown of official #s and VGCharz estimates on missing Countries!!!

Official #s

⇒US: 2.21mil (All #s Ending Nov 29th) 
3DS→ 1.5mil [58 days] (Over 220k of that is Digital)
WiiU→ 710k [9 Days] (40k of that is Digital)
⇒Japan: 2.35mil (All #s Ending Dec 7th) 
3DS→ 2.02mil [13 Weeks] (232k+ of that is Digital)
WiiU→ 233k [2 Days] (Not Including Digital)
⇒Europe: ???
3DS→ 55k+ [just First Week)
WiiU→ 35k+ [2 Days] (UK FW was 35k+)

Total Official #s only= 4.65mil →→→ "SOLD" ←←←

Now for VGC estimates on missing numbers...

⇒Europe 570k (-90k from official #s)
3DS→ 491k [58 days]
WiiU→ 169k [2 Days]

⇒NoA (Excluding US)  180k
3DS→ 120k [58 days]
WiiU→ 60k [9 days]

⇒Rest of the World  230k
3DS→ 160k
WiiU→ 70k [2 or 9 days]


Total for Missing Countrys= 980k! Now in case of Overtacked or maybe slightly under, we'll put this as between 850k-1050k SOLD!


So combining everything will give us between 5.50mil-5.70mil SOLD By Nov 29th WW (Dec 7th in Japan)