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Forums - Sony Discussion - AC: Unity PS4 Leaked (aka I Hate Sub-1080p Blurriness)

d21lewis said:
What if the game is actually fun, though? Can we buy it then?

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Pemalite said:
SvennoJ said:

 I've never heard of 2K being used for 2560x1440 display resolution, that's 2.5K But now I get what you mean with quad HD, quad 720p, 1440p.

Now you have.
More where that comes from!

Thanks! Ugh I hate marketing.

Who cares about this game? Shadow of Mordor is already out. Just go buy that.

BlueFalcon said:

But the biggest reason 4K console gaming is more or less gimmicky is the requirement for a very large 4K TV.  This article goes into a lot of detail that if you sit at a normal viewing distance of 9-10 feet, you'll need an 84" 4K TV to resolve all the details of 4K. Firstly, that is a very large TV for most apartments/households to fit comfortable. Secondly, such TVs still cost way too much and even in 4-5 years they are unlikely to cost less than $1500. 

Yet you don't need to be able to resolve every detail to enjoy the benefit of a sharper picture. At 9ft from 84", sure you can see all the jaggies and other flaws again. Get a 4K 55" tv and you get a much more enjoyable stable picture. Higher res works better than the best AA, apart from rendering at 4x the resolution, then downscaling. Although if you do that, displaying the results without downscaling will still give a better result.

I still easily see jaggies and temporal aliasing artifacts in 1080p games at 12ft from 52", that's a higher perceived pixel density than 4K at 9ft from 84". Image quality goes beyond being able to see the individual pixels.

LOL @ 4k being the standard next gen. This generation of consoles is pretty weak, why would they suddenly spring for hardware capable of 4k within the next 4-5 years?

I just can't fathom the notion of disregarding a game because it has a resolution mark below a certain standard. Anyone who thinks that way shouldn't even be gaming on a console. I think most of the bitching from people on the Internet about this game are just people upset because of that stupid theory about parity.

The screens don't look all that great and it has nothing to do with resolution. The videos of the game being played though, look like a next gen Ass Creed 2.

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Pemalite said:
Kane1389 said:
Pemalite said:
ethomaz said:

I think you comment about that part don't make sense at all because I don't expect a new generation before 2020 and I can't see anything less 4k to be standard... PC will be at 8k or more in 2020.

The second part...

You alreayd have a transitation generation from pre-HD to HD... sub-720p to 1080... now it is time to 1080p shine... 1080p is standard for HDTV and it needs to be that resolution becuase we already passed the transiction generation.

Resolution is one of the key points that affect image quality and if you are a PC user you will know the last thing you will drop in game is resolution... everything else will be second to resolution except framerate... effects, textures, AA, etc, etc will be all dropped before resolution for better image quality.

I don't want a console that not evolute... I want a console that more forward... that is why I choose PS4.

The great thing about PC though, there is no resolution standard, you get what you pay for, for example... If you wanted, you can have resolutions that exceed 8k today.

Yes if you wanna play tetris or pong. Good luck getting a demanding game to run on 4k let alone 8k with any GPU on the market

I run triple 2560x1440 monitors for a total of 7680x1440 resolution.
That's a resolution that's higher than 4k.
My secondary PC has 3x 1920x1080 monitors for a total resolution of 5760x1080.

It is easily doable with multiple GPU's, so no, you don't have to resort to only playing Tetris or Pong.

Tell me what GPUs would i need to play Shadow of Mordor in 8k?

looks good to me

Kane1389 said:

Tell me what GPUs would i need to play Shadow of Mordor in 8k?

Ask someone who has an 8k set-up, I'm not one of those people, I only exceed 4k by about 10-20% in terms of total resolution.

But you're still missing the point, the PC has decades worth of games a majority of which would run fine even on a triple 4k set-up with a single Radeon R9 290X.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

I watched a bit of game play from someone playing it early on ps now. Looks just like AC3 game play. The whole fighting has been overhauled, focus on fencing, is a gross exaggeration. Yes there is some fencing, still looks boring. The rest all the same, can't even tell if there are really more people on the street than in AC3.

Looks like it's time for a break from the series.

SvennoJ said:
I watched a bit of game play from someone playing it early on ps now. Looks just like AC3 game play. The whole fighting has been overhauled, focus on fencing, is a gross exaggeration. Yes there is some fencing, still looks boring. The rest all the same, can't even tell if there are really more people on the street than in AC3.

Looks like it's time for a break from the series.

Skip 1 minute, That crowd seems to be the only noticeable change, the whole buzz about "millions of NPCs" seems to be events that happens here and there. While it is nice, I don't see how one element could improve the experience as a whole.