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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Wii 2/HD Speculation Thread

Straight from Wiki:
Output for Wii
480p (PAL/NTSC), 480i (NTSC) or 576i (PAL/SECAM), standard 4:3 and 16:9 anamorphic widescreen[63]

I may need to put on my reading glasses, but I don't see 720p anywhere in there.... Wai- oh never mind that's not it.

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The Wii can output 854x576 which is VERY close to the resolution Halo 3 uses for example.

Thats interlaced though, Halo 3 is progressive.

Just as a point, if Nintendo followed their strategy from this generation in the next generation (in terms of processing power) the result would be a system which was 2 to 4 times as powerful as the XBox 360 or PS3; if they were trying to produce the most powerful system they could produce and for $300 it would be 4 to 8 times as powerful as these systems; and if they were really trying to push the limit the system would be 8 to 16 times as powerful as the XBox 360 or PS3.

Moore's Law hasn't stopped being true, and people don't expect it to stop being true until (sometime) after 2020. The next generation system will be based on a 32nm or 22nm manufacturing process which means they will be able to produce a processor with 8 to 16 times as many transistors on the same sized die, and they will be able to run this processor at a higher clock speed. This means that a Quad Core Cell processor (with each core having 8 working SPEs) running at 8GHz would probably be a very thrifty, low performance, CPU in late 2011 or 2012 (when Nintendo releases their next console).

Posted this in sony forums.

This is WiiII

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Username2324 said:
Straight from Wiki:
Output for Wii
480p (PAL/NTSC), 480i (NTSC) or 576i (PAL/SECAM), standard 4:3 and 16:9 anamorphic widescreen[63]

I may need to put on my reading glasses, but I don't see 720p anywhere in there.... Wai- oh never mind that's not it.

 Sometime tomorrow I will go rooting around for the old press release but it is likely going to be hard to find. The Wii technically can't output 480p so in a sense you are right. However, ATI has come out and said the video card itself is capable of producing images at 720p. Nintendo has locked it out for whatever reasons and has never even commented on it to my knowledge. If it isn't up tomorrow feel free to message me and remind me. It is a 2 year old news article at this point and will take some digging.

 As a half form of evidence it is worth mentioning that at worst the Wii has been said to be stronger than the original Xbox. The original Xbox had 720p games, and that implies that Wii can do it as well. This is just some food for thought to tide you over while I search.

Edit: Not the exact link I am looking for but it is relevant. Soon the article I want will reveal itsef I hope.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229

HappySqurriel said:

I think people need to consider why Nintendo made the Wii the way they did in order to understand how they will produce their follow up system.

In my opinion, the Wii was chosen to be a low powered system because development costs were rising at a rate that was much faster than the growth of software sales. To deal with this problem Nintendo decided to focus on improving game play rather than improve graphics; Nintendo was uncertain as to whether people would accept this new direction and wanted to keep their risk minimized so they updated existing hardware (at a minimal R&D cost).

In 5 years time the industry will have grown quite dramatically from Nintendo’s efforts with the Nintendo DS and Wii, development costs will have peaked at a level only slightly higher than current PS3 and Xbox 360 development costs, and the hardware necessary to produce graphics that are noticeable improvements over the Xbox 360 and PS3 will be inexpensive and readily available.

With the combination of all of these factors I don’t see why Nintendo would continue with being as (comparatively) low performance in the next generation. Certainly, they may not be looking to push the envelope but they won’t be looking at as low of a performance system.

 Happy Squirrel highlighted a point that many many people seem to miss or misunderstand. Nintendo didn't make Wii relatively weak due to lack of money or lack of access to appropriate technology, it was a decision based on predicted profitability.