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Username2324 said:
Straight from Wiki:
Output for Wii
480p (PAL/NTSC), 480i (NTSC) or 576i (PAL/SECAM), standard 4:3 and 16:9 anamorphic widescreen[63]

I may need to put on my reading glasses, but I don't see 720p anywhere in there.... Wai- oh never mind that's not it.

 Sometime tomorrow I will go rooting around for the old press release but it is likely going to be hard to find. The Wii technically can't output 480p so in a sense you are right. However, ATI has come out and said the video card itself is capable of producing images at 720p. Nintendo has locked it out for whatever reasons and has never even commented on it to my knowledge. If it isn't up tomorrow feel free to message me and remind me. It is a 2 year old news article at this point and will take some digging.

 As a half form of evidence it is worth mentioning that at worst the Wii has been said to be stronger than the original Xbox. The original Xbox had 720p games, and that implies that Wii can do it as well. This is just some food for thought to tide you over while I search.

Edit: Not the exact link I am looking for but it is relevant. Soon the article I want will reveal itsef I hope.

Starcraft 2 ID: Gnizmo 229