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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Favourite hack n' slash game?

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The God of War games have always been my favourite. I still remember picking up the first one used at EBgames back in my broke college day. I didn't know anything about it and picked it up because the title screen looked so awesome. The clerk said I was in for an wonderful surprise and boy he was right!

Picked up both God of War 2 and 3 on their release days with no regrets! Haven't played ascension yet though...

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Devil May Cry, the correct choice.

"I've Underestimated the Horse Power from Mario Kart 8, I'll Never Doubt the WiiU's Engine Again"

God Of War is first on my list.

Devil's May Cry (1,3)


PSN ID- RayCrocheron82

XBL Gamertag- RAFIE82

NNID- RAFIE82/ Friend Code: SW-6006-2580-8237

YouTube- Rafie Crocheron

Samurai Warriors Chronicles 3DS!!!

So so SO addicting. Plus, it's on the go. - I played it when I was in a car.



And Bayonetta. Both of them.

Either God of War III or DmC (yes, the reboot).

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Dead Rising 3 for the X1

PSN & XBOX GT : cutzman25

Devil may cry series (1 and 3)

3DS FC :  4339 - 3326 - 7693. Add me :) Nickname Tin

I'm no H&S-aficionado though. I just love mythology and I really enjoy Kratos as a protagonist.


cutzman25 said:
Dead Rising 3 for the X1

DR3 is definitely not a hack and slash.

PSN ID- RayCrocheron82

XBL Gamertag- RAFIE82

NNID- RAFIE82/ Friend Code: SW-6006-2580-8237

YouTube- Rafie Crocheron

1.PS2 era : 1.God of War 2
2.Devil may cry 3
3.Onimusha 2
2.PS3 era : 1.God of War 3
2.Metal Gear Rising Revenge.