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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Nintendo Character Elimination Game - RESULTS ARE IN!


Who do you want to win?

Link 34 35.42%
Samus 33 34.38%
Zelda 7 7.29%
Shulk 10 10.42%
Ness 5 5.21%
Luigi 7 7.29%

+ Samus
- Shulk

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

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AZWification said:

+ Samus
- Shulk

Seriously bro? Why do you hate Shulk but love Riki?

mZuzek said:
WhiteEaglePL said:

I still don't know why your minusing me lol.  I didn't even accept the plan against Fox until 1 hour after you downvoted her.......since you refused to change your vote.

TBH, I was going to be on your side too.

Well I don't think editing votes is allowed (is it?), so I never changed that. I was going to stop downvoting her afterwards, though, that is until you downvoted Fox. But I'm not worrying too much, I already have a couple of plans figured out.


Ahem. You just got another enemy. (and yes it's allowed as long as it's not before update point. )



WhiteEaglePL said:

Ahem. You just got another enemy. (and yes it's allowed as long as it's not before update point. )



As long as it is before the update point. 

-Fox damn it just die

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fox has been eliminated



Clyde32 said:
fox has been eliminated

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NNID: FrequentFlyer54

uran10 said:
Clyde32 said:
fox has been eliminated

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Who would you want in the top 10?