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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo Illuminati Confirmed



I believe it. 109 45.80%
Conspiracy crap! 128 53.78%

I bet there's not a whole lot of people here that are aware of the fact that Illuminati was really just an organisation who's goal was to spread knowledge to the world. That's why they're called Illuminati, it basically means 'Enlighten'. The only reason people think they have something to do with the devil is because the church condemned them and claimed that they were devil worshippers (Y'know, because church hates science, especially 17th and 18th century church). And ofcourse conspiracy theorists gobbled it all up, and exagarated it until it became what it 'is' today.

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o_O.Q said:
curl-6 said:

If the evidence was really so overwhelming, it would be commonly accepted knowledge. Coverups this extensive are not workable.

and that attitude is why its still a coverup

i told someone earlier that he's allowing general consensus to determine his opinion

the same applies here

evidence is presented and without really considering it people just go well my authority figures, peers, friends, family etc all think something else

and as a result they go on believing what the grouping they're associated with believe

People talk, people mess up, secrets slip, files are stolen, leaked, hacked. A coverup of this magnitude in today's world is about as plausible as a meteorite falling on my head before I finish posting this.

And actually, my beliefs differ from the majority of those I am associated with, friends and family.

curl-6 said:
o_O.Q said:
curl-6 said:

If the evidence was really so overwhelming, it would be commonly accepted knowledge. Coverups this extensive are not workable.

and that attitude is why its still a coverup

i told someone earlier that he's allowing general consensus to determine his opinion

the same applies here

evidence is presented and without really considering it people just go well my authority figures, peers, friends, family etc all think something else

and as a result they go on believing what the grouping they're associated with believe

People talk, people mess up, secrets slip, files are stolen, leaked, hacked. A coverup of this magnitude in today's world is about as plausible as a meteorite falling on my head before I finish posting this.

And actually, my beliefs differ from the majority of those I am associated with, friends and family.

ok that is your conclusion i respect that

edit: i should mention though  that people have talked and evidence has slipped out

but the reason we don't hear about some things on the media is further down the rabbit hole also

if someone finds themselves unable to come to grips with what happened here i suppose that me saying something like

most popular mainstream media being owned and controlled by a handful of corporations would be even more incredible to consider so i won't go any further

o_O.Q said:
curl-6 said:

People talk, people mess up, secrets slip, files are stolen, leaked, hacked. A coverup of this magnitude in today's world is about as plausible as a meteorite falling on my head before I finish posting this.

And actually, my beliefs differ from the majority of those I am associated with, friends and family.

ok that is your conclusion i respect that

edit: i should mention though  that people have talked and evidence has slipped out

but the reason we don't hear about some things on the media is further down the rabbit hole also

if someone finds themselves unable to come to grips with what happened here i suppose that me saying something like

most popular mainstream media being owned and controlled by a handful of corporations would be even more incredible to consider so i won't go any further

That's not incredible at all. Money talks, and so do corporate sponsers. I'd just contend that it's not a "handful", its a multitude.

Conspiracy theories: because shadowy organizations that have run the world in secret for centuries just can't resist putting clues on major public monuments and every note of currency ever printed.

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These comments are hilarious

curl-6 said:

That's not incredible at all. Money talks, and so do corporate sponsers. I'd just contend that it's not a "handful", its a multitude.

lol well either that or you're being deceived 

one or the other

padib said:
o_O.Q said:

and that attitude is why its still a coverup

i told someone earlier that he's allowing general consensus to determine his opinion

the same applies here

evidence is presented and without really considering it people just go well my authority figures, peers, friends, family etc all think something else

and as a result they go on believing what the grouping they're associated with believe


an example i'll give of this happening elsewhere is religion i'm not an atheist and don't hate religion just adding that for context

but anyway clearly there can only be one true religion while the others must be frauds but yet all of them coexist to this day

and most people who are in them don't even bother taking the time to investigate into the origins of their religion

they just keep believing it because of what their authority figures, peers, family, friends etc tell them


its the same exact thing imo its group phychology being used against people

its scary generally for people to step outside groupings and think about things independently and personally i think that fear is being used here to great effect

just my personal opinion

Yes this is pure truth.


this video goes into how they've made this a science

I did watch the video about building 7 and what caught my attention was that it housed oxygen systems and diesel generators for the rest of the interconnected complex...who can say "fuel"

Does anyone know exactly where these generators and fuel were located inside building 7? Seems like oxygen rich air lines would be a perfect conduit for fire and you would have to have fuel on hand to run the generators. If these blew around one of the central supports in say the basement could it not result in the same demolition like effect? Just a theory.