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Forums - Sales Discussion - iSuppli: WTF? Part Deux

@ darconi

Sony also said that Rumble was "last gen".

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No only that, they have about 2 million Wii's unaccounted for in 2007.

Every time I see an iSupply article, I keep looking for the Sony Defense Force Approved logo... Seriously, are these guys even taken seriously by anybody? And if they are, why are they being taken seriously at all when they seem to believe that sales can somehow literally reverse?

Sky Render - Sanity is for the weak.

DMeisterJ said:
@ darconi

Sony also said that Rumble was "last gen".

 And that adds absolutely nothing to the argument.  Sony will cut prices only if they have to and they won't if they're winning like its being predicted.

FishyJoe said:


I would just like to point out that this graph fails. Hard. Not only are the 2007 end year sales for the Wii incorrect, but they also think it will only sell 10 million this year (well, 12 if you go by their 2007 totals), and then 360 and Wii owners will return their consoles in massive amounts, resulting in negative sales.

Ummm. Yeah. 

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@ darconi

No, it goes to say that Sony has said a lot of things, and has lied multiple times, not saying this is, but anything they say should be taken with a grain of salt. If sales were to drop, Sony'd launch into a price drop faster than you could blink your eyes.

DMeisterJ said:
@ darconi

No, it goes to say that Sony has said a lot of things, and has lied multiple times, not saying this is, but anything they say should be taken with a grain of salt. If sales were to drop, Sony'd launch into a price drop faster than you could blink your eyes.

 Um, that's the point exactly.  The quote from Sony was that they aren't dropping prices since sales are doing well right now.  iSuppli is projecting the PS3 to increase its sale and win.  They're not going to cut its prices if its winning in the same way the wii is not going to cut its price in the short term.  

Stever89 said:
FishyJoe said:


I would just like to point out that this graph fails. Hard. Not only are the 2007 end year sales for the Wii incorrect, but they also think it will only sell 10 million this year (well, 12 if you go by their 2007 totals), and then 360 and Wii owners will return their consoles in massive amounts, resulting in negative sales.

Ummm. Yeah. 

I'd just like to point out that even with the crappy Wii estimates, it's 2010 total actually beats out PS3's 2011 total.  Then it somehow does that amazing negative sales thing.

Even if you believe that the PS3 is going to outsell the Wii every year including this year, do you believe that sales are going to be less than 5 million units in 2010? This is not only a slap in the face to 360 and Wii, but PS3 as well. According to them, there is going to be a major console recession starting in 2010.


SDF: We ISuppli

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