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I really don't get all the uproar. People are making it seem like Jizz is being forced out by mods. I would get it if the solution was banning the account and making him create a new one since that does suck and it is kind of unfair to him, but he's being offered a name change so the only thing that will change is his NSFW name. A lot of networks and websites would outright delete your account if people complain about your name and they found it offensive. The fact that he's being offered a name change is proof that mods do care about him and the community.

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Mr.Playstation said:
JayWood2010 said:

Nobody is forcing him to leave.  Thats his choice.  Mods have nothing to do with that

Wood does also have a bad meaning, would you like if that was also changed if the mods started becoming harsher on this.


For all we know, Jay's last name may be Wood.

Where as Jizz had a name that made it quite clear he meant sperm :P

Einsam_Delphin said:

How exactly can you just accept this, that the mods can do whatever they want without a single care in the world for the community. I mean this very thread can be seen as trolling the userbase, what with it asking for our opinions despite having no meaning to them. Dictatorship in any and all forms are bad, especially here considering this site only exist because of the community, so it's just appalling that they think they can abuse it. I'm sure most here don't care enough/aren't aware so they'll stay for now, but I wont be continuing to support such a backwards site.

Out of all people on this site im kind of surprised to see this guided at me.  I certainly have my problems with this site and mod decisions and ive been very vocal about them.  This just isnt one of them. Sorry.


Einsam_Delphin said:
JayWood2010 said:

Mostly everything is influenced in some shape or form.  But you should take responsibility in your own decisions.  He is upset, but now he can either get over it and move on or leave.  Thats up to him. 

How exactly can you just accept this, that the mods can do whatever they want without a single care in the world for the community. I mean this very thread can be seen as trolling the userbase, what with it asking for our opinions despite having no meaning to them. Dictatorship in any and all forms are bad, especially here considering this site only exist because of the community, so it's just appalling that they think they can abuse it. I'm sure most here don't care enough/aren't aware so they'll stay for now, but I wont be continuing to support such a backwards site.

You know how companies take surveys for their products? It's the same thing if you think about it. Just because we give our opinions doesn't mean the mods or even admins have to agree with them. Sometimes people might point out certain things that will convince the mods to reconsider their decisions but this thread is certainly not here so that we the community can just tell the mods how to run things.

Ka-pi96 said:
DexInDaJungle said:

For all we know, Jay's last name may be Wood.

Where as Jizz had a name that made it quite clear he meant sperm :P

Actually, if you know the story behind Jizz's name then you'd know it actually meant milk


Alright, I'm not sure if this is actually true since I don't personally know him but when you first read his name, is the first thing you think of milk?

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JayWood2010 said:
Einsam_Delphin said:

How exactly can you just accept this, that the mods can do whatever they want without a single care in the world for the community. I mean this very thread can be seen as trolling the userbase, what with it asking for our opinions despite having no meaning to them. Dictatorship in any and all forms are bad, especially here considering this site only exist because of the community, so it's just appalling that they think they can abuse it. I'm sure most here don't care enough/aren't aware so they'll stay for now, but I wont be continuing to support such a backwards site.

Out of all people on this site im kind of surprised to see this guided at me.  I certainly have my problems with this site and mod decisions and ive been very vocal about them.  This just isnt one of them. Sorry.

You've had problems with the way the mods do things, yet when the ultimate possible issue arises, you don't care? Well to each their own I guess!


Also, I am not a fan of the decision (at all), but I don't think it is fair to antagonize the mods so much.

Listen how about we make a thread, which consists of everyone who is against Jizz having his name changed writing down his name. If the mods then don't back down everyone who wrote down their name logs out and doesn't log in until the mods agree. If we get enough active members we'll end up winning.


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morenoingrato said:


Also, I am not a fan of the decision (at all), but I don't think it is fair to antagonize the mods so much.

I agree with this. Both parties have presented their passionate viewpoints and they both make sense. Now to move on. It is upto Pirate now if he wants to stay here with a new name of his choice. Just like here, i would be okay with either decision he makes.


Ka-pi96 said:
gergroy said:

Nope, because it isnt a bad rule and makes sense.  I dont necro bump threads, so that rule didnt affect me but I still argued that it was dumb until it was changed. 


My point is people aren't upset at the rule as much as jizz threatening to leave because of it.  

I remember people complaining about this 'rule' before Jizz even came in to it. I was one of them...


Yeah, that was also before the mods gained the ability to change usernames.  Seriously, if jizz wasnt upset about it, would you care since people dont lose their acounts anymore?  It is not an unreasonable request to ask jizz to change is his name, and he is upset about more than just the name change.