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Forums - Gaming Discussion - gamrConnect Most Wanted: October 2014 Results!

Michael-5 said:
JEMC said:
Michael-5 said:

For colours, you want PS4/PS3 to be Orange/Red, multiplatform titles to be gray and PC yellow? What colour should I use for PC/Console exclusives (something Microsoft is notorious for). I want to keep them separate, but I don't want them the same colour as regular multi-platform games. Sounds good, I'll change it for next month, and possibly make PS4 red and PS3 orange (since PS3 won't be around as long).

Given that we won't agree on where the points will go (I see your point, though) I'll go to the other things.

It's not that I "want" the colous to be that way, it's only a suggestion. You can use the ones you like althought I still think that grey should go with multiplatform games: it doesn't make sense to give them a specific colour as they don't have a specific platform, but since they can't be left white as that could be confusing, grey is the best option. Again, at least for me.

The 360/X1/PC situation will fade soon, as less and less games appear for the 360 so it's not something worth thinking about. The same is true for PS3/PS4 games. It's just that searching for that brown when those games had only 1 vote, seemed like a waste of time. Just list the platform they were voted.

Michael-5 said:

How did you make that pie chart in a pie chart? I also felt the graph was a bit cluttered, but I had a lot of work to submit on the same day as Most Wanted, and I didn't want people to wait. I think I'll likely just do your suggestion about restricting it to 2%+, but for consoles, since there are only 8 platforms (PS3, PS4, Vita, 360, XB1, 3DS, WiiU, PC), I'll keep them all, even if something like 360 only accounts for 0.1%.

It's an option in Excel (I have Excel 2007), simple as that.

Oh, and it's ok to list all the platforms, that's why I didn't mention it.

No I agree with you about colours, I already changed them for November. Just a question, what do you think is best for XB1/PC exclusives? I still want to separate the colours, even if people didn't vote for the PC platform because if gives a reader a quick glance at what's really exclusive. I guess now that 360's gone, I can just make them light green right?

As for the graph, I use Ubuntu, so it's not as simple. If excel can do it, so can Ubuntu, but by Ubuntu is old so maybe not. I'll fiddle around, but I don't want to add needless work, so I'll probably just make the cut off 2%.

What about genres? The big issue with genres is that so many games are Miscellaneous, or niche (like Adventure). I mean what's Pheonic Wright? What about a Digital Novel? No Man's Sky? Do you think my genres are acceptable, or should I also make a cut off at 2% (Simulation would rarely make +2%).

I wouldn't put too much time trying to find a colour for each situation: XboxOne_dark green; Xbox360_light green; PC (you won't have to use it much with MSoft)_yellow ; a MSoft game that launches on two or more of those platforms_the olive green you use. No need to find a new colour for the extremely low situations where a MSoft game will launch on 3 platforms.

The same is true... or would be true for Sony and Nintendo if they launched a game on more than 2 platforms. You already have that dark orange in the case of Sony and for Nintendo you could go with a darker blue or some kind of purple.


The genre debate is one that has no good or bad answers. Each people will have an opinion. For example Zelda. Is it an RPG or an ActionRPG? Or is it an Adventure game or an Action-Adventure game? No answer is entirely wrong nor correct.

Because of that, try to find a set of genres that cover most of the games (there will always be THAT game that won't fit in any category) and call it a day. You could even make a thread and ask us about it: ask how many genres do we think exist, name a few and also what genres aren't really genres but variations of others.

Please excuse my bad English.

Currently gaming on a PC with an i5-4670k@stock (for now), 16Gb RAM 1600 MHz and a GTX 1070

Steam / Live / NNID : jonxiquet    Add me if you want, but I'm a single player gamer.

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JEMC said:

I wouldn't put too much time trying to find a colour for each situation: XboxOne_dark green; Xbox360_light green; PC (you won't have to use it much with MSoft)_yellow ; a MSoft game that launches on two or more of those platforms_the olive green you use. No need to find a new colour for the extremely low situations where a MSoft game will launch on 3 platforms.

The same is true... or would be true for Sony and Nintendo if they launched a game on more than 2 platforms. You already have that dark orange in the case of Sony and for Nintendo you could go with a darker blue or some kind of purple.


The genre debate is one that has no good or bad answers. Each people will have an opinion. For example Zelda. Is it an RPG or an ActionRPG? Or is it an Adventure game or an Action-Adventure game? No answer is entirely wrong nor correct.

Because of that, try to find a set of genres that cover most of the games (there will always be THAT game that won't fit in any category) and call it a day. You could even make a thread and ask us about it: ask how many genres do we think exist, name a few and also what genres aren't really genres but variations of others.

I'll probably just make XB1/360/PC and XB1/PC olive green. PS4/PC will use the same colour as PS4/PS3.

Zelda is Action Adventure.....Adventure is mostly for non-combat style exploration games and Zelda has a well defined combat system. It's not an RPG because there is no leveling.

If people complain about genre's though I'm open to change them.

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Vote for the March Most Wanted / February Results

Smash 1, Zelda 2... Good stuff! Bayonetta is really high on that list, I am hoping for a 150k opening for the US...


3DS code: 1289-8222-7215

NNid: Menx064

Nice work, minion of Salnax!

Interesting results: across all the platforms we VGCharters can say we are quite a fine bunch of gamers with good and varied tastes.
Even more interesting the Wii U domination: given current sales, Wii U VGCharters will be entitled to say they are a significant part of them!

Stwike him, Centuwion. Stwike him vewy wuffly! (Pontius Pilate, "Life of Brian")
A fart without stink is like a sky without stars.
TGS, Third Grade Shooter: brand new genre invented by Kevin Butler exclusively for Natal WiiToo Kinect. PEW! PEW-PEW-PEW! 

Alby_da_Wolf said:
Nice work, minion of Salnax!

Interesting results: across all the platforms we VGCharters can say we are quite a fine bunch of gamers with good and varied tastes.
Even more interesting the Wii U domination: given current sales, Wii U VGCharters will be entitled to say they are a significant part of them!

PS4 is putting up a good fight for November, right now I have PS4 taking only 1.4% of a smaller market share then WiiU and given that PS voters tend to vote later in the month....WiiU might not be the #1 platform. PS4 is at 35.2% where WiiU is at 36.6%. WiiU probably won't lead come December.

What is with all the hate? Don't read GamrReview Articles. Contact me to ADD games to the Database
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