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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Mafia Round 70 - Smash Brothers - Wahahaha! Wario Wins! (And Mafia Too I Guess...)

A light opening theme began as daybreak arrived, rising to a crescendo  the longer it went on. The halls were bustling with technicians and crew members, people carrying boxes of coffee and breakfast pastries. The complex rumbled with the pitter patter of busy feet.

Scrambles lifted his head off the desk, a post-it note stuck to his brow. He crossed his eyes to see what it read but couldn’t make it out.
“what a late night. I’m gunna have to take a nap later.”
Things were already going badly, he remembered as he peeled the note from his forehead.
A scientist had approached him late last night to tell him that a participant had mysteriously disappeared without a trace, but  Scrambles was too tired (and drunk) to make any sense of it.
He stared at the note as his eyes adjusted to the daylight shining in through the massive window behind him.
“So, WhiteEagle has disappeared? What does that even mean?”
He sent for his receptionist to contact the scientist for more info, but she informed him that it probably wouldn’t be very helpful. Apparently she had been there last night as the man visited and Scrambles had been in such a mood because the scientist had no answers for him.

“Ok, well, thanks anyway. When does the next match start?”
“Oh, right now!”, she said chipperly
He looked at his watch. “NOON?!?”
“Why didn’t you wake me up?”
“Well I tried to but you started throwing trophies everywhere so I left you alone. Oh, and DK is on line one, he wants to know why he didn’t get an invite”
“Nevermind that. We’ve got work to do.” He rose and threw his coat on in a dramatic fashion and stormed out, still not wearing any pants.

WhiteEaglePL has disappeared during the night
Day 2 Start

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Hyliansoldier is clean, according to my flavor.

I would start the day by examining those who voted against me or anyone who backed padib, other than Hylian.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

So who was he? Or do we not find out?

Yesterday's count, just to preserve it

5) Mr Khan - HylianSwordsman, spurgeonryan, padib, Astrogamer, Smeags
(8) Padib - Mr Khan, Radishhead, WhiteEaglePL, Noctis_NoX, Clyde32, Nickelsbe, Conegamer, impertinence

(5) Extension (Needs 9 votes) - Stefl1504, Nickles, Noctis_NoX, impertinence, WhiteEaglePL
(3) Not Voting - Yoshiya, EricFabian, Stefl1504

Smeags moved at the last second, but it notably didn't count.

I'd say it puts suspicion back on Astrogamer and Spurgeonryan.

We should get a poke for EricFabian, too.

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Mr Khan said:
Yesterday's count, just to preserve it

5) Mr Khan - HylianSwordsman, spurgeonryan, padib, Astrogamer, Smeags
(8) Padib - Mr Khan, Radishhead, WhiteEaglePL, Noctis_NoX, Clyde32, Nickelsbe, Conegamer, impertinence

(5) Extension (Needs 9 votes) - Stefl1504, Nickles, Noctis_NoX, impertinence, WhiteEaglePL
(3) Not Voting - Yoshiya, EricFabian, Stefl1504

Smeags moved at the last second, but it notably didn't count.

I'd say it puts suspicion back on Astrogamer and Spurgeonryan.

We should get a poke for EricFabian, too.

We also need to look at who Padib defended.

Around the Network

WhiteEaglePL disappeared? That sounds unusual...


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

WhiteEagle's gone?

Oh no! What will we ever do now?


Hey, that's not fair! I totally tried to switch votes to get immunity! It's the thought that counts...

WhiteEagle but no character?



theprof00 said:

Final Vote Count:

(5) Mr Khan - HylianSwordsman, spurgeonryan, padib, Astrogamer, Smeags
(8) Padib - Mr Khan, Radishhead, WhiteEaglePL, Noctis_NoX, Clyde32, Nickelsbe, Conegamer, impertinence

(5) Extension (Needs 9 votes) - Stefl1504, Nickles, Noctis_NoX, impertinence, WhiteEaglePL
(3) Not Voting - Yoshiya, EricFabian, Stefl1504

With 16 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.

PM (or please) the mods if there's an issue with the vote count.
Vote counts can be found easily by searching for the word "votals" on a page. All players please do not use the same word. Instead, feel free to use the phrase "vote count" or "vote total".

Padib has been lynched. Flavor to come soon.

The bolded people should be looked into first. Khan can you please paraphrase the pm you recieved clearing Hylian? I think first person that should be looked into is smeags. His joking and sillyness is very different than my first game with him when he was town and his jokes in the beginning of Day1 caused confusion and lead to what may have been white claiming he was a doctor, he also tried to take night protection at the last moment. Of course we should also consider that white was killed in order to try and frame smeags since smeags and padib seemed quite buddy buddy day 1.

I just want to say GJ to Khan, Raddish, white and Noctis and even clyde for seeing Padibs scummyness. I believed he was scummy from his interaction with Raddish and with white, then when he fell for my trap here it pretty much confirmed it for me here and here Cone and Imp thank you for using good logic and voting for padib as well. All those that voted for padib I am strongly thingking are town. Noctis being a fan of Hatzoma may be mafia and simply voted for a team mate but I find it highly unlikly this early in game. Our best place to start is on those who voted for khan or didn't vote at all.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

Smeags said:
WhiteEagle's gone?

Oh no! What will we ever do now?


Hey, that's not fair! I totally tried to switch votes to get immunity! It's the thought that counts...


All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

Interesting how they say White just disappeared. Going to guess it's just fancy flavor but it may mean scum did't get off the kill.
Anyhow, the reason I decided between Padib and Khan was that the other people up on the chopping board seemed less suspicious and did't really have much of a vote. Seeing how they reacted one of them was scum but I couldn't clearly tell. My gut felt that Khan was the liar at the time and my gut was wrong that time. Even if he hadn't claimed, from the lynch I could tell their alignments.

My Hummingbird

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