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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Mafia Round 70 - Smash Brothers - Wahahaha! Wario Wins! (And Mafia Too I Guess...)

Smeags said:

Vote: padib

Wow Smeags. You're really hurting the Beautiful Unique Flower over here


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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HylianSwordsman said:
Mr Khan said:
I've said my peace, basically. Appearance of scumminess on my part is due more or less to me just trying to evoke a reaction during slow play.

I've made my claim, and put that target on my back.

Padib's made no claim and started with a revenge-vote, and hasn't really made much of a claim on himself or others. He's taking a very low-risk strategy so far.

WELL YOU SUCK AT IT! Seriously, why did you go after the active person to provoke a reaction? Why did you take your vote off Astro over basically nothing? Appearance of scumminess on your part is the scummy way in which you did everything, including how you went about provoking reactions. Your self-fulfilling prophecy "reaction evoking" votes were made on Astro, who had just started actually posting and who of course continued to post, ignoring you, and then you vote me, because of course the active, aggressive guy is going to respond. You voted me so you could be like "see? He (the active aggressive guy) reacted aggressivly! Scum!"

You've helped me greatly in not tunnelling by mistake and I appreciate that. I think you might be tunneling now. I'm not saying you are wrong, just that events have changed. He may very well be a cop like role. We are 1 vote away from answers. You can test khan tonight, help me prove my ability, switch to padib, if padib is town khan may very well be scum and Noctis may be scum as well.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

Conegamer said:

Wow Smeags. You're really hurting the Beautiful Unique Flower over here

I win. Give me prize now.

Smeags said:

Vote: padib

your not getting protected tonight :( but imp is. If there is a doctor I suggest you protect smeags or me.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

Dammit. I was hoping once one more vote got on Nickles, he'd change his vote to Khan so the votes would either be tied if he was lying, or one ahead for khan if he was telling the truth. There goes that idea.

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(5) Mr Khan - HylianSwordsman, spurgeonryan, padib, Astrogamer, Smeags
(8) Padib - Mr Khan, Radishhead, WhiteEaglePL, Noctis_NoX, Clyde32, Nickelsbe, Conegamer, impertinence

(5) Extension (Needs 9 votes) - Stefl1504, Nickles, Noctis_NoX, impertinence, WhiteEaglePL
(3) Not Voting - Yoshiya, EricFabian, Stefl1504

With 16 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.

Countdown to Night 1:

PM (or please) the mods if there's an issue with the vote count.
Vote counts can be found easily by searching for the word "votals" on a page. All players please do not use the same word. Instead, feel free to use the phrase "vote count" or "vote total".

Signature goes here!

no more posting

Final Vote Count:

(5) Mr Khan - HylianSwordsman, spurgeonryan, padib, Astrogamer, Smeags
(8) Padib - Mr Khan, Radishhead, WhiteEaglePL, Noctis_NoX, Clyde32, Nickelsbe, Conegamer, impertinence

(5) Extension (Needs 9 votes) - Stefl1504, Nickles, Noctis_NoX, impertinence, WhiteEaglePL
(3) Not Voting - Yoshiya, EricFabian, Stefl1504

With 16 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.

PM (or please) the mods if there's an issue with the vote count.
Vote counts can be found easily by searching for the word "votals" on a page. All players please do not use the same word. Instead, feel free to use the phrase "vote count" or "vote total".

Padib has been lynched. Flavor to come soon.

Hundreds of feet underground, metal gears were turning and engines blew off steam while the turbines flexed and pumped. Scrambles was in his hard hat trying to get an answer from the lead engineer about the safety protocols of the various equipment.
-“WHY ISN’T IT FIXED?”, Scrambles demanded.
-“FANTASMA”, the lead engineer yelled back.
Scrambles looked at him puzzled.
Scrambles’ look did not change.
The engineer shrugged, his clipboard held out with notes and check-marks scrawled along the surface.
A steam horn suddenly let off a wail, and the two covered their ears. Suddenly the engineer took off hurredly.
“WHAT’S GOING ON”, Scrambles inquired.
“PROBLEM”, the engineer said, pointing upward. “OUTSIDE”
They entered the elevator at the end of the hall. Some jazzy accoutrement greeted them.
The engineer held his hand to his ear and listened intently.
He turned, “seems like the porta-potties have an issue. One isn’t opening and someone is trapped inside”.
*BING* The door chimed open, and they quickly grabbed a scooter. Upon arriving at the scene  they could see some crew members by the lavatory in question. A man in a white lab coat lifted the taping for them to move under and guided them over.
An impending sense of dread began building.
“This is bad”, he thought.
Scrambles rushed ahead, straight toward the now slightly ajar door.
“carefu-“, the man in the coat said before Scrambles threw open the door.
Piles upon piles of nude magazines flowed out like an overstuffed closet threatening to knock his balance.
Sticking out of the top of the pile, was a head attached to a half buried body. An old head… Wearing a bandana, and a smile.
A worker nearby made a sign of the cross.


Solid Snake has been lynched. He was mafia Ninja.
Impertinence receives protection for the night for his hammer vote.

Night 1 begins now. PM me any actions you choose to take.
Day 2 begins in roughly 47 hours