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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Mafia Round 70 - Smash Brothers - Wahahaha! Wario Wins! (And Mafia Too I Guess...)

Stefl1504 said:
radishhead said:
I guess I had better put my money where my mouth is!

Vote: Padib

can I hear your opinion on the remaining two votable players, same scale again pls

Spurge: 3/10 - I think he's genuinely trying to help town with a lot of actual groundbreaking analysis (as opposed to analysis which just covers more of the same ground that has already been discussed). He's been pretty aggressive on defending himself, but that's what he always does so I don't find that suspicious. 

Khan: 4/10: I guess I lean more towards town with Khan than I do Mafia, because of some of the posts that I've seen him make  - generally the players seemhappy to let him do some posting and otherwise not pay too much attention to him. Maybe I'll study him closer in the future, but I don't think that's a priority for Day 1 since there are other more useful targets.

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spurgeonryan said:
Plus I have been on my wii U the whole time I have been playing. Going back and forth reading past posts and quoting is a pain. So not knowing my votal and stuff is understandable.
I wonder if he knew the actual votal?

What do you think of the others on the block other than khan?

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

spurgeonryan said:
HylianSwordsman said:
Nicklesbe said:

You make a point to say khan and Astro are team mates. If Astro is his team mate he would likely say there is no suspicion on khan and that you were wrong. I did read your analyses. I did not respond to it because I am watching others and gathering notes. I do agree with it. More evidence for it would be khan voting for padib, giving white a free pass once again and seemingly ignoring spurg that is also very suspicious and playing like he did last game.

So you're saying you thought there wasn't much suspicion on Khan because my argument draws on Astro being his team mate? There were other things in there as well, like the claim building flavor posts reminiscent of the FE game, the low contributions for most of the game, and the early defense of White's doctor fishing.

His interactions with Astro and me could be seen as scummy even independent of Astro being on his team. Whether he was distancing with his scum buddy or not, there was no interaction between the two over Khan's vote on Astro, and Astro did nothing impressive to warrant removing the vote, nor does it even seem like Astro acted because of Khan's vote. Astro had already appeared before Khan's vote, so it's not like Khan even got him to move. The whole vote and unvote seems meaningless and empty. Not much reason to vote, not much reason to unvote, no interaction between voter and voted like you usually see with votes made to get a reaction. And regardless of what you think about the non-playable character argument, I had good reason to think it was a stupid argument, and I had good logic with Astro. We might have a non-playable character with Master Hand, but to assume such without knowing and to suggest even items might be in the game is uncalled for and defies Occam's razor, simply adding to confusion. So to suggest that Astro casting suspicion on me over a gut feeling against me for calling out his poor logic is actually the best reasoning in the game? That's scummy, whether he's on Astro's team or not. He's uncomfortable with my aggressive strategy, just as we were uncomfortable with prof, and was looking for a way to get at me. He may also have been defending a teammate, if Astro is his scum mate, which I suspect may be true. But still, it's scummy either way. And the stuff you pointed out is also scummy regardless of who his teammates are.

Your interaction with spurge was really interesting though. I say it's only fair we do oblige spurge and avoid hammering until tomorrow when he returns, because it's in our best interest to get the most out of this. However, I'm thinking he might be a good second choice. He really doesn't seem to be paying attention to the thread at all. Voting time limit when it does nothing at this point, actually falling for Noctis' "you have three votes on you!" even after you called it that he didn't at the time, flat out plugging another thread as though he knows he'll be leaving this one soon, all sorts of things point to that. Between that and the panic that looks just like last game's panic, he's probably scum too.

By the way, I'm sure you know this, but be on the lookout for people who change how they play now that they're not vulnerable.

You can't be serious? There is no panic and was none last game either. My time limit vote was a joke vote off smeags vote, the thread plug means nothing. 


You seem to be paying attention, but not enough to understand what is going on? Are you reading or just skimming? Also, sorry I came into the thread days after it started. Did we crucify khan last game for not reading or re-reading the thread? No.


Being my first time with you and nickles, I must say you two play very strange. Your either scum messing with me which I have had beford, or I just do not get your playstyles at all. By the firste time I mean the first game I died day one and second game you both died day one, so I have realy no experience with the two of you.


Two players hard to read. Smeags plays the same each time. Goofy. ConeyG is always busy. 


Stefl always plays the authoritive role.

Anyways, @hylian.


What do you like being more? Town or scum?

I like being town more. Scum has more info, but you spend the whole time thinking about how you're coming across, which sucks. Much less of that with town, so you can go all out. I only barely got started last game, but I wanted to be aggressive. Now I'm finally getting the chance. It's probably going to get me killed, but it feels more natural to me. I also just really like investigating and slowly figuring out who's town and who's not, so scum sucks in that regard too. You can't contribute much or you might help town.

But you're right, no one has really seen me in action as town yet. If you recall in the dead thread, I didn't want scum in, and I was really aggressive there too, so much that it was awkward when scum finally came. I'm just naturally an aggressive player. I promise I'm reading every word, not skimming. As others have said, you're hard to read. If that somehow wasn't panic, you managed to convince me that it was. Might want to take into account that you made at least me and Nickles think you were panicking, and watch how you sound while defending yourself. Honestly, the best reason I have to think you're town right now is the sheer number of people vouching for you that this is your typical play. And yes, you came in days after the thread started. I on the other hand was reading the thread as soon as I found out about it. I suggested the flavor in the first place and was really excited for it.

I appreciate your insight on other players though. I agree, Smeags seems to always be somewhat goofy, and now he's being extremely goofy. Cone is busy a lot. Stefl I have no idea about, but you say he plays an authoritative role? I wonder if anyone else can verify that.

So am I not allowed to be busy? I do apologise but I've been trying my best to post here and keep up


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Vote: Votals please.

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Conegamer said:
So am I not allowed to be busy? I do apologise but I've been trying my best to post here and keep up

No you're allowed to be busy. I wasn't suspecting you for it, just saying it's true. I think spurge was too.

(3) Mr Khan - HylianSwordsman, spurgeonryan, padib
(3) spurgeonryan - NoCtiS_NoX, stefl1504, Smeags
(2) Padib - Mr Khan, Radishhead

(3) Extension (Needs 9 votes) - Stefl1504, Nickles, Noctis_NoX
(8) Not Voting - Astrogamer, WhiteEaglePL, impertinence,  Conegamer, Yoshiya, EricFabian, Clyde32, Nickelsbe

With 16 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.

Countdown to Night 1:

Please the mods if there's an issue with the vote count.
Vote counts can be found easily by searching for the word "votals" on a page. All players please do not use the same word. Instead, feel free to use the phrase "vote count" or "vote total".

Conegamer said:
Ugh, theprof00 is going to be angry with some of you guys. Not voting at the end of the post, and not voting for one of the four allowed.

Got to run to a lecture but will post further thoughts shortly.

I wouldn't worry about TheProf... he's a total weezebag!

Miss Kitty on the other hand... *shivers*

And because I'm a jerk...

Vote: Timelimit

Oh, and yeah, if Stefl feels a time extention will help, he should have one

vote Timeextention

vote extension , vote Padib