1) Final Fantasy XV (PS4)
2) Tales of Zestiria (PS3)
3) Persona 5 (PS3)
4) Tales of Hearts R (PSV)
5) Freedom Wars (PSV)
1) Final Fantasy XV (PS4)
2) Tales of Zestiria (PS3)
3) Persona 5 (PS3)
4) Tales of Hearts R (PSV)
5) Freedom Wars (PSV)
dharh said: 1) Final Fantasy XV (PS4) 2) Tales of Zestiria (PS3) 3) Persona 5 (PS3) 4) Tales of Hearts R (PSV) 5) Freedom Wars (PSV) |
1) Final Fantasy XV (PS4)
2) Tales of Zestiria (PS3)
3) Persona 5 (PS3)
4) Tales of Hearts R (PSV)
5) EverQuest Next (PC)
Freedom Wars is releasing at the end of October. Might as well put EQN in its permanent spot at 5th.
My opinion from 3 days ago hasn't changed all that much, but I'm gonna add the Witcher this time because I want to see more about the game, it actually looks interesting.
1. Zelda U (Wii U)
2. Super Smash bros. for Wii U (Wii U)
3. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (PS4)
4. Xenoblade Chronicles X (Wii U)
5. The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (PC)
Lyrics: He He He He Ha Ha Ha!
1. Far Cry 4
2. Uncharted 4
3. Dying Light
4. The Order 1886
5. Tom Clancy's The Division
All for PS4
JEMC said:
A PC game, but not a PS4 game Besides, I'm not a Nintendo fan. If my memory serves me right, I was classified as a Nintendo Puppy by Rol on that thread he made some time ago. |
Well you are a Nintendo fan, XenoBlade and Zelda are on your list. You're just not a fanboy, but not everyone who likes Nintendo is.
Zisbest said: My opinion from 3 days ago hasn't changed all that much, but I'm gonna add the Witcher this time because I want to see more about the game, it actually looks interesting. |
I'll make sure not to message you for a month then if this is too frequent for you.
992 Points & 329 Votes - This is about 80% of the votes we had for October.....in 4 days Keep it up (PS4 might overtake WiiU in total points).
What is with all the hate? Don't read GamrReview Articles. Contact me to ADD games to the Database
Vote for the March Most Wanted / February Results
1- Smash Wiiu
2- Xenoblade Chronicals X
3- CaP Toad wiiu
4- Persona Q
5- Pokemon OR/AS
3DS code: 1289-8222-7215
NNid: Menx064
1.Far Cry 4 PS4
2.DA: Inquisition PS4
3.Bloodborne PS4
4.The Order 1886 PS4
5.Until Dawn PS4
1. Uncharted 4: A Thief's End (PS4)
2. Silent Hills (PS4)
3. Bloodborne (PS4)
4. Persona V (PS4)
5. Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain (PS4)
1. Zelda U (Wii U)
2. Xenoblade Chronicles X (Wii U)
3. Smash Bros. (Wii U)
4. Ace Attorney 6 (3DS)
5. Kirby and the Rainbow Curse (Wii U)
Nintendo Network ID: Cheebee 3DS Code: 2320 - 6113 - 9046
AshKetchum1992 said: -Kingdom Hearts HD 2.5 - I'm thinking of getting this just to play KH BBS - PS3 -Pokemon Alpha Sapphire - so far I choose the Sapphire version because I prefer Kyogre over Groudon but it's not sure - 3DS -Xenoblade Chronicles X - WiiU -Tales of Zestiria - I feel this will get a ps4 port in 2016 so I'm not completely sure if I'm gonna buy this on ps3 but I still include the ps3 version in this list - PS3 |
I've changed some things:
1.-Tales of Zestiria - PS3
2.-Pokemon Alpha Sapphire - 3DS
3.-Xenoblade Chronicles X - WiiU
4.-Final Fantasy XV - PS4
5.-Kingodm Hearts HD 2.5 - They f***ing ruined my favorite song of the game (Lazy Afternoons), but I still want to play BBS
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