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Forums - Sony Discussion - The summer at PlayStation

Really makes you appreciate the diversity of games, hell, there aint a (fp) shooter in that list, and they all look awesome

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estebxx said:
is this thread only for games launching on US in 2015? because there are some really good japanese games coming that year and we dont know as of yet if they will come later that year for the west as well.

also why is Driveclub up there? doesnt it comes out like next month?

Nah not for 2015, just anything. I might have forgotten some and I also didn't want the OP to get too big so I left out things like Yakuza Zero, Ys and Disgaea, but you can post them if you want. Driveclub is there because it had trailers shown in the summer and while it's out soon it's not out yet.

DerNebel said:

Nah not for 2015, just anything. I might have forgotten some and I also didn't want the OP to get too big so I left out things like Yakuza Zero, Ys and Disgaea, but you can post them if you want. Driveclub is there because it had trailers shown in the summer and while it's out soon it's not out yet.

yeah those were some of the games that i was thinking of, and yeah i will post some trailers.

More Japanese games that might come out late 2015 or early 2016

God Eater 2 Rage Burst

Yakuza Zero (unlikely since its SEGA but lets keep Hope)

Disgaea 5

Silent Hills. Seriously Kojima... How did you program such trickster gameplay?

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Much wow such games!

100% buy: Rime, Bloodborn, UC4, Persona5 .....
Oh wait maybe i should just mention which im not interested in. Shorter list :P

What's even more amazing is that this list doesn't include much of Sony's 1st parties' games since most haven't announced their projects yet.

P.S. Someone should put up the trailer for Without Memory when it comes out early October. The backstory is really interesting and the screenshots of this game look really good so far.

estebxx said:
vivster said:
Good stuff but aside from WiLD I'm not really excited about any of those. My real excitement belongs to multiplats and certain other exclusives.

im surprised, i thought someone who enjoys anime so much would be interested in Persona.

I'm an anime hipster. I don't like the maistream stuff. I own P4G on Vita but haven't even started it. I tried to watch the anime but got bored to death. There isn't really anything that would get me excited. I always get turned off when I read dungeon crawler.

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vivster said:
platformmaster918 said:

vivster said:
Good stuff but aside from WiLD I'm not really excited about any of those. My real excitement belongs to multiplats and certain other exclusiv

I hate to name call but that is PICKY man lol

Yeah, I get that a lot. It's a rare condition called "taste". I was born with it, so I can't help it :(

Very narrow taste apparently which is what I said.  Oh well I guess the games you do like have all the more attention you can pay to them.  They must feel loved.

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platformmaster918 said:
vivster said:
platformmaster918 said:

vivster said:
Good stuff but aside from WiLD I'm not really excited about any of those. My real excitement belongs to multiplats and certain other exclusiv

I hate to name call but that is PICKY man lol

Yeah, I get that a lot. It's a rare condition called "taste". I was born with it, so I can't help it :(

Very narrow taste apparently which is what I said.  Oh well I guess the games you do like have all the more attention you can pay to them.  They must feel loved.

Indeed. But I wouldn't call it narrow. Just very focused. I got shit to do. No time to play games I'm only midly interested in.

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