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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft Nearing Deal To Purchase Minecraft for $2 Billion CNBC Reports

Wagram said:
Purchasing Mojang for 2b for one IP is retarded. There's no guarantee Minecraft 2 would ever do as much.

Stranger things have happened to companies who don't even offer a tangible "product".


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sweetoothj said:
poklane said:
Soundwave said:
poklane said:

Laughed again

You really think MS won't release a Minecraft 2/3/4? There will be some kind of sequelization (out the ying yang) either that way or in the form of things like Halo Minecraft, Batman Minecraft, Marvel Minecraft, Star Wars Minecraft (like the LEGO games). 

Please tell me, how can you make a sequel to Minecraft worth the purchase? And games like Halo Minecraft would have an awfully small userbase.

They could just drop online support for minecraft1 and force you to buy minecraft 2 essentially.

LOL  Yeah, that's gonna be great for the 55+ million user base along with the companies bad PR issue.

Wagram said:
Purchasing Mojang for 2b for one IP is retarded. There's no guarantee Minecraft 2 would ever do as much.

Everything MS has done in regards to the X1 has been retarded. If this is their gameplan then I'll be honest, the faster they're out of gaming the better. If they're not going to contribute anything, why should I support them?

MoHasanie said:
sweetoothj said:

They could just drop online support for minecraft1 and force you to buy minecraft 2 essentially.

That would just anger people and make them not want to purchase the next game. 

Most of the fanbase is kids, they'll eat up whatever new one comes out if it does so in a timely fashion and if there's enough cool new features. 

Most of the fans also paid like what? $7-$20 for the game? Doubt they'll be too choked for a new version several years later at the same price. 

I'm sorry Billion? Like with a B? For one studio that makes one game? What happens when Minecraft is no longer popular? Uuuhhh... I mean, it would make for a good "win" against Sony but is that really woth it? Will the Xbox One even bring that much in profit this generation?

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

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Sal.Paradise said:
Minecraft 2 exclusively on Windows Phone and XBox 1. Enjoy, bitches!

I think would do more to sink minecraft than it would to help XO or Windows Phone.

"hey, did you hear about Minecraft 2?" 

"No! They're making a new one?!?"

"Yeah it's going to be exclusive to Xbox and windows phone"

"Oh, looks like I'm not getting Minecraft 2."

Bet with Adamblaziken:

I bet that on launch the Nintendo Switch will have no built in in-game voice chat. He bets that it will. The winner gets six months of avatar control over the other user.

Makes sense if they are in planing stages to drop xbox console's and make it into a multi device service on pc tablets phones. M2 exclusive to windows 9 devices for 6 months would move units while eventually hitting the world wide markets and selling what ever it is to sale.

Still 2 freaking billion, for what may be a dud in its second iteration. A massive risk for sure.

Now that I've thought about it I have to say this is kind of stupid, If they were going to spend 2 billion why not on someone like Capcom or something? Or better yet buy a couple studios that actually have more than one game under their belt, or even better yet create new studios and buy current studios. I mean seriously MS this has got to be a dumb move on your part if you let this go through. All you'll do is reaffirm people's fears that you don't know what you're doing right now.

I would be surprised at MS buying it for that amount unless everyone was in agreement that it was worth it. Anything in the billions is still a lot even for Microsoft. Someone on here said they can buy Sony. No they couldn't. Regardless of Sony's debt, they are still a multi-billion dollar conglomerate. Besides, it wouldn't go to an American company like Microsoft.

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