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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Microsoft Nearing Deal To Purchase Minecraft for $2 Billion CNBC Reports

poklane said:

I don't see why you would spend $2billion on Mojang. They made Minecraft and? That's $2billion you could spend on way better things.

Like building more studios.

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MoHasanie said:
fireburn95 said:
2 billion dollars seems a bit low doesnt it? Minecraft alone has surely made about 1-1.5 billion by now. And with the new consoles they're gonna make much more, plus ps3+x360+PC+IOS+Android still sells like hotcakes.
Microsoft looking to buy Mojang - maybe, but I doubt they'd accept. They're a success story in the indie world, and pc players of mc will be pissed as hell

$2bn is much more than I expected. Mojang only reported a profit of $128m in 2013 which isn't that big. In comparison, Take Two which makes GTA, Bioshock, Borderlands and loads of other games has a market cap of $1.87bn. 

Yeah but the big single IP, Minecraft, is definitely worth more than 2 bill, IMO. 
Hell, release a minecraft 2 next year for all platforms for $20 and it'll easily sell millions.
Including DLC and texture packs, & thats on top of 52 mill+ copies already sold for around $15ish.

gooch_destroyer said:
poklane said:

I don't see why you would spend $2billion on Mojang. They made Minecraft and? That's $2billion you could spend on way better things.

Like building more studios.

Or buying studios that actually make games, and not a game and many updates.

Remedy comes to mind.

But yeah investing in current studios seem wiser.

fireburn95 said:
MoHasanie said:
fireburn95 said:
2 billion dollars seems a bit low doesnt it? Minecraft alone has surely made about 1-1.5 billion by now. And with the new consoles they're gonna make much more, plus ps3+x360+PC+IOS+Android still sells like hotcakes.
Microsoft looking to buy Mojang - maybe, but I doubt they'd accept. They're a success story in the indie world, and pc players of mc will be pissed as hell

$2bn is much more than I expected. Mojang only reported a profit of $128m in 2013 which isn't that big. In comparison, Take Two which makes GTA, Bioshock, Borderlands and loads of other games has a market cap of $1.87bn. 

Yeah but the big single IP, Minecraft, is definitely worth more than 2 bill, IMO. 
Hell, release a minecraft 2 next year for all platforms for $20 and it'll easily sell millions.
Including DLC and texture packs, & thats on top of 52 mill+ copies already sold for around $15ish.

Minecraft is big but its not worth more than 2bn. Almost half of those minecraft sales come from mobile where it only costs $6.99. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

2 Billion on Minecraft? come on son.

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poklane said:
Soundwave said:
poklane said:

Laughed again

You really think MS won't release a Minecraft 2/3/4? There will be some kind of sequelization (out the ying yang) either that way or in the form of things like Halo Minecraft, Batman Minecraft, Marvel Minecraft, Star Wars Minecraft (like the LEGO games). 

Please tell me, how can you make a sequel to Minecraft worth the purchase? And games like Halo Minecraft would have an awfully small userbase.

They could just drop online support for minecraft1 and force you to buy minecraft 2 essentially.

sweetoothj said:

They could just drop online support for minecraft1 and force you to buy minecraft 2 essentially.

That would just anger people and make them not want to purchase the next game. 


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

Purchasing Mojang for 2b for one IP is retarded. There's no guarantee Minecraft 2 would ever do as much.

Minecraft 2 exclusively on Windows Phone and XBox 1. Enjoy, bitches!

LOL seriously wtf if true.

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