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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Starcraft Mafia - Game Thread - Concluded

We shall avenge you Nickles! We shall...

Also, I have an immediate HoS for Wonkitonki for his last minute push to get me to vote. I'll be honest, Nickles seemed scummy to me but maybe that's just my inexperience with the game. You've also got to remember that I could have voted for Nickelsbe had I wanted to, thus creating a tie and sparing Astrogamer if I knew he was Mafia. That doesn't happen, though.

What does surprise me is Nickelsbe was killed; had Mafia left him alive then there's a good chance town would have lynched him anyway. That to me suggests a multiple Mafia faction game; one faction felt that Nickelsbe was opposing Mafia and thus felt he was worth targeting. Hylian was low, though as I said above. 

More to come tomorrow (hopefully).


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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So there are more than 2 factions?


Wonktonodi said:
TruckOSaurus said:

If you didn't want Nickles lynched, why were you urging Cone to vote for him then?

1. I had my vote post ready as well as a tab open with the countdown so I wan't worried (little did I know)

2. I wanted to see what he would do

3. I wanted to see if other people would suddenly do something as well.

Were you satisfied with Cone's reaction? 

Signature goes here!

WhiteEaglePL said:
So there are more than 2 factions?


Maybe, possibly, I don't know for sure. But the signs are pointing towards that right now.

Also, on that note would it be possible to know the "powers" of the dead units; WoW? In some capacity at least.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

TruckOSaurus said:
Wonktonodi said:
TruckOSaurus said:

If you didn't want Nickles lynched, why were you urging Cone to vote for him then?

1. I had my vote post ready as well as a tab open with the countdown so I wan't worried (little did I know)

2. I wanted to see what he would do

3. I wanted to see if other people would suddenly do something as well.

Were you satisfied with Cone's reaction? 

I would have actually felt better had he voted for astro, thus making it so no one else could last minute make a tie.

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to expand, he had 3 possible options.
Vote nickle make a tie and have no lynch
leave his vote as is and leave the gap only one vote
Vote astro as increase the gap and reduce chances of another vote changing the results to no lynch
those options are in my consideration listed from least town to most town, he took the neutral option.

Wonktonodi said:
TruckOSaurus said:

Were you satisfied with Cone's reaction? 

I would have actually felt better had he voted for astro, thus making it so no one else could last minute make a tie.

Let's change the subject, how do you feel about Sparks?

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:
Wonktonodi said:
TruckOSaurus said:

Were you satisfied with Cone's reaction? 

I would have actually felt better had he voted for astro, thus making it so no one else could last minute make a tie.

Let's change the subject, how do you feel about Sparks?

he was in my neutral/ need to read futher list.

nickles flip makes me lean more towrds scum but I will want to reread all their interactions.

Wonktonodi said:
TruckOSaurus said:

If you didn't want Nickles lynched, why were you urging Cone to vote for him then?

1. I had my vote post ready as well as a tab open with the countdown so I wan't worried (little did I know)

2. I wanted to see what he would do

3. I wanted to see if other people would suddenly do something as well.

So you're basically saying that you set me up to see who I would vote for? I'm not buying that for a moment. If you didn't want Nickles lynched, you wouldn't have taken the risk with voting him thus closing the gap and allowing one vote to change it even if you had your seperate tab open (which I am unsure about)

This seems to me like trying to worm your way out of a suspicious scenario by deflecting and not allowing people to examine your actions in detail right now. The whole thing is a very unusual move if your motives are as you claim.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

So I've been looking into Sparks and it ain't looking good... at all!

First of all, he "saw a slip" in impertinence's post that said "Carl. You are claiming Terran, Protoss and Zerg, doesn't that leave a 66% chance your scum?" and confronted him on it in these posts [] , [], [] which seems to indicate he didn't know that the Town was indeed informed that Non-Terran = Scum.

Also, he was on Nickles all Day long, never going back and consider the possibility of him being Town. He started right after NIckels stupid gambit []. Still mentionned Nickels when he was pressuring and voting for impertinence [], []. 

While I wasn't happy with Nickels' strategy, I eventually got over my initial ressentment toward his play and got to the conclusion his "I'm a burden to Town" play didn't make sense to attempt as scum. Sparks, on the other hand, was relentless: - Picks apart Nickels's case against Carl and uses that as motivation to vote for him. - Goes on a little speech about the value of a townie's life 
(which was parroting at that point btw) and tells Nickels to stop voting for himself but ends his post by saying that he's sure he's scum anyway. - Says the exchange with Carl feels fake. Now at this point Sparks is systematically putting everything Nickels does in a bad light. It looks like someone trying to find reasons for a player to be scum instead of someone trying to find out the truth. - As the Day ends and he didn't get his way he continues to cast suspicion on Nickels (to prepare for toDay I guess).

Also, Sparks was dismissive of the case against Astro, again trying to return everything to Nickels:

And a final little detail, Hylian voiced suspicions on Sparks [] and now Hylian is dead.

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