So I've been looking into Sparks and it ain't looking good... at all!
First of all, he "saw a slip" in impertinence's post that said "Carl. You are claiming Terran, Protoss and Zerg, doesn't that leave a 66% chance your scum?" and confronted him on it in these posts [] , [], [] which seems to indicate he didn't know that the Town was indeed informed that Non-Terran = Scum.
Also, he was on Nickles all Day long, never going back and consider the possibility of him being Town. He started right after NIckels stupid gambit []. Still mentionned Nickels when he was pressuring and voting for impertinence [], [].
While I wasn't happy with Nickels' strategy, I eventually got over my initial ressentment toward his play and got to the conclusion his "I'm a burden to Town" play didn't make sense to attempt as scum. Sparks, on the other hand, was relentless: - Picks apart Nickels's case against Carl and uses that as motivation to vote for him. - Goes on a little speech about the value of a townie's life (which was parroting at that point btw) and tells Nickels to stop voting for himself but ends his post by saying that he's sure he's scum anyway. - Says the exchange with Carl feels fake. Now at this point Sparks is systematically putting everything Nickels does in a bad light. It looks like someone trying to find reasons for a player to be scum instead of someone trying to find out the truth. - As the Day ends and he didn't get his way he continues to cast suspicion on Nickels (to prepare for toDay I guess).
Also, Sparks was dismissive of the case against Astro, again trying to return everything to Nickels:
And a final little detail, Hylian voiced suspicions on Sparks [] and now Hylian is dead.