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We shall avenge you Nickles! We shall...

Also, I have an immediate HoS for Wonkitonki for his last minute push to get me to vote. I'll be honest, Nickles seemed scummy to me but maybe that's just my inexperience with the game. You've also got to remember that I could have voted for Nickelsbe had I wanted to, thus creating a tie and sparing Astrogamer if I knew he was Mafia. That doesn't happen, though.

What does surprise me is Nickelsbe was killed; had Mafia left him alive then there's a good chance town would have lynched him anyway. That to me suggests a multiple Mafia faction game; one faction felt that Nickelsbe was opposing Mafia and thus felt he was worth targeting. Hylian was low, though as I said above. 

More to come tomorrow (hopefully).


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.