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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Starcraft Mafia - Game Thread - Concluded

HylianSwordsman said:
Okay I'm here. I'll try to be on as much as I can until day ends. Ask me anything.

What's your take on Nickels and Carl? Have any other players caught your attention?

Signature goes here!

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impertinence said:
Welcome Hylian, are you on the same team as last time?

No, thank God. It's so much pressure to be scum. Last time I had the most fun when I thought there was a second mafia and was helping town to find it (or so I thought day 1, in my defense the sign-up thread pretty much explicitly said so). And then again when I was mostly considered town and was helping town with it's leads. Aside from that, the pressure was unbearable.

spurgeonryan said:
Welcome hylian!

You played last game right?

Yes, I did. I was the Prince of the Scum. I got a harem in the end and it was pretty awesome. That said, it was a lot of pressure and I'm relieved to be Town this time.

theprof00 said:
Except carl you're making a huge leap in logic by assuming that since I did not know what's in my pm, that it means I have a scum pm.

And "he did it to himself"?
Sounds like you're pretty sure he will flip town and you're escaping culpability.

Everyone should vote carl, guaranteed scum.

I simply do not believe that you did not read your PM.

He did put votes on himself, thanks to his early erratic play and being over-defensive. Add in his "Vote Me!" tactic and you have all you need. He painted himself as a huge target with stupid play. Sure, I was pressuring him, but his overall play paints him in a Scummy picture.

Much like your recent play.


@ Carl I was curious if prof had a town pm when he was questioning those saying mafia.

He also never shared what he thought were slips with us. Never explained his vote on impertinence and I'm fact fight mention him when he said people he'd be willing to see lynched today.

Prof would you care to explain how Carl suspecting you (with a better case than yours on his imho) is desperation?

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My recent play?
Y9ure only case against me is that you refuse to believe I didnt read my pm.
yet somehow you believe what ive done is worse than everything nickles has done.

Town, vote this guy.

TruckOSaurus said:
HylianSwordsman said:
Okay I'm here. I'll try to be on as much as I can until day ends. Ask me anything.

What's your take on Nickels and Carl? Have any other players caught your attention?

I pretty much got the same impression as you on Nickles and Carl, but I'd like to add the following insights:

For Nickles:

1. Nickles is acting this game exactly how he said last game that he would if he ended up town. Having worked with him last game, I'm getting the impression that he's town. He's different than last game in exactly the way I'd expect him to be. I got a very early town read from his behavior.

2. Regarding his stupid gambit, I'll agree it was idiotic and horribly timed, but if he's scum he's REALLY BAD scum. Like seriously, this is so stupid to do as scum.

3. Regarding the argument that Nickles goes to great lengths because of the permaban bet. From his perspective, that permaban bet was a risk free gambit. Trust me, I was in the scum thread. And really, it was risk free in the context of the game, which is all that Nickles cared about. This time, however, the risk for a scum player is astronomical. It's utterly stupid, and it's about to backfire if he really is scum, but he's not backing down. If he is town though, it's relatively low risk. It's a day 1 vote, so a loss to town would be less serious than a loss to scum. That said, his major mistake was in revealing his plan to everyone. I chalk that up to him being a noob however, and a gutsy, overeager one at that.

For Carl

1. The only thing I'd say about the quotes was I found it odd that he seemed to purposefully go for diversity instead of taking the most popular quotes. It seemed deliberate, something I wouldn't expect of someone just doing it for fun. I don't see this as strong evidence, however.

2. Carl assuming there are multiple factions is ridiculous. That's exactly what I did, because it justifies scum's seeming to want to help town if they have more people to go after. We know nothing about other factions, all we know is that, according to the wording, there seems to be precisely one person connected to the nuke, and there's probably some amount of mafia. That's all that we as town need to know. We don't need to be thinking about other factions right now. Has anyone else been pushing multiple factions? Because I mostly only recall Carl doing this. Keep an eye on anyone who does. There's no reason for it at this point.


I'll get to my other impressions next.

TruckOSaurus said:

Nobody had received their PMs by that time so WoW probably re-assigned roles randomly when padib was added.

Is that really how roles are usually assigned? I've been assuming that balancing a game means making sure you have someone who knows the game before hand in each group and to at least some degree try to even out the teams based on the players available.

In thinking more about it I guess it would be feasible still for WoW to reshuffle the roles after padib was readded. I will reset my read on him to a no read at all.

The slips thing was for reactions.
the vote on mpertinence was for reactions, mainly because he is actually good and I wanted to see what he would think about the combo of "major slip" and voting him.
him suspecting me is not desperation, watch your tongue work.
His case is desperation. I suspected him, and now he's all over me. Its a chainsaw defense.

Say what you want about my case, you have to admit he's rather jumpy.
look how i mpertinence handled my accusation and vote, and look how carl handled it..

I mpertinence in what world have you been playing games where moderators determine roles according to a very subjective metric of player skill/knowledge?