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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Starcraft Mafia - Game Thread - Concluded

(1) bugrimmar - padib
(1) EricFabian - impertinence
(2) impertinence - Sparks, theprof00
(4) Nickelsbe - Conegamer, EricFabian, WhiteEaglePL, Nickelsbe
(1) padib - spurgeonryan
(1) radishhead - Wonktonodi
(1) WhiteEaglePL - TruckOSaurus

(6) Not Voting - Astrogamer, bugrimmar, Carl2291, Fusioncode, radishhead, Wright

With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch.

Countdown to Night 1:

padib has announced V/LA until 9/12.

Please PM Smeags or myself if there's an issue with the vote count.

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carl boy did I answer your question? I'm too lazy to read all over again

Click HERE and be happy 

Nicklesbe said:

At this point you are 100% mafia in my book. I hope everyone takes note of that because I know you are. You've slipped majorly so far and you continue to twist what actually happened and ignore what was said.

I'm not going to give you the benefit of the doubt, since I know you know better. Explain to me how can he possibly be 100% to you? Where did he slip? It all seems baseless to me. I mean 100%? Really? Yeah, I'm all ears.

just got in after a long day. I've given things a once over but will be looking at things more in depth.
Some observations before I look more in depth though.
Some of the quiet players are still too quiet.
Does bugrimmar even want to play still?
I'll be checking again but has spurge said much recently that wasn't just asking about one player?

Nickel voting himself again is just moving the wrong direction

Erik not willing to put the effort into rereading when he said he was willing to my question is unfortunate

and back to reading it all again

Sparks said:

Nicklesbe said:

At this point you are 100% mafia in my book. I hope everyone takes note of that because I know you are. You've slipped majorly so far and you continue to twist what actually happened and ignore what was said.

I'm not going to give you the benefit of the doubt, since I know you know better. Explain to me how can he possibly be 100% to you? Where did he slip? It all seems baseless to me. I mean 100%? Really? Yeah, I'm all ears.

I can't blame you for not giving me the benefit of the doubt and I hope you forgive me for not being surprised you can't see it. Given that my only epxeriance playing with you before was a game where you missed numerous tells, never had a good read and displayed poor judgment all around.  However I will give you the benefit of the doubt and hope you were just having an off game while I was having a good one. 

Lets start with his first posts after roles were released. What was the intent behind those posts? Sure they were innocent maybe but clearly they had an intent of causing confusion. Also he switched up unimportant units but always ended with a quote from the queen of blades, the leader of the zerg, why not a quote from Jim? Or any other terran Character that you see for 90% of star craft 2? Either way it shows he assumed those races would be in this game.

Then I vote for him here: Its clear there that I want to use the vote as a tool and get the ball rolling. 

Impertenance asks me why I trust Theprof and I make it clear I'm making a calculated risk and again doing it to get people talking and get an aswer from carl:

Carl accuses me of bandwagoning with my "scum buddy" Theprof and I make it clear in this post that it was a pressure vote to get an answer from him here:

He finally opens up and answers here, then I find it acceptable at the time and take my vote off him and use the pressure vote on radish: He was right that the game hadn't started but we all did recieve our roles so his answer still seems odd.

Then he is completely inactive for a bit and doesn't pay attention until he sees a reason to attack me here: and soon after Trying to manipulate and twist events saying it was a bandwagon vote even tho my vote was the first actual vote of the game and I was clear as pointed out in previous linked posts that the vote was not a serious vote and was only a pressure vote to get him to talk. This will not be the last time he tries to twist my words and history.

Then more time goes buy he is completely inactive again and pays absolutly no attention using Destiney as a convient excuse:

Spurg asks for a review which he completly ignores:

He gets asked directly by Wonk to pay attention and catch up: His answer is that he will put it off a day with a wonky excuse that he is trying to read people. which contradicts with the fact that he had been playing destiny(which FYI is not a valid excuse to not read some posts every few hours. It's a FPS MMO and he has a phone that he uses to check the site)

Then he is inactive once again until I have this interaction with Impertenance and it is very clear it has nothing to do with him.because theprof just voted along with you on Impertenance:

Then he posts this shortly after unrelated: He makes a claim he never follows up on. Instead he thinks me and impertanence are talking about him for no logical reason: Again twisting facts and the reality of what happened

Impertenence and I corrects him here and tells him it wasn't about him which it clearly wasn't in these exchanges: He denies it and gives a wonky excuse here:

Then more inactivity until White seemingly gives him an opportunity to cast faux suspicion on cone as well as attack me with terrible logic and reasoning that makes no sense. As well as assuming Mafia has day talk which indicated he knows more information that by all rights he shouldn't:

He makes a logical fallacy acout assumptions. Basically saying it's alright to assume those things and that they arn't tells even tho he should be experianced enough to know they tells and then proceeds to make more assumptions about factions he shouldn't know showing he has information he shouldn't:

I correct him on this:

He feels pressure and no suprise gives a terrible and wonky responce that once again twists history and directly attacks me with insults that are frankly untrue. His reaction is not only something I would do as mafia but did do a few times to Theprof last game:

He then quickly deflects and try desperatly to draw suspicion on cone: Again another tactic I am more than familiar with.

Then I voted for myself again and this was his responce: Notice how he twists reality even more . Notice how he ignores the part about my first post that said I wanted to use the vote, and get the ball rolling, and then he clearly ignores my posts not long after that that made it clear I was using pressure votes to get him and others to open up and get the game active, again to get the ball rolling.

With his knowing things he shouldn't know, his illogical answers, and blatant attacks, his inactivity and not paying attention, his super defensiveness and thinking we were talking about him when we wern't. His odd first few posts, his obvious deflections and faux suspicion of cone, His more than obvious selective memory and trying to manipulate past events and blatantly ignore posts that didn't fit into his narrative, then yes he was 100% mafia for me. I saw it all before last game:

His responce to that was to make up a brand new and obviously pulled out of his ass slip from me, which is ectually a slip for him:

More twisting of facts and history assumes he knows what the mafia faction are called this game and trys to say I slipped by calling him both mafia and scum and Even more manipulation of history:

I correcting stating either scum and mafia is interchangible and point out that him showing that he knows what it is called in this particuler game is actually a slip for him.

His responce is predictible:

So you may not see it but he is definitly Mafia/scum. I hope that answers your question.


Vote: Carl2291

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

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EBWOP sorry in advance for the very long post.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

TruckOSaurus said:
Quick Note To Self: Re-read interactions between Carl and Nickelsbe to see what really happened.

With that, I'm off to sleep.

Provided some notable links here in our interactions. I clearly state it was a pressure vote. Something he intentionally ignored and tried to twist.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

Wonktonodi said:
just got in after a long day. I've given things a once over but will be looking at things more in depth.
Some observations before I look more in depth though.
Some of the quiet players are still too quiet.
Does bugrimmar even want to play still?
I'll be checking again but has spurge said much recently that wasn't just asking about one player?

Nickel voting himself again is just moving the wrong direction

Erik not willing to put the effort into rereading when he said he was willing to my question is unfortunate

and back to reading it all again

Would appreciate your and anyones analysis of my analysis

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

you have some points in there that are good, others come off as a little weak.

while some scum like to put hints in there early posts things that could be shown that they are scum. I don't take early posts day one of day one relating to the flavor as much of anything.

as for your complains of when he is inactive. compared to you this game we're all inactive. but carl has posted more than many players in this game combined. plus he's putting enough time into this game that I won't be complaining about some of his longer gaps.

part of the issue I'm seeing right now is there aren't enough people posting so that you and he don't have much to go off of. With how much you have posted plus twice voting yourself there is plenty to go on you about even if you were town. you're tunneling when you try and say you are 100% sure of someone's alignment.

I am sadly more tired than I thought. So I will have to look more tomorrow. Though when 9 player have less than 80 posts between them. town is in trouble.

Impertinent is quite good isnt he?

thanks im pretty sure I covered my request well enough with the "dont be too obvious".
That should have been a null read to you, but I see you've decided to start sowing the seeds of suspicion early.
it should have been pretty obvious to you that the post should be made since you watched the pr impotence last game.

I think my vote is rather well placed.