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Carl2291 said:
Nicklesbe said:

The problem with that is that it assumes that there is can you possibly know there is any? As town all we can safely assume is that they can talk at night, it's not even safe to assume that there is a third type of faction that can talk with each other like neighbors and lovers.

Assume everything, trust nobody and nothing until you have been thoroughly convinced otherwise.

With Starcraft being a natural 3 faction series with Terran, Protoss and Zerg Id fully expect to have 3 factions in this game (Maybe 4, with the one-off nuke guy).

That would be fine if you also assumed and considered there wasn't day talk but you didn't. As Theprof pointed out and even proved with his past experiance last game when people make one sided assumptions like this, it shows they have knowledge of something they should not have.

Is this your first game by chance because it is only my second and even I know it is dangerous to make any assumption.

As far as I know it is only safe to make 2 assumptions. You look at someone and what they say and first you assume they are town. Then you look at what they said it, how they said it, and why they said. What is their motivation? Their goal? Then you assume they are mafia and you do the same.

You consider everything, not assume everything. At this point you arn't assuming everything, you are assuming there is a daytalk and as far as I can tell you havn't even considered there is no day talk, as if you know there is day talk. If there is no daytalk then you arn't even considering that and probably missing slips. You jumped to a conclusion based on an assumption. That is a strong sign that you know something you shouldn't know. For now consider this an FoS.

If you are a town I suggest you take a step back and take a breath because you are acting very paranoid, being very self centered, and making dangerous assumptions. Perhaps that's because you got voted for right off the bat and you are feeling rattled and defensive. Then again maybe you are mafia and freaking out because I called you out at the start.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)