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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Starcraft Mafia - Game Thread - Concluded

Nicklesbe said:

That would be fine if you also assumed and considered there wasn't day talk but you didn't. As Theprof pointed out and even proved with his past experiance last game when people make one sided assumptions like this, it shows they have knowledge of something they should not have.

Is this your first game by chance because it is only my second and even I know it is dangerous to make any assumption.

As far as I know it is only safe to make 2 assumptions. You look at someone and what they say and first you assume they are town. Then you look at what they said it, how they said it, and why they said. What is their motivation? Their goal? Then you assume they are mafia and you do the same.

You consider everything, not assume everything. At this point you arn't assuming everything, you are assuming there is a daytalk and as far as I can tell you havn't even considered there is no day talk, as if you know there is day talk. If there is no daytalk then you arn't even considering that and probably missing slips. You jumped to a conclusion based on an assumption. That is a strong sign that you know something you shouldn't know. For now consider this an FoS.

If you are a town I suggest you take a step back and take a breath because you are acting very paranoid, being very self centered, and making dangerous assumptions. Perhaps that's because you got voted for right off the bat and you are feeling rattled and defensive. Then again maybe you are mafia and freaking out because I called you out at the start.

Of course I can assume and consider a lack of day talk, I didnt though here due to your rapid change of heart from being enthusiastically asking people questions and voting for whoever decided to show up, to one of voting for yourself to "help" Town. Any Town player wouldnt call for a vote on themself as it automatically gives the Scum an advantage of 1 Town down and another potentially killed during the night phase (Or whatever other tricks Scum will have). 

Like I said, it screams out that you were told to do it. I never said you 100% were being told to, I said it looks like you were being told to. It gives off a scummy vibe as far as I can see it. 

This is not my first game.

As for calling me out, lol no. You jumped on a bandwagon of a joke vote because you trusted another players instincts. Please explain to me how that would rattle anyone. All you did was make several people suspicious of yourself.

Youre also being a gigantic hypocrite. Paranoid? Self Centered? I mean, we are having a discussion about how you were trying to lead a vote train on yourself!


Around the Network
Conegamer said:
You know, every time I get ready to post a big post I get called away to do something else. I move in 2 days; so things are a little hectic. But if/when I find the time to sit down with a nice long post, I'll do so. What I don't want to do is say "you, you and you are suspicious" without reasoning, because what benefit does that provide?

Im also calling bullshit on this, because your recent post history tells me that you have been online and posting a lot over the course of the day.

To be precise, 44(!) posts in the last 16-17 hours.


spurgeonryan said:
Nicklesbe said:

That would be fine if you also assumed and considered there wasn't day talk but you didn't. As Theprof pointed out and even proved with his past experiance last game when people make one sided assumptions like this, it shows they have knowledge of something they should not have.

Is this your first game by chance because it is only my second and even I know it is dangerous to make any assumption.

As far as I know it is only safe to make 2 assumptions. You look at someone and what they say and first you assume they are town. Then you look at what they said it, how they said it, and why they said. What is their motivation? Their goal? Then you assume they are mafia and you do the same.

You consider everything, not assume everything. At this point you arn't assuming everything, you are assuming there is a daytalk and as far as I can tell you havn't even considered there is no day talk, as if you know there is day talk. If there is no daytalk then you arn't even considering that and probably missing slips. You jumped to a conclusion based on an assumption. That is a strong sign that you know something you shouldn't know. For now consider this an FoS.

If you are a town I suggest you take a step back and take a breath because you are acting very paranoid, being very self centered, and making dangerous assumptions. Perhaps that's because you got voted for right off the bat and you are feeling rattled and defensive. Then again maybe you are mafia and freaking out because I called you out at the start.

theprof said last game?


You were scum last game and prof was wrong. Now you are using his play from last game to dictate what you do this game?




And where is adib stll!

Look again Theprof had both me and hylian pegged first day. His analysis was spot on. Had he trusted his instincts, had he not followed others and tunneled outlaw He would have got us both. Hell If ya had listened to me and lynched RCT you all would have seen I was full of shit, as well as hylian and khan and even noname. You likely would have had us all. So yeah he made mistakes and me and hylian worked hard to keep him unsettled. We insulted him, discrdited him, discounted him, even at times complimenting him. Then at the same time we exploited Padib's desire to help people. We played the newb card and we played it hard, and we also played the victem card. We made theProf look like a bully when really he was just doing his job as town, we riled him up and shook him up like a bottle of coke and then it was just a matter of pointing him at Padid and soon after they were both at odds. Then it was just a matter of turning Theprof against Sparks which wasn't hard since he made imo a lot of bad choices with his role use and he was too secretive and evasive. We took all the main investigators and if we couldn't turn them against each other or keep them distracted we killed them. The rest of town either didn't care or were just detrimental because they didn't take it serious enough. So it was easy keeping everyone paranoid and at each others throats or quiet and uninterested. Then we just sat back and watched town tear each other apart. Which is something I am trying to avoid this time around.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

@Nickelsbe: You really need to stop comparing yourself to RCT. Both situations were wildly different.

Signature goes here!

TruckOSaurus said:
@Nickelsbe: You really need to stop comparing yourself to RCT. Both situations were wildly different.

Really? Then lynch me and lets find out. Because from what I see the situations arn't really that different. If you are honest then ya know I've pointed out some serious mafia behavior so far, and that there are some mafia on my train right now and Im sure I just found another one(Possibly not you).  

You and Carl and cone need to stop trying to say that this play is bad for town and that a town would never sacrifice themself. It's bullshit and a mafia tell if I ever saw one. You guys either have no idea what you are talking about or you are mafia. I'm just going to leave this here.. " As long as you believe that winning in Mafia means just having the side you belong to eventually win, you will clearly see the logic in the third rule – "Do not be afraid to sacrifice yourself". If you somehow, during the game, get the possibility to reveal a lie, don’t hesitate to do it, even though it would mean your probable demise soon (as it’ll turn you into a confirmed innocent, aka “bullseye” in Mafia jargon). Trading a Townie’s life for a Mafia member is always a good deal for the Town."

I also find it funny how carl keeps trying to rewrite history. It was a pressure vote to get you to open carl get over yourself. You say you arn't rattled yet see danger for yourself everywhere even assumed a conversation was about you when it wasn't. So you are either lying about rattled or you are lying about being a townie because if you were rattled then that would be the only way I could logically explain your behavior.

So you guys can continue to try and obsicate things, waste time, and discredit me. Or you can look at my investigations so far and trust that if I am town that maybe just maybe I know how mafia think, and found some. Especially since I just came from a flawless victory as mafia where I arguibly did most of the work.

So you can either work with me now or work with my findings after the fact. I'll leave that choice up to the rest of town. For now I'm sticking with this play because I still beleive it is the best path to victory and I'm sure I've already found some mafia. 


Vote: NicklesBe

Again I'm not giving up, I'm giving town valuable information and going for a bullseye. Everyone would be smart to watch reactions at this point and look at what I already pointed out.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

Around the Network
Conegamer said:

Well, if you refuse to answer then what more is there to say?

Let's try something a little different. You've seen how the game has unfolded thus far; and others posts; what do you think? Have you been enjoying it? Who has been suspicious looking at it from an outside perspective? Are you Mafia? Why your vote switching to Nickelsbe?

Perhaps if you could answer this new set of questions, it would be better. There's no "victimizing", it's just trying to understand your perspective. Just sitting on the sidelines is no way to act and interact with this game, so get stuck in and don't worry about what happens afterwards. Odds are, it will be better than just acting like a target/victim as you are doing currently.

I'm enjoying, sure! Nickelsbe looks suspicious, that is why my vote | No |


and I'm not worried, to be fair I have some suspicions about who is Mafia, but I'll still wait a little longer before making sure

Click HERE and be happy 

Nicklesbe said:

You and Carl and cone need to stop trying to say that this play is bad for town and that a town would never sacrifice themself. It's bullshit and a mafia tell if I ever saw one. You guys either have no idea what you are talking about or you are mafia. I'm just going to leave this here.. " As long as you believe that winning in Mafia means just having the side you belong to eventually win, you will clearly see the logic in the third rule – "Do not be afraid to sacrifice yourself". If you somehow, during the game, get the possibility to reveal a lie, don’t hesitate to do it, even though it would mean your probable demise soon (as it’ll turn you into a confirmed innocent, aka “bullseye” in Mafia jargon). Trading a Townie’s life for a Mafia member is always a good deal for the Town."

Re-read what you just quoted.

You will be revealing no lie. A lot of what you have done in the early game has been Scum behaviour. There are reasons why people were jumping on you after your first few posts. What you are essentially saying is "Hey everyone, vote me! Some of the people who will vote me will be Scum!"... No shit. There will always be Scum in a lynch vote. You wanting to sacrifice yourself is pointless.

What that Wiki is saying is, dont be afraid to reveal things you know. For example, a Cop revealing that X is Scum after a successful check.

Nicklesbe said:

I also find it funny how carl keeps trying to rewrite history. It was a pressure vote to get you to open carl get over yourself. You say you arn't rattled yet see danger for yourself everywhere even assumed a conversation was about you when it wasn't. So you are either lying about rattled or you are lying about being a townie because if you were rattled then that would be the only way I could logically explain your behavior.

I am not re-writing anything. Do you want me to go back and quote you again? Here -

"I know it was before day one officially started and he was probably joking but based on recent experiance I've come to trust Theprofs initial instincts."

How about this one? Here -

"If you are refering to my vote, I wouldn't exactly say I have proof."

"It could mean nothing tho, and I know theprof might of been joking but again my recent experiance has shown that theprofs initial instincts whether he is joking or just reaching tend to be accurate."


I dont really need to say anything more about your initial vote. You said it all yourself. It wasnt to get me to "open" up, it was done because you trusted what theprof said. I have been over it now maybe 3-4 times. You were bandwagoning, basing your entire vote on a joke made before the game started and all it did was make you look like Scum.

You can not wriggle out of that.


Carl2291 said:
Nicklesbe said:

You and Carl and cone need to stop trying to say that this play is bad for town and that a town would never sacrifice themself. It's bullshit and a mafia tell if I ever saw one. You guys either have no idea what you are talking about or you are mafia. I'm just going to leave this here.. " As long as you believe that winning in Mafia means just having the side you belong to eventually win, you will clearly see the logic in the third rule – "Do not be afraid to sacrifice yourself". If you somehow, during the game, get the possibility to reveal a lie, don’t hesitate to do it, even though it would mean your probable demise soon (as it’ll turn you into a confirmed innocent, aka “bullseye” in Mafia jargon). Trading a Townie’s life for a Mafia member is always a good deal for the Town."

Re-read what you just quoted.

You will be revealing no lie. A lot of what you have done in the early game has been Scum behaviour. There are reasons why people were jumping on you after your first few posts. What you are essentially saying is "Hey everyone, vote me! Some of the people who will vote me will be Scum!"... No shit. There will always be Scum in a lynch vote. You wanting to sacrifice yourself is pointless.

What that Wiki is saying is, dont be afraid to reveal things you know. For example, a Cop revealing that X is Scum after a successful check.

Nicklesbe said:

I also find it funny how carl keeps trying to rewrite history. It was a pressure vote to get you to open carl get over yourself. You say you arn't rattled yet see danger for yourself everywhere even assumed a conversation was about you when it wasn't. So you are either lying about rattled or you are lying about being a townie because if you were rattled then that would be the only way I could logically explain your behavior.

I am not re-writing anything. Do you want me to go back and quote you again? Here -

"I know it was before day one officially started and he was probably joking but based on recent experiance I've come to trust Theprofs initial instincts."

How about this one? Here -

"If you are refering to my vote, I wouldn't exactly say I have proof."

"It could mean nothing tho, and I know theprof might of been joking but again my recent experiance has shown that theprofs initial instincts whether he is joking or just reaching tend to be accurate."


I dont really need to say anything more about your initial vote. You said it all yourself. It wasnt to get me to "open" up, it was done because you trusted what theprof said. I have been over it now maybe 3-4 times. You were bandwagoning, basing your entire vote on a joke made before the game started and all it did was make you look like Scum.

You can not wriggle out of that.

I took my vote off before anyone said anything and I said time and time again it was to get you to open up..or do you have selective reading?

At this point you are 100% mafia in my book. I hope everyone takes note of that because I know you are. You've slipped majorly so far and you continue to twist what actually happened and ignore what was said.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

Nicklesbe said:
TruckOSaurus said:
@Nickelsbe: You really need to stop comparing yourself to RCT. Both situations were wildly different.

Really? Then lynch me and lets find out. Because from what I see the situations arn't really that different. If you are honest then ya know I've pointed out some serious mafia behavior so far, and that there are some mafia on my train right now and Im sure I just found another one(Possibly not you).  

You and Carl and cone need to stop trying to say that this play is bad for town and that a town would never sacrifice themself. It's bullshit and a mafia tell if I ever saw one. You guys either have no idea what you are talking about or you are mafia. I'm just going to leave this here.. " As long as you believe that winning in Mafia means just having the side you belong to eventually win, you will clearly see the logic in the third rule – "Do not be afraid to sacrifice yourself". If you somehow, during the game, get the possibility to reveal a lie, don’t hesitate to do it, even though it would mean your probable demise soon (as it’ll turn you into a confirmed innocent, aka “bullseye” in Mafia jargon). Trading a Townie’s life for a Mafia member is always a good deal for the Town."

I also find it funny how carl keeps trying to rewrite history. It was a pressure vote to get you to open carl get over yourself. You say you arn't rattled yet see danger for yourself everywhere even assumed a conversation was about you when it wasn't. So you are either lying about rattled or you are lying about being a townie because if you were rattled then that would be the only way I could logically explain your behavior.

So you guys can continue to try and obsicate things, waste time, and discredit me. Or you can look at my investigations so far and trust that if I am town that maybe just maybe I know how mafia think, and found some. Especially since I just came from a flawless victory as mafia where I arguibly did most of the work.

So you can either work with me now or work with my findings after the fact. I'll leave that choice up to the rest of town. For now I'm sticking with this play because I still beleive it is the best path to victory and I'm sure I've already found some mafia. 


Vote: NicklesBe

Again I'm not giving up, I'm giving town valuable information and going for a bullseye. Everyone would be smart to watch reactions at this point and look at what I already pointed out.

Sacrificing yourself is quite noble under the right circumstances but in the current situation you're just giving up (no matter what you say). Even worst, you're robbing the town of a real lynch by handing over a guilt-free voting target to scum since the more you push this ill chosen strategy, the more you make yourself look like actual scum.

Signature goes here!

Nicklesbe said:

I took my vote off before anyone said anything and I said time and time again it was to get you to open up..or do you have selective reading?

At this point you are 100% mafia in my book. I hope everyone takes note of that because I know you are. You've slipped majorly so far and you continue to twist what actually happened and ignore what was said.

> Says I have slipped up

> Slips up about Mafia faction