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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Starcraft Mafia - Game Thread - Concluded

so I guess I have to wait radish say something until before I choose

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EricFabian said:
so I guess I have to wait radish say something before I choose

edit ¬¬

theprof00 said:
Carl would you mind explaining why you weren't able to act last night?

I wasnt blocked if thats what youre wondering.


Yeah thats what I was wondering. Thanks.

Wait, this is huge- obviously I know 100% that it's not me (and if Trucks is around, I can confirm any other questions he may have about my role to secure this to other people). I don't know how Prof can be so sure it's either Impertinence or myself, but he hasn't been wrong yet!

I vote impertinence

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lol dudes, I had that one feeling Impertinence was nuker since Day 3.
:D there any other Marine vanilla alive or no? If so, you can see if the stats add up ala me and Khan. - that actually included Health and Defence.

@everyone. Can we scan someone today before nuke goes off and do something about them tomorrow......(I doubt it , but just checking!)?

Its literally either radish or imp.
The key is whether scum actually scanned radish and saw he was invisible or not.
based on the way they did not go after him, its my guess that radish was just a normal human.

theprof00 said:
Its literally either radish or imp.
The key is whether scum actually scanned radish and saw he was invisible or not.
based on the way they did not go after him, its my guess that radish was just a normal human.

Or he was not scanned.

WhiteEaglePL said:
theprof00 said:
Its literally either radish or imp.
The key is whether scum actually scanned radish and saw he was invisible or not.
based on the way they did not go after him, its my guess that radish was just a normal human.

Or he was not scanned.

nah, I think the toss actually do have a scan, but it's to find the zerg.

That being said, if they scanned radish and he was a ghost he should've come up invisible.

theprof00 said:
Trucks, remember that game where you were the serial killer and I copped you and I refused to say why I knew you were scum but I kept pushing all these different angles on you?

It feels exactly how impertinence is playing right now.

I do remember that game. I know I thought I was safe from suspicions because I had been scumhunting (because as a SK, the less Mafia the better) so I can see a paralell with impertinence. Did you have more in mind?

Also, I gotta say I agree with your analysis here :

And I personally believe the Shield Marine, Khan and White and for radish I'm confident he's a Stim Marine because of the test he passed (also Ghosts can't have the Stim Ability) so impertinence is pretty much the only one I can see myself voting for:

Vote: impertinence

That should be the 4th vote (White, prof, Wonk and me).

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