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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Starcraft Mafia - Game Thread - Concluded

Nicklesbe said:
TruckOSaurus said:

If I could I'd revote for you. (I can't don't worry)

Two votes and two FoS and you're already giving up? Saying you'll be a huge lynch target all game long? Giving up already! What the hell?

Day One suspicions are very fickle, you should know that. Certainly nothing to permanently stain you with a "potential lynch" target for the whole duration of the game.

You really think that even if you put in the investigative work, chase down your suspects and provide your input you'll never shake off the stench of 4 people thinking you were kinda suspicions 24 hours into the game?

I'm not giving up. I am simply trying to make the most logical play I can given the situation. Not to play the newb card but this is my second game, I know they can be fickle, however I also know the initial instincts of some were very accurate. I'm going off my experiance of last game, and so far this looks alot like what happened to RCT. Town would have won if you guys just lynched him, saw that he was town and then went after those that pushed strongest against him. Again I'm not giving up, just making the best play I can think of that will be most beneficial to town. I can see where this is going. Days wasted on distractions and finger pointing at me. That is not going to be good for town and it will end like last game ended, so lets cut the shit and do what needs to be done to help town.

I'm going to be honest, I think you've got the potential to be a very good Mafia player. You're not afraid to talk (which is sometimes a big hurdle for newbies) and you can provide good reasoning but you gotta react better when under pressure.

So if you're not Mafia trying to pull off a cheap trick to get the heat off of you, snap out of it right now! Play the game, prove your usefulness by going forth with your investigating. If you do that you'll see the votes coming off you for sure, until then I know my vote will stay where it is.

Signature goes here!

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TruckOSaurus said:

You followed last game so I'm going to make a parallel with RCT.  

RCT turned up with a defeated attitude when he had a lot of votes on him and a dangerously close deadline, I instantly thought his reaction was genuine and considered him Town from that point on. Even on Day Two, I was one of the rare ones sticking out for him.

What made me believe him was that his situation was indeed pretty dire when he made his "I give up" speech and I could see how the situation would have looked hopeless from his point of view.

Nickelsbe's situation right now is miles away from RCT's. There was only two votes on him (that's 7 votes away from a lynch), a couple of FoS and he had 4 whole real-life days of discussion ahead to remove suspicions from him through participation. So to me, this move looks fake, very very fake.

I don't buy the vote and explanation either. Anyway, I have one general mafia related question I would like a more experienced player to answer, so right now that would be you.

My thinking is that as town, all information you expose is good, and holding back tells, reads and thoughs etc. is harmful. So, my strategy so far has been to be completely upfront about everything I see and think as long as it doesn't risk exposing town power roles. So my question is if that is a sound strategy or if it's more benificial to be more guarded even as town to keep mafia from getting too much information about how investigations are done and model their answers after that. 

I'll try to let this be my only 'noob question'

TruckOSaurus said:

I'm going to be honest, I think you've got the potential to be a very good Mafia player. You're not afraid to talk (which is sometimes a big hurdle for newbies) and you can provide good reasoning but you gotta react better when under pressure.

So if you're not Mafia trying to pull off a cheap trick to get the heat off of you, snap out of it right now! Play the game, prove your usefulness by going forth with your investigating. If you do that you'll see the votes coming off you for sure, until then I know my vote will stay where it is.

This has little to nothing to do with pressure. This is nothing more than a way to try and trap mafia. Just because I am voting for myself does not mean I am giving up the game, or giving up my investigations. With any luck this will have helped in those investigations. Something I've noted so far I thought was off, may be notihng. Cone saying he didn't really find me suspicious, yet he keeps his vote on me. I find that strange. 

If it will make you all happy then fine

UNVOTE: Nicklesbe


I want to know why he is voting for White.

At the end of the day tho if no consensus can be made I would gladly vote for myself again and I hope town sees who bandwaggoned on me. Trucks I know you find me suspicious, 90% of which is likely due to how I played last game so I understand why you vote, just know I still find it very suspicious, and at times during this game you have given a town read, I think that sticks out most. I had hoped one or two more would bandwaggon on me and give more leads of people to look into but that doesn't seem to be the case.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

Nicklesbe said:
TruckOSaurus said:

I'm going to be honest, I think you've got the potential to be a very good Mafia player. You're not afraid to talk (which is sometimes a big hurdle for newbies) and you can provide good reasoning but you gotta react better when under pressure.

So if you're not Mafia trying to pull off a cheap trick to get the heat off of you, snap out of it right now! Play the game, prove your usefulness by going forth with your investigating. If you do that you'll see the votes coming off you for sure, until then I know my vote will stay where it is.

This has little to nothing to do with pressure. This is nothing more than a way to try and trap mafia. Just because I am voting for myself does not mean I am giving up the game, or giving up my investigations. With any luck this will have helped in those investigations. Something I've noted so far I thought was off, may be notihng. Cone saying he didn't really find me suspicious, yet he keeps his vote on me. I find that strange. 

If it will make you all happy then fine

UNVOTE: Nicklesbe


I want to know why he is voting for White.

At the end of the day tho if no consensus can be made I would gladly vote for myself again and I hope town sees who bandwaggoned on me. Trucks I know you find me suspicious, 90% of which is likely due to how I played last game so I understand why you vote, just know I still find it very suspicious, and at times during this game you have given a town read, I think that sticks out most. I had hoped one or two more would bandwaggon on me and give more leads of people to look into but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Whilst true there's no better targets right now and the more I think of this whole gambit the more bizzare it seems. So until there is a better target; my vote shall remain. I'm not going to just flip-flop for no reason.

Having said that, I would like to hear more from EricFabian. I posed the question earlier but it was ignored; so here it is again. Why did you vote for WhiteEagle? It makes no sense and your jump from "the joke" to "the vote" doesn't make any sense.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Keeping up with reading but won't be able to post in depth for a few hours. Until 7PDT or so

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spurgeonryan said:

I skipped half of last game since it went on for like 6 months. Who did we have that seemed like they were going to give up, but then kept playing? Was it Eagle?

I know you did not play impertinence, but it is a general question to everyone.

Seems like newer players, including Nick are just mimicking what they saw last game. So you could be right.

WhiteEagle claimed mafia for a few posts for whatever reason. I don't think anyone will mimic that particular sequence, new players or old.

If you didn't pay any attention last game after you took that bullet you might not have any input on how you feel about Nickles this game vs last game?

impertinence said:

I don't buy the vote and explanation either. Anyway, I have one general mafia related question I would like a more experienced player to answer, so right now that would be you.

My thinking is that as town, all information you expose is good, and holding back tells, reads and thoughs etc. is harmful. So, my strategy so far has been to be completely upfront about everything I see and think as long as it doesn't risk exposing town power roles. So my question is if that is a sound strategy or if it's more benificial to be more guarded even as town to keep mafia from getting too much information about how investigations are done and model their answers after that. 

I'll try to let this be my only 'noob question'

Giving your impression on what you see and think is very good and like you said what we need to be careful about is how we handle power roles. The Mafia already know a whole lot more than we do so information about roles should be revealed only when it's vital. Either to save your own life or when you have good reason to believe the disclosure of the information will help toward a successful lynch.

Signature goes here!

Nicklesbe said:
TruckOSaurus said:

I'm going to be honest, I think you've got the potential to be a very good Mafia player. You're not afraid to talk (which is sometimes a big hurdle for newbies) and you can provide good reasoning but you gotta react better when under pressure.

So if you're not Mafia trying to pull off a cheap trick to get the heat off of you, snap out of it right now! Play the game, prove your usefulness by going forth with your investigating. If you do that you'll see the votes coming off you for sure, until then I know my vote will stay where it is.

This has little to nothing to do with pressure. This is nothing more than a way to try and trap mafia. Just because I am voting for myself does not mean I am giving up the game, or giving up my investigations. With any luck this will have helped in those investigations. Something I've noted so far I thought was off, may be notihng. Cone saying he didn't really find me suspicious, yet he keeps his vote on me. I find that strange. 

If it will make you all happy then fine

UNVOTE: Nicklesbe


I want to know why he is voting for White.

At the end of the day tho if no consensus can be made I would gladly vote for myself again and I hope town sees who bandwaggoned on me. Trucks I know you find me suspicious, 90% of which is likely due to how I played last game so I understand why you vote, just know I still find it very suspicious, and at times during this game you have given a town read, I think that sticks out most. I had hoped one or two more would bandwaggon on me and give more leads of people to look into but that doesn't seem to be the case.

Good, this is a step in the right direction.

My early was based on very little, I did find you defensive so it was good enough for an early Day One vote.  Your later interactions actually made me feel better about you but your "I'm a burden to the Town" routine kinda threw that out the window.

Signature goes here!

Conegamer said:
That is a very strange tactic Nickelsbe. Don't do something silly like this, please.

I don't really suspect you like I said but it's to get the ball rolling and you had the most suspicious activity to date. So, what we as town don't need is someone quitting right away over something like this.

Yeah, no. Remember his little "ban me plz" gambit from last game? This reeks of the exact same stench. If push came to shove and we chose to lynch Day1, he'd be one of my top choices.

1 do not use past experiences with players to decide their scum meta. It is unreliable.
except with trucks. He is always scum.

vote trucks

Thoughts so far:
Does it ever say in the opening that mafia exists? I read it twice and should probably read it again, but I didnt see such.
so, also an dos goes out to anyone who just assumed mafia exists.

Nickles seems like town but I can tell he's a little rattled.
Haven't read thoroughly yet, currently in japan and trying to balance my schedule and mafia.

P-edit: thats supposed to say hos not dos.