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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Pachter: "There is no place for Nintendo hardware". Thoughts?

Fusioncode said:
I agree. I haven't liked a Nintendo console since the N64. Would prefer them to be software only.

"Would prefer them to be software only"

No, i think they need to be handheld console only. Don't want them to be like Sega goes software only.

Without Nintendo, it will be end of video game industry, we will go back to PC & Arcade machines again.

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Vena said:
Zekkyou said:
That said, i wouldn't want them to stop. They might fall flat on their faces sometimes (WiiU and GC), but other times they make something interesting or new (N64 and Wii). They add a little bit of spice to the industry that gives Sony and MS a second dynamic to consider when making major decisions.

I'm not sure GC was "fall flat" since it was still profitable... the only profitable console of its gen.

The PS2 only lost money in its launch year (about $450m), it made about $2.6 billion in the following 4. Nintendo did make more overall profit that gen ($4.8b in the same 5 years for the GC and GBA), but the PS2 was without a doubt considerable more profitable than the GC. Unless you want to imply that that the GC made a similar amount of profit to the GBA? (22m vs 81.5m for hardware and 210m vs 370m for software).

Profitability alone isn't a sign of success though. A company doesn't dedicate years of its time and resources in the hopes of making a small profit and losing market share, especially when that product represents a major portion of their business. The GC could certainly have done worse (as shown by the WiiU's current situation), but for a company as profitable as Nintendo it was without a doubt a failure.

Still alive Pachter is still an idiot.

Pachter is wrong most of the times. I don't even think he's trying to tell something right. Basically, he is just throwing trolls once a month to make people talk about him. Agreeing with him, or him being right, would just be coincidence.

As for the Nintendo, it does not seem very wise to change so quickly the business model that made them successful for 30 years. The are still a advantages (business-wise) for being a constructor : free publishing cost, brand recognition, development ahead of 3rd party, communication and image control for the console that matches their public for games, better schedule control.

In Nintendo's position I would'n kill the whole hardware department entirely, but at least make drastic changes.

Producing and offering handhelds as long as they remain profitable . Keeping the WiiU in the stores for many years ahead (for the clientel that absolutely wants a Nintendo home console), but instead of putting many billion yen in R&D for a new home console go multiplat in that segment.
Offering multi-platform games and also highly profitable accessories: Wiimotes, Nunchucks, Pro controller (perhaps even a cost-reduced and improved version of the tablet-controller as accessory) for PS4 / PS5 / Xbox One & Two / PC, which guarantee the "100% Nintendo experience" on these platforms. The games would also run with the standard controllers, but partly with restrictions. Marketing the hell out of the improvements when using the nintendo accessories.

Similar for the mobile market (iOS + Android): offering games on these platforms that work fine with touch controls (after the timed exclusivity on 3DS and successor runs out). More complex mobile games would also be offered (again the 3DS or successor would have a timed exclusive window), but for these games  a Nintendo-certified controller-extension would be mandatory.

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Altogether now:

SHUT UP, MIKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is literally the ONLY way to respond to this guy. Next time anybody has an urge to post something from him, take a deep breath, step away from the keyboard, and erase any thought of him from your head. We do not need such trash in the industry. Moving on.

It is in Patchers' interest that Nintendo fails, since his stock advice will then have paid of for Wedbush or whoever's clients. Always keep that in mind when indulging in his insights.

I agree with Pachter's sentiments on Nintendo.

It would be nice to get away from having two consoles, especially when Nintendo is far inferior (wii & WiiU).

But there some of the magic or innovation that would be lost if Nintendo dint design they're own hardware. Especially in term of controllers and add-on. Let's say Nintendo were on Xbox, sure xbox one controller is great but the wii remote is far superior to the kinect and Microsoft would now control and push which peripheral Nintendo should use.

Nintendo is a corporation and known that it's much more profitable to use current cost efficient technologies then adapt newer more expensive future proof hardware. Nintendo business model is flawed and they have add major difficulty competing in later half of their hardware life cycle. Once their hardware isn't discount enough compare to the competition they can't compete.

Patcher only look at the problem of having too many consoles on the market, in order to fix this problem is either on console hardware manufacturer leave the market or merger. The last five year Nintendo hardware is struggling behind the competition. You can't just disregard the facts because we might be nintendo fan. The WiiU is an inferior console on the market priced at a premium because of the gamepad.

I've claim ever since the launch of the WiiU that main problem is the price of the console. Many have said that there have been multiple price cut without increase in Wiiu sales. While that is truth the problem still lies in the price, WiiU should of release with an MSRP of $249.99 and by now every WiiU bundle should have an MSRP of $199.99. Nintendo is using old cost saving technologies and can't justify the premium price!

There are many factors that have resulted in PS4 success but at the end of the day, Sony shocked the world with a new console with a MSRP of $399.99. Sony console is a premium console that release with a great value price.

dyremose said:
Razeak said:
Why does Nintendo have to be the one to go third party so we can play Mario on Sony/Microsoft hardware? Why can't Sony or Microsoft go 3rd party so we can play God of War or Halo on Nintendo hardware and not have to buy multiple consoles?

I dont wanna go back a generation. 

I don't want to pay $100 extra dollars for a half gen above the Wii U bump in graphics, as well as an extra $400 if we also want to add the Vita to get the same innovative experience.