The softest thing in the world dashes against and overcomes the hardest; that which has no [substantial] existence enters where there is no crevice."
Razor floss is when any long, thin material — string, thread, fine wire, etc — is used as a weapon with
Absurd Cutting Power. Odd as it may sound, strings can become deadly weapons in the
right hands. Besides restraining enemies and even
controlling other people's bodies against their will, or triggering traps, they can be pretty handy for cutting. In many works of fiction, one skilled enough, can use strings to cut opponents or even boulders, without hurting themselves. Naturally, monsters of the humanoid arachnid variety can usually be counted on to be using this trope.
Fantasy settings generally have this type of string made of human hair, while in more modern ones it's probably
monomolecular wire. In series less reliant on the
Rule of Cool, the wire usually manifests as garrotes or tripwires, with varyingly messy outcomes.
What the audience sees usually amounts to
Sword Lines sans the sword. Can be counted on to inflict an absurdly
Clean Cut on its victims.
In reality, cables and metal wires
can be used to inflict not so clean but still pretty nasty wounds, provided they are of the right material and/or sufficient force is applied.
Whip Sword and
Killer Yoyo. Subtrope of
Absurd Cutting Power.
Lasers are also deflected, but more tha 4 direct hits will short it out, and it will have to recharge. A strong enough projectile like a tank shell, explosion, or rail gun, can knock it out instantly.