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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - As Xbox One Launches in Japan, Akihabara Gamers Really Aren’t Standing in Line

oniyide said:
DeadBigfoot21 said:
daredevil.shark said:
DeadBigfoot21 said:
daredevil.shark said:

They are certainly Japanese games. But I should have clarified my point. What "Japan-centric" games have they announced? Like persona 5, dragon quest or yakuza; which are basically system seller in Japan. No offense but I dont think Xbox One will get much Japan centric games in future.

I don't know much about Japanese games as I don't play them. But I do know microsoft will create or partner with publishers/developers to create new IPS or bring existing games to the Xbox one. Phil is now the man and he is stepping up his game.

Then I think you dont know the history of xbox in Japan. Its not about patriotism but its about games. And Xbox is struggling to have good exclusives in west and in Japan the situation is far far fragile.

Games don't release overnight. Takes time and effort to create a game. Games will come just like the 360 had plenty Japanese games.

360 had plenty of Japanese games from the jump because MS clearly put effort into that. They are not doing the same for One its that simply. Sure games might come but why even release the system as is now?

Games are in development so that isn't a problem. Again Japan is nintendo/Sony land so I don't expect much out of the Xbox. 

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DeadBigfoot21 said:
oniyide said:
DeadBigfoot21 said:
daredevil.shark said:
DeadBigfoot21 said:
daredevil.shark said:

They are certainly Japanese games. But I should have clarified my point. What "Japan-centric" games have they announced? Like persona 5, dragon quest or yakuza; which are basically system seller in Japan. No offense but I dont think Xbox One will get much Japan centric games in future.

I don't know much about Japanese games as I don't play them. But I do know microsoft will create or partner with publishers/developers to create new IPS or bring existing games to the Xbox one. Phil is now the man and he is stepping up his game.

Then I think you dont know the history of xbox in Japan. Its not about patriotism but its about games. And Xbox is struggling to have good exclusives in west and in Japan the situation is far far fragile.

Games don't release overnight. Takes time and effort to create a game. Games will come just like the 360 had plenty Japanese games.

360 had plenty of Japanese games from the jump because MS clearly put effort into that. They are not doing the same for One its that simply. Sure games might come but why even release the system as is now?

Games are in development so that isn't a problem. Again Japan is nintendo/Sony land so I don't expect much out of the Xbox. 

im not arguing that. But as i said its clear that MS put much more effort with 360 that system actually had games in the launch window. 

todd2r said:
Yep. Absolutely. Its no coincidence that the U.K. is the second best selling market other than north America. The U.K. is willing to give American products a chance. Everywhere else? Nope. Prove me wrong.

No you are right. In Europe, UK is seen like americans's pupeet. But yeah pretty much the whole world hate MS. The great thing is this generation the majority in US and UK choose PS4 too. The right console. You know that's why Xbox never win.

The time where american movies showed that US are the best and the good guy is definitly over. I can guarantee that....

Everyone is fed up with american companies and Mc Donalds... and politics.

Zanten said:
MB1025 said:
Tachikoma said:


It really isn't, don't kid yourself.

The Xbox One w/ Kinect is not ahead of the PS4 Destiny bundle anymore? Microsoft has 2 consoles in the top 20 there and they have stayed in the top 20.

Out of curiosity, though, how long's that been going on for? o.o Legitimate question, I haven't watched Amazon Japan at all, so curious as to whether this has been, like, top 20 for weeks (because, presumably, pre-orders,) or just since launch. If it's been for weeks, then great! ^^ Maybe it will do well, then, as the Japanese might be more inclined to seek delivered units than to go to the stores, especially since there likely won't be shortages. But if you've just been keeping an eye on the figures since launch, or even since a few days before, might have to wait and see how long it stays up there. The Gamescom bundles for Sunset Overdrive and Call of Duty beat the Destiny bundle and PS4 on Amazon U.S., shortly after they were made available, for a couple of days, but they dropped pretty far, pretty fast after.

It is set up just like the American site so "Best seller in Video Games"

12. Xbox One w/ Kinect

13. PS4 Destiny Bundle

17. Titanfall bundle

18. Dead Rising 3


Then you have "Hot New Release"

10. Xbox One w/ Kinect

11. PS4 Destiny Bundle

14. Titanfall Bundle

15. Dead Rising 3


MB1025 said:
Tachikoma said:
MB1025 said:

It is doing really well on Amazon Japan.

It really isn't, don't kid yourself.

The Xbox One w/ Kinect is not ahead of the PS4 Destiny bundle anymore? Microsoft has 2 consoles in the top 20 there and they have stayed in the top 20.

a 3DS ac charger is 3 positions ahead of the titanfall bundle, and the highest xbox one ranking is behind a preorder for a niche 3ds game that isn't released for another 4 months.

Perspective is a wonderful thing, it's the day of release so it's obvious they would make an appearance in the top 20, chances of them still being there by weekend are extremely slim to zero.

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Tachikoma said:
MB1025 said:
Tachikoma said:
MB1025 said:

It is doing really well on Amazon Japan.

It really isn't, don't kid yourself.

The Xbox One w/ Kinect is not ahead of the PS4 Destiny bundle anymore? Microsoft has 2 consoles in the top 20 there and they have stayed in the top 20.

a 3DS ac charger is 3 positions ahead of the titanfall bundle, and the highest xbox one ranking is behind a preorder for a niche 3ds game that isn't released for another 4 months.

Perspective is a wonderful thing, it's the day of release so it's obvious they would make an appearance in the top 20, chances of them still being there by weekend are extremely slim to zero.

This has nothing to do with what the Xbox One is doing since you know Amazon doesn't give us numbers.

sad, embarrassing, pathetic, and yet not shocking in the slightest all at the same time.

This is too sad.....

Pocky Lover Boy! 

MB1025 said:

It is set up just like the American site so "Best seller in Video Games"

12. Xbox One w/ Kinect

13. PS4 Destiny Bundle

17. Titanfall bundle

18. Dead Rising 3


Then you have "Hot New Release"

10. Xbox One w/ Kinect

11. PS4 Destiny Bundle

14. Titanfall Bundle

15. Dead Rising 3


I'm not questioning where it is on the list, it's just that in the case of the U.S. Amazon site, as well as the U.K., even German I think (though it IS in German so hard to tell =P ) the regular Best Sellers list only applies to hourly best sellers, meaning that the only thing an item's placement on the list confirms is that it's been selling more than/less than the other items on the list for that hour or so. It's not overall sales (that's a different list.)

It's why how LONG something stays in a given part of the list is just as important as where it is; the Amiibos, the Call of Duty bundle, the Sunset Overdrive bundle, all ended up topping the charts above the PS4 on Amazon U.S., for a time... but it didn't mean they outsold the OVERALL sales of the Destiny bundle, just that, say, more Call of Duty Bundles were sold than Destiny Bundles in that past hour. So the fact that the Call of Duty bundle only stayed in the top 20 for less than a week, and is currently sitting at spot number 192, while the Destiny bundle has been in the top 25 for months, and is currently at spot 6, means that the Destiny bundle's outsold the Call of Duty bundle a lot more often.

It's why I'm asking if you know how long the Xbox One's been in that vicinity on the Japan list; this soon after launch, we could just be seeing a spike in sales. The fact that it's currently higher on that list doesn't mean the total number of Xbox Ones that Amazon Japan has sold exceeds the total number of PS4s they sold.

Zanten, Doer Of The Things

Unless He Forgets In Which Case Zanten, Forgetter Of The Things

Or He Procrascinates, In Which Case Zanten, Doer Of The Things Later

Or It Involves Moving Furniture, in Which Case Zanten, F*** You.

MB1025 said:
Tachikoma said:
MB1025 said:
Tachikoma said:
MB1025 said:

It is doing really well on Amazon Japan.

It really isn't, don't kid yourself.

The Xbox One w/ Kinect is not ahead of the PS4 Destiny bundle anymore? Microsoft has 2 consoles in the top 20 there and they have stayed in the top 20.

a 3DS ac charger is 3 positions ahead of the titanfall bundle, and the highest xbox one ranking is behind a preorder for a niche 3ds game that isn't released for another 4 months.

Perspective is a wonderful thing, it's the day of release so it's obvious they would make an appearance in the top 20, chances of them still being there by weekend are extremely slim to zero.

This has nothing to do with what the Xbox One is doing since you know Amazon doesn't give us numbers.

Yet without those numbers you feel able to say it's doing well?

isn't that, i dunno, hypocritical?