padib said:
I can't believe you're serious. In what way does the article attack the Sony fanbase? Or is the idea that it is attacking the Sony employees? Their shareholders? Please clarify you're losing me. |
The fan base and the corporation are two different cultures but they are connected and they are both attacked in different way. The subtext of the article says Nintendo is superior, Nintendo fans are superior, Sony fans are stupid for buying into their PR, and Sony itself is a evil lying corporation that has no problem lying to your face and it tries to convince the readers that Sony just got caught, lying, manipulating, and misrepresenting facts(which ironically is exactly what the author did).
Don't believe me? Read it again and then look at the comments and see what all the Nintendo fans are saying and see how they interpreted it. Hell look at the OP. An impressionable 15 year old kid now believes Sony is some evil lying corporation that was just caught in a lie due to the article and that they should be verbally attacked. Even tho there was absolutely no truth in the original article. It was all lies and prejudice, and it did it's job very well. I own all the console and I get just as offended if anyone from any camp does it. If you want to criticize any of them using actual provable facts that's fine and ends up being better for business. However when someone makes up lies in order to try and vilify the company and their fans and then use those lies in order to try and convince as many people as possible that is really offensive and does real damage. Not to just the corporation but the actual people that work within that culture or are fans of it.
All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)