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Forums - Sony Discussion - Looks like Sony is busted in Japan.

padib said:
Dr.Henry_Killinger said:

And the PS4 isn't struggling in Japan compared to the rest of the world? Why wouldn't Sony try to show their presence is strong in Japan in a Japanese Show?

Why would they say anything that puts their product in a bad light, especially when they are getting destroyed in handheld sales, and their next gen home console has yet to catch up to the Wii U? Wouldn't it be much worse to give up on Japan entirely?

This is the very definition of PR, to control the release of information. They'll only say home consoles, because that is pretty much the only area they are winning in for Japan right now.

Like I answered above to Tamron, Sony has every right to show that their presence is strong in Japan at a Japanese Show. My problem is that Sony's presence in Japan is alarmingly weak in the market, actually, and the picture they are presenting is thoroughly misleading. Sony is doing practically nothing to manage their market presence in Japan, on the whole. They have all but abandoned the Vita in Japan and I don't see proper support of 1st party software for the PS4 in japan and japan-centric games worldwide for the console. Showing some kind of twisted numbers to display a false presence in Japan is doing themselves and everybody else a disfavor.

I think the worst is what I just said. Were they to just ignore the numbers and promise some kind of effort to regain Japan, that would make sense. But the worst is that they are doing basically nothing to support Japan, and present false numbers to pretend the opposite.

Again, my opinion. Take it or leave it.

I know its your opinion, doesn't mean I can't make you consider it more thorughly.

You say Sony's presence in Japan is alarmingly weak, but not only is this your opinion, its also completely contextual. Comparing it to Nintendo of course its going to have nintendo's favor if you look at everything because of the Wii and the 3DS. Then again, compare it to Xbox and its nothing.

You say they've abandoned the Vita in Japan, despite releasing a new color, and many new exclusives for the system and pairing it with the PS4.

You say proper 1st party support compared to what? The Wii U which is literally, all exclusive support? Sounds like you are making a PR claim their buddy conviently specifiying 1st party.

Look you can chastise Sony all you want but you can't make some kind of false factual basis, the numbers are true, the numbers are verifiyable. That much is indisputable.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

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Hynad said:

The Wii and PS3 both came out in Japan at the end of 2006.

Oh yeah, my bad - point still stands though.
Wii, a console that sold absolutely stellar worldwide, is only 2m ahead of PS3 in japan currently.

Japan sales, all round, have been pretty much shit for over a decade.

Lol, the author of OP's article got the litteral shit ripped out of him in the comments.

Tamron said:
Lol, the author of OP's article got the litteral shit ripped out of him in the comments.

And he made an edit: **Update** I’ve been informed that Sony says they own 78% of the home console market with their numbers starting in 2014. This is of course to incorporate the launch of the PS4, and to exclude any good sales the Wii had in previous years. I still believe this is PR spin because they only go from 2014, Market Share isn’t dictated from 2014 and on. Its based on the total amount of consoles sold in comparison to the competition. I honestly feel this is a dishonest way of determining market share. Especially midway through the year with the launch of your system against other systems who have already launched.  Thanks NanoShock for clarifying things 

Now, we know that sales since the beginning of time should be included in the market shares. I mean, if the author of this crap expects the Wii to be included, even though it is NOT selling anymore, why stop there? Let's also include the Gamecube, Dreamcast, PS2, Nintendo64, Saturn and PS1! Why stop there? Everything should be included! ¬_¬

What? Sony is what!?!?

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Tamron said:
Lol, the author of OP's article got the litteral shit ripped out of him in the comments.

That's what the author of the article gets for being a complete jackass and trying to pass complete BS as fact(compared to partial BS on Sony's side). On the bright side at least he updated the article explaining he was a dumb-ass that had no idea wtf he was talking about and was promptly mushroom stamped by the internet for it. Tho that guy is definitely not to be trusted ever again as he tried so desperately to justify his article and try to put even more inaccurate spin on it after he was fundamentally and unequivocally proved to be wrong and an idiot by those in the articles comment section that weren't blinded by paranoia and saltiness.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

Nicklesbe said:
Tamron said:
Lol, the author of OP's article got the litteral shit ripped out of him in the comments.

That's what the author of the article gets for being a complete jackass and trying to pass complete BS as fact(compared to partial BS on Sony's side). On the bright side at least he updated the article explaining he was a dumb-ass that had no idea wtf he was talking about and was promptly mushroom stamped by the internet for it. Tho that guy is definitely not to be trusted ever again as he tried so desperately to justify his article and try to put even more inaccurate spin on it after he was fundamentally and unequivocally proved to be wrong and an idiot by those in the articles comment section that weren't blinded by paranoia and saltiness.

The author of this article is most likely religious.

padib said:
Hynad said:

The author of this article is most likely religious.

Can you please explain this post?

padib said:
Hynad said:
padib said:

Can you please explain this post?

So you are saying that religious people can less likely distinguish fact from fiction? Do you realize how 1) unreasonable and 2) offensive that is?

It's a joke, for Pete's sake.

padib said:

So you are saying that religious people can less likely distinguish fact from fiction? Do you realize how 1) unreasonable and 2) offensive that is?

I dunno, in university we had two highly religious people stand up and call the professor a heathen for bringing up the topic of evolution.

That sounds pretty unreasonable and offensive to me.