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Forums - Sales Discussion - White PS4 Destiny Bundle - #28 on Bestsellers of 2014

If there was a way to have Amazon sales figures for something around 80-90 in game top sellers 2014 we could estimate how many consoles they'll sell and have a extrapolated number for US and WW.

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prinz_valium said:
WebMasterFlex said:
prinz_valium said:

madden bundle #48

kinectless sku #57

xb + kinect #187

forza bundle #196

cod bundle #209

so bundle #217

wtf is wrong with u?

i just posted all rankings form all xb1 bundles (except day one and titanfall with about "zero" sales)

the only desperate person here is u, because u need to make this post

cograts console warrior

ps4 only has 2 bundles on amazon, while xb1 has 8

so why not post all rakings? if anything u try to imply would be true, ps4 would lead npd by 100-200k units. but it doest. its 50-100k units

and thats beause ALL xb1 bundles sell decent, beside the few ps4 bundles (right now there is only one until 9th september) selling great

Ahhhh what? 'All Xb1 bundles sell decent'? No.

Kinectless and Madden sell decent. As far as Amazon's concerned, the others basically don't exist. Just look at some of the stuff that's ahead of the older SKUs, we're talking obscure stuff that doesn't rank very highly at all in sales.

The lead in September NPD is going to be ludicrous. We can all see that coming from a mile away.

WebMasterFlex said:

"But but but you are the the desperate one" come on grow up... you know that the Top 10's sellers are the most important things there. Under the Top 40 it isn't a big thing, under Top 180 ? Doesn't even need to talk about it.

Amazon US 2014 top sellers : #4 PS4. No Xbone on Top 40.
Right now we can see that people buy PS4 instead of bundles (like Destiny).

I know you are mad because of the Xbone's calamity launch in Japan, no success in Europe and losing home territory but still, calm down.

said the guy who started the desperate one :D

okay now im out and act like a "grown up"


troll on, or whatever u like

some people...

Arkaign said:
prinz_valium said:
WebMasterFlex said:
prinz_valium said:

madden bundle #48

kinectless sku #57

xb + kinect #187

forza bundle #196

cod bundle #209

so bundle #217

wtf is wrong with u?

i just posted all rankings form all xb1 bundles (except day one and titanfall with about "zero" sales)

the only desperate person here is u, because u need to make this post

cograts console warrior

ps4 only has 2 bundles on amazon, while xb1 has 8

so why not post all rakings? if anything u try to imply would be true, ps4 would lead npd by 100-200k units. but it doest. its 50-100k units

and thats beause ALL xb1 bundles sell decent, beside the few ps4 bundles (right now there is only one until 9th september) selling great

Ahhhh what? 'All Xb1 bundles sell decent'? No.

Kinectless and Madden sell decent. As far as Amazon's concerned, the others basically don't exist. Just look at some of the stuff that's ahead of the older SKUs, we're talking obscure stuff that doesn't rank very highly at all in sales.

The lead in September NPD is going to be ludicrous. We can all see that coming from a mile away.

if only ~55% of all sales are kinectless skus (at lest for june npd. we dont know if this increase, decrease or was the same for july and what it will be for august) the kinect bundles have to sell "decent" to ;)


even if its 70 : 30 now, its still decent and not "basically dont exist"

i just put them all together. ofc not every single sku sells the same decent way.


next time i will make it this was. just for u:

  1. the kinect less sku is selling okay
  2. the madden bundle is selling quite well
  3. the kinect forza bundle is selling decent
  4. the kinect bundle is selling bad even for xb1 pace
  5. the day one editon and titanfall bundle basically dont exist



it was obious what i meant with my post.

Prinz : Oh just to say, about m'y prédiction, im only refering to official number by the way, not unreliable joke sources like insiderp or vgchartz :p

Predictions for end of 2014 HW sales:

 PS4: 17m   XB1: 10m    WiiU: 10m   Vita: 10m


Around the Network

To stop with the flooding/trolling this and go back to the original OT (Destiny PS4 Bundle), it is on amazon france at 399.99€ which is actually almost a better deal than the US's one :

But isn't the white PS4.
It is the black PS4.

WebMasterFlex said:
To stop with the flooding/trolling this and go back to the original OT (Destiny PS4 Bundle), it is on amazon france at 399.99€ which is actually almost a better deal than the US's one :

But isn't the white PS4.
It is the black PS4.

Yep here in the UK the Destiny PS4 bundle is the RRP of the standard console now. Think it was because retailers were discounting the X1 and Destiny to £349.99 while the official PS4 bundle was £370-£380

It looks like the yearly chart won't update until September monthly sales have started to appear then. Might see a big change once they do.

sully1311 said:
It looks like the yearly chart won't update until September monthly sales have started to appear then. Might see a big change once they do.

yup those will update at the same time.  strangely its really late this month compared to previous ones.  i would expect a pretty big change when we get it,  its getting close to a week since weve had an update

I am Torgo, I take care of the place while the master is away.

"Hes the clown that makes the dark side fun.. Torgo!"

Ha.. i won my bet, but i wasnt around to gloat because im on a better forum!  See ya guys on Viz

sully1311 said:
WebMasterFlex said:
To stop with the flooding/trolling this and go back to the original OT (Destiny PS4 Bundle), it is on amazon france at 399.99€ which is actually almost a better deal than the US's one :

But isn't the white PS4.
It is the black PS4.

Yep here in the UK the Destiny PS4 bundle is the RRP of the standard console now. Think it was because retailers were discounting the X1 and Destiny to £349.99 while the official PS4 bundle was £370-£380

Thank you...