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Forums - Sales Discussion - 16th August HW up; + adjustments; PS4 at 9.9M

Got to admit, whenever I see those 'blargh blargh Sony shouldn't be winning,' rants have to wonder how many mean that NEITHER side has the merits to outright dominate the other... (Which IS a surprising development this early in the gen,) Or if they're just grumpy that their favesies console isn't the one winning by this margin. =P In the case of the latter, my reply consists of 'Boo-Hoo Buttercup.'

Zanten, Doer Of The Things

Unless He Forgets In Which Case Zanten, Forgetter Of The Things

Or He Procrascinates, In Which Case Zanten, Doer Of The Things Later

Or It Involves Moving Furniture, in Which Case Zanten, F*** You.

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NeoRatt said:

This is my ban rant!

I have to agree.  Gamers have bought into Sony's BS hook, line and sinker...  I have all three consoles this gen and PS4 is definately at the bottom of the list.

You know it is bad when games like The Last Guardian have been in development for over 5 years and Sony fanboys talk as if this has already shipped and it is the most epic game ever... Newsflash!  If I was given a few hundred million and 5 years to develop a game it would be even more epic!

The PS4 is full of hype and very short on substance.  95% of the Indie games are ports from other platforms.  There is only a few indie games that actually shipped first on PS4...  And last generation PS fans told XB fans that downloadable and indie games didn't count.  So, why do they suddenly count this generation then?  Right...  Because that's all PS4 fans have to brag about.

2014 timed console exclusives or full console exclusives (also remove ports from their PS3) is a few Indie games and inFamous SS and the new inFamous Stand alone DLC... Add to that DriveClub and LBP3 coming soon and you've summed up the PS4 lineup for 2014. 

Meanwhile MS brought PvZ Garden Warfare and Titanfall in winter/spring to Xbox gamers and are bringing Forza Horizon 2, Sunset Overdrive, Project Spark, and Disney Fantasia Music Evolved for holiday 2014...  Not to mention a catch-up on Indie games, some Indie stuff of their own, and a bunch of downloadables such as Dance Central and XB1 gamers won't be posting on this site for months because they will be too busy playing games while Sony fanboys will live on this site through the holiday bragging about sales because they won't have any games to play.

To date, Sony has not shown any innovative gameplay this generation.   The games are all looking pretty but play pretty much the same as they did last generation.  Sony simply wants to keep your eye on shiny 1080p the rest of the generation and offer nothing new gameplay wise... (I would've said 60 fps, but we all know that inFamous and DriveClub aren't there).  Meanwhile on XB1, we have seen more zombies in DR3 than could ever have done before, Forza introduced Drivatars to the racing genre, and Titanfall combined the online FPS with Mechs.  Sony brought the "Share" function...

This site, like N4G, and many other so called "gaming media" sites have lost all objectivity and are purely a bunch of Sony fanboys now.  Anything MS does is bad, everything Sony does is thoughtful and for gamers.  I feel for both Nintendo and Microsoft.  Both started the generation shaky, but their games lineup is well above Sony's yet Sony keeps getting the sales.  There is no logic in this anymore, it is purely based on hype and momentum.  Gamers always talk about games always win... With Sony, this is completely untrue.  Nintendo ALWAYS has better and more exclusives than Sony.

Now, I am going to accept my ban on this site from the Sony fanboy owners/employees/mods here, and go back to playing games on my XB1 and Wii U... They will keep me busy through the fall/winter.  Meanwhile pathetic RecycleStation 4 owners will continue to visit this site everyday for the next 6 months talking about how great sales are.  Meanwhile XB1 and Nintendo gamers will be too busy playing games to visit this site this holiday season.  I feel sorry for how Sony fanboys have bought into the marketing BS.  It shows how gullable and pathetic they truely are.

i love how your number one example game of ms having games is pvz:gw,..  the game that released on ps4 last week.    and only 1 sentence after complaining about timed exclusives....

PS4 have fallen below 140k only twice this year. Crazy how even during the month of shortages the PS4 was still out selling the XB1 by nearly 3:1 WW every week this year.

waza2323 said:

Sorry Sony fans, this is just the honest truth. An excellent first impression and marketing have propelled Sony to dominance. It is the continued momentum and hype that people are continously buying into.

Everything Sony does is praised. When they screw gamers (like charging money for online which used to be free) it is ignored or Sony fans make excuses for them.

Everything Microsoft does is criticsized. Microsoft made many mistakes but has worked very hard over the last year to correct them. Every positive thing Microsoft has going for them is turned into a negative. It is sad to see the mob mentality still going strong 1 year later.

So much hate over MS getting Tomb Raider as a timed exclusive when Sony has a long history of doing the same. People have short memories. It seems everyone has forgotten Sony's E3 2006, the disastrous PS3 launch, the Playstation Network hacking scandal where financial and personal information was stolen and compromised. But I guess all that is forgiven now and Sony is your savior? Give it time, and you will see that Sony isn't your friend. They're a business just like MS, and will do whatever it takes to get the most money from you.

The honest truth is, you folks need to realize fact from opinion.  You may think there aren't any games (fallacy), you may think they aren't good (personal choice).  But getting this angry over it?  Really?  Are you guys stockholders or something?

And by the way, I guess you forgot that Sony spent the majority of last gen...the fucking majority, winning back gamer's trust, and still haven't come anywhere close to recouping the losses accrued during the PS3's R/D and early years.  You make it sound like Sony stumbled out of the gate and then charged ahead.  Utter bullshit, they had a tough time last gen, for numerous reasons that they brought on themselves and they paid a dear price for it.  That the PS3 eventually caught up, is kind of irrelevant given how much they lost over the whole endeavor.  Though, the games they pushed out the last 3-4 years of the PS3's life really set them up well for this gen.

The PS4 is the result of a combination of learning from those failed policies, and having devs work closely with engineers in order to provide the machine they wanted. Now, you may be interested in thinking that everything Microsoft has done thus far, is enough to warrant taking them back.  But it's pretty presumptuous to force that opinion on others.

Additionally, I completely agree with not paying for online MP.  It's why I haven't paid for it, and I know there are others in the forums who feel the same, and have elected to forgo it.  However, my stubbornness predates the console MP, and goes back to when individuals could set up their own servers, or rent them.  So, that's basically an issue I have with most of the gaming industry.

You know people are getting really bitter/salty when we start seeing lots of ban rants Whose winning is irrelevant; the rants are always a consistent level of amusing.

Anyway, congrats to the PS4 on its continued sales domination, it's well deserved. Sony made the product people wanted and the sales show it. Also nice to see the WiiU is still maintaining the 50k+ baseline. It may be a pretty shitty product to most, but to those who enjoy Nintendo games it's a great system.

Not much to say about the X1 other than "oh boy".

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BMaker11 said:
CGI-Quality said:
North America = 51,601
Globally = 48,259

My eyes must be deceiving me!

Globally, meet my friend US

edit: Time out? Is this what "Globally in the US" means? The XBone's global numbers are being beaten by US numbers. So the PS4 is outselling the XBone globally, with just US. In the US (51K) the PS4 is outselling the XBone globally (48K). Globally in the US.

It all makes sense now! The original guy just had the consoles flipped


am not getting the inside joke, but one thing thats not mentioned here is that VGCs North America isnt US, PS4s US for this week isnt 51.6k so PS4s US sales may not be greater than XB1s global


                                                                      Play Me

Nope, I'm not getting angry at all, so please stop assuming so. My tone was quite normal, and I did not insult anyone.

I do, however have a problem when you insinuate that I can't seperate fact from opinion. Everything here is an opinion, including your reply you just wrote. Just because you think what you say is correct, doesn't mean others see it that way.

Your right PS3 spent the gen gaining back the trust, and that is exactly what MS will be doing this gen. The only difference is, PS3 spent the first 3-4 years making bad decision after decision. MS corrected all its policies before launch, dropped the mandatory kinect 8 months later, and is comint out with many exclusive titles and constant updates/improvements yet people just can't help but continue to join the mob and bash MS at every turn.

MS should be given credit where its due. PS4 is selling very well, but the OS updates have been very slow, games have been delayed and their 2014 lineup is disappointing, which is my opinion.

FIT_Gamer said:
So much anger in this thread. I like.

I have noticed that people on this site are really passionate.  This is a sales site though.  With all the talk of consoles dying, its good to see that the PS4 is doing its part to keep the medium alive.  This is something that we can all appreciate. 

So much saltiness in this thread lol.

Did his post just disappear?