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SqueakySamurai said:
Nicklesbe said:
celador said:
Nicklesbe said:
This is not appropritate. No one has all the facts and what everyone is going on is what a bunch pissed off lonely pervs say on 4chan and on reddit. The industry is hostile enough to woman gamers, this kind of baseless shaming does not help any. It has nothing to do with games, game sales, or the price of gaming so I don't see the point in discussing this. A woman had a relationship with a man and then a bunch of perceived lonely woman haters bashed a woman that didn't deserve it simply because she was a woman in the gaming industry. /thread.

How does proof of corruption in the games industry not have anything to do with gaming?

This woman cheated on her boyfriend with five guys to get recognition and praise she didn't deserve.  And the types of guys that will defend whatever a woman does, aka you, is the main reason she will get away it.

There is actually not any proof of that, just shit other people made up and were saying about it. You don't know all the facts. Also this isn't the place for that discussion, it has nothing to do with games. If you want to let your MRA flag fly and bash a woman you don't know for maybe doing something(remember at this point its still a damn rumor and nothing more) doing something that is none of your or my business that's fine just take it to the subreddit where it belongs. This isn't the place for it.

Funny that you have Robin Williams as your avatar considering she capitalized on his death to release her game Depression Quest on steam on the same day and made a post about how she hopes her game makes other feel better about his death.

WoW seriously? Ya do know the game was made long befor his death right? Yeah that more than confirms your MRA status so sorry no longer taking what you say seriously. You are obviously willing to say anything to bash the woman whether she deserves it or not.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

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Using sex to move up the ladder is nothing new. Move on people and deal with it. That's how I got my job at the office.

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Nicklesbe said:

You don't have all of the facts. All you have is hearsay and misconceptions from others. It is absolutly about lonely pervs. Normal people with normal relationships DGAF about this. This is not about honest gamers caring that is BS. This is about MRA's finding and using an excuse to bash woman and nothing more. FFS look at the comments on reddit and 4chan, hell even some here. It's so sad its almost funny.

Stereotypes like you're throwing around are ignorant and flat-out sickening.  It's every bit as bad as anything coming from the other direction.  You don't get to define "normal people" any more than anyone else.  

celador said:

What is so offensive to you about bashing a woman?  Have you never seen the way women talk about men?  You would never defend a man in this situation

And why are you bringing MRA's into this?  Do you not believe men have problems? You're not that much under women's collective thumb are you?

WoW. If you have to ask you would never understand the answers. Let me guess Elliot Rodger was a hero of yours.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

pokoko said:
Nicklesbe said:

You don't have all of the facts. All you have is hearsay and misconceptions from others. It is absolutly about lonely pervs. Normal Non-mysognistic people with normal happy/healthy relationships DGAF about this. This is not about honest gamers caring that is BS. This is about MRA's finding and using an excuse to bash woman and nothing more. FFS look at the comments on reddit and 4chan, hell even some here. It's so sad its almost funny.

Stereotypes like you're throwing around are ignorant and flat-out sickening.  It's every bit as bad as anything coming from the other direction.  You don't get to define "normal people" any more than anyone else.  


All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)

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Nicklesbe said:
SqueakySamurai said:
Nicklesbe said:
SqueakySamurai said:
Nicklesbe said:
This is not appropritate. No one has all the facts and what everyone is going on is what a bunch pissed off lonely pervs say on 4chan and on reddit. The industry is hostile enough to woman gamers, this kind of baseless shaming does not help any. It has nothing to do with games, game sales, or the price of gaming so I don't see the point in discussing this. A woman had a relationship with a man and then a bunch of perceived lonely woman haters bashed a woman that didn't deserve it simply because she was a woman in the gaming industry. /thread.

I knew there would be people like you trying to dismiss all of this simply as "oh those loser virgin nerds, they're just misogynistic loners."
The issue isn't necessarily that she cheated on her boyfriend with 5 Men including a married man,  the issue is that she is using her body to get ahead in the industry and that she has been lying about getting hacked and doxxed.

So no, this is not "lonely pervs" trying to shame a woman. This is honest gamers that care about the industry trying to shed light on a horrible practice that is plaguing journalism.

You don't have all of the facts. All you have is hearsay and misconceptions from others. It is absolutly about lonely pervs. Normal people with normal relationships DGAF about this. This is not about honest gamers caring that is BS. This is about MRA's finding and using an excuse to bash woman and nothing more. FFS look at the comments on reddit and 4chan, hell even some here. It's so sad its almost funny.

Well you could try reading the blog post by her ex-boyfriend detailing the events. Complete with facebook screenshots and video evidence. But you DGAF about this so why are you even posting? Nobody here has called her a whore or any other derogatory term and yet you insist that this is just MRA trying to make up controversy.

You just dont want to face the facts.     here is the link if you actually care about knowing what you're talking about.

So the words of a pissed off ex boyfriend are to be taken as fact? Have you ever been in a relationship ever? Ever been in one that went bad? Ya can't take that shit as fact. The only one making up contraversy here is you and your only evidence so far has been provided by MRA's so my point stands.

You clearly have your mind set on me being an MRA person so I don't know why I'm bothering but there is video proof of her admitting she cheated on him and you still are denying it. Why don't you try READING the blog post before posting anymore shit because it's clear you don't know what you're talking about.

every post on reddit deleted

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SqueakySamurai said:

You clearly have your mind set on me being an MRA person so I don't know why I'm bothering but there is video proof of her admitting she cheated on him and you still are denying it. Why don't you try READING the blog post before posting anymore shit because it's clear you don't know what you're talking about.

What do you not understand about the fact that she may or may not have cheated is none of your business and has absolutly nothing to do with games or the game industry? That's why you are an MRA because you don't see her as a fallible person, instead you see her as an enemy that you need to attack and bash, and even start what looks like a crusade to make her look bad when what she did is none of your business and doesn't affect you in any way.

All Hail the Jester King. The King is back, and I am still a dirty girl prof ;)