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So your going to completely ignore the shortages that MS have faced this entire year in your assessment of the market's situation in the USA?

Wow, your so credible.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

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starcraft said:
So your going to completely ignore the shortages that MS have faced this entire year in your assessment of the market's situation in the USA?

Wow, your so credible.

Yeah, because w/o the shortages the 360 would totaly sell 100+ units weekly this time of year in NA.(sarcasm) Your so desprate and predictable starcraft. I was honestly just waiting for you.

Moneybags said:
starcraft said:
So your going to completely ignore the shortages that MS have faced this entire year in your assessment of the market's situation in the USA?

Wow, your so credible.


Yeah, because w/o the shortages the 360 would totaly sell 100+ units weekly this time of year in NA.(sarcasm) Your so desprate and predictable starcraft. I was honestly just waiting for you.

No, but it would likely sell another 20-30,000.

Could I trouble you for some maple syrup to go with the plate of roffles you just served up?

Tag, courtesy of fkusumot: "Why do most of the PS3 fanboys have avatars that looks totally pissed?"
"Ok, girl's trapped in the elevator, and the power's off.  I swear, if a zombie comes around the next corner..."
thekitchensink said:
Moneybags said:
starcraft said:
So your going to completely ignore the shortages that MS have faced this entire year in your assessment of the market's situation in the USA?

Wow, your so credible.


Yeah, because w/o the shortages the 360 would totaly sell 100+ units weekly this time of year in NA.(sarcasm) Your so desprate and predictable starcraft. I was honestly just waiting for you.

No, but it would likely sell another 20-30,000.

That is still less of a gap then what the 360 was selling over ps3 for the majority of this gen.

Moneybags said:
starcraft said:
So your going to completely ignore the shortages that MS have faced this entire year in your assessment of the market's situation in the USA?

Wow, your so credible.


Yeah, because w/o the shortages the 360 would totaly sell 100+ units weekly this time of year in NA.(sarcasm) Your so desprate and predictable starcraft. I was honestly just waiting for you.

Really? Im quite flattered.  So new to the forums, and yet already you simply 'wait' for my presence.  If I were gay, I would give you my heart;)  

Seriously though moneybags, I said nothing about worldwide.  I quite rightly critisised your analysis (or lack thereof) of the US market, as you tried to convince others (or perhaps yourself?) that there is no shortage of Xbox 360's and that the PS3 is outselling it on merit alone. 

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

Around the Network
starcraft said:
Moneybags said:
starcraft said:
So your going to completely ignore the shortages that MS have faced this entire year in your assessment of the market's situation in the USA?

Wow, your so credible.


Yeah, because w/o the shortages the 360 would totaly sell 100+ units weekly this time of year in NA.(sarcasm) Your so desprate and predictable starcraft. I was honestly just waiting for you.

Really? Im quite flattered.  So new to the forums, and yet already you simply 'wait' for my presence.  If I were gay, I would give you my heart;)  

Seriously though moneybags, I said nothing about worldwide.  I quite rightly critisised your analysis (or lack thereof) of the US market, as you tried to convince others (or perhaps yourself?) that there is no shortage of Xbox 360's and that the PS3 is outselling it on merit alone. 

"Yes, we will see the 360 once again outsell Ps3 for quite a bit this year in NA. It is unlikely that we will see the significant sales gap between the 2 that we once saw" Your right, I didn't mention it and I probably should have but I did considering it as I typed by writting this^. Tell me if you disagree and how you think it will be. ( I been lurking this site for quite a while)

I reckon that there will be a price drop and a bigger share of GTA sales going to the Xbox 360, resulting in the MS console leading the USA market once again when supply issues are sorted out. Whilst there will also be a price drop in Europe allowing the 360 to pass the PS3 temporarily, I do not think the Xbox 360 will ever outsell the PS3 on a consistent basis in the EU again.

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

NeoRatt said:
madskillz said:
dabaus513 said:
madskillz said:
It's not over. When the PS3 is beating the 360 by Wiilike numbers, then I'll believe it.

It's a host of reasons - including folks picking it up as a Blu Ray player with the war over. If you think these folks will just happen to migrate over and use it for gaming, think again. Think about it - sure it's selling, but are software numbers up as well? Sony used their PS brand to pimp Blu Ray. It's paying off, but not for gamers.

The target audiance for people that buy blu ray players are probalby middle aged males.What of sexes stereotypically games? Oh yes, males. Chances are if some one buys a ps3 for blu ray they know what they are getting themseleves into. Id bet that they have kids. Im pretty sure that there are regular blu ray players for the same price if not cheaper than the ps3 anyways.

I'm a member of High Def Digest forum and a number of folks bought a PS3 and haven't bought a single game. Plus, some want to buy a standalone player instead. With the clear winner in the HD format war, folks are looking at what the PS3 offers vs. standalone players. When the PS3 does the same thing and even more than the other players on the market, which would you pick? Do the math.

Make no mistake - yeah, the PS3 is catching fire, but the Wii is a console purely and winning folks. The PS3 has the unique position of being a console and a Blu Ray player. The only way to see if the PS3 is being picked up by folks as a console is to watch the software numbers. If the PS3's attach rates jump, sure ... it's beating the 360 in the console wars. However, if folks are just picking it up because it plays Blu Ray - and I know a guy that did just that - and bought a few Blu Rays, but didn't buy any games, nor does he plan to. He just enjoys his Blu Rays.

When the software attach rates coorespond with the hardware rates, it's on.

I think someone should sue Sony for monopoly tieing and predatory pricing like they did with Microsoft on IE and Windows. The only reason blu-ray won over the studios in the format war was because they pumped out PS3's with blu-ray at a substantial loss. Stand alone sales were in favor of HD DVD until the PS3 started coming along. They used the PS brand to win the format war...

Sony's attach rate will sink over the next few months because of the blu-ray win.


Your post makes tons of sense. However, will anyone do what you say? I doubt it. It wasn't all Sony's fault - Sony said they'd make a format that closely mimicked DVD - with region codes and standard features. And the studios bit. In the end, we lose, plan and simple.

Blu Ray has studio support through the wazoo and HD DVD, though superior, brought so much to the table that too few cared about. 


Im sorry to say this but who's fault is it that there is a supposed shortage. the shortage isn't as extreme as people are making it look to be as its a fact that the 360 sales in the US went up this week.

there is a shortage but the demand isn't high enough to make a difference. anyone right now could goto amazon and buy any version of the 360 they want.

a true measure of supply constrained is the wii where demand is greater than supply and you cant buy a wii for less than 350 bux from resellers online. only way in my area to get a wii at retail price is to stalk for new shipments.

starcraft said:
I reckon that there will be a price drop and a bigger share of GTA sales going to the Xbox 360, resulting in the MS console leading the USA market once again when supply issues are sorted out. Whilst there will also be a price drop in Europe allowing the 360 to pass the PS3 temporarily, I do not think the Xbox 360 will ever outsell the PS3 on a consistent basis in the EU again.

But how much greater do you think the weekly average of 360 sales will be over the ps3 this year in NA? edit: kind of hard to predict. I guess I'm asking if you think 360 will ever have a long term substantial lead in the US like it once had.