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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Xbox One is Beasting in the Games Department!

It's a great line up, i don't know about Kinetic rivals and the dance game though.

The Xbox brand has always had a great amount of exclusives and the big boys usually sale higher the Sony's. With a smaller base this time around, it's gonna be interesting to see how Xbox exclusives will sell compared to Sony's. The attachment rate is probably gonna be huge.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

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All I know is that 2015 is going to be the greatest year in recent gaming memory for all consoles.

But yeh, XB1 has a pretty decent lineup already. So does PS4, though.

gamemaster4747 said:
I'm sad to see all of this banning and moderating. This site is the opposite of the fun filled trash talking and standing up for your favorite console that I thought it would be. I feel like this is a communist site that censors and punishes those that wish for freedom of speech. This very comment may be moderated. :( I am not even going to try to say what I really want to say about this post.

I partly agree with what you said... but in the name of freedom of speech too many just spread nonsense and hate and should be moderated. Sometimes it become difficult to just hold a conversation when you have to filter through the BS. 

CGI-Quality said:
Areym said:
The Xbox brand has always had a great amount of exclusives and the big boys usually sale higher the Sony's

Not to get into any real debates, but I often hear this from people. What big franchises sell more than Sony's biggest?

OT: I haven't bought one yet, but I'm sure it's doing what it needs to for those that have. I'm just waiting on Quantum Break and/or Gears of War 4 release news.

Halo and GoW mainly compared to say Uncharted and God of War.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian

Alt Removed - Carl

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I guess Toastboy and the mods are working together now.

This is obviously a sarcastic thread. To those who think it isn't are just ignorant....

Edit: You have just been banned by one of Toastboy's, Mods - Starlord.

Currently own:


  • Ps4


Currently playing: Witcher 3, Walking Dead S1/2, GTA5, Dying Light, Tomb Raider Remaster, MGS Ground Zeros

Alt Removed - Carl

AZWification said:

 The X1, so far, has a better library of games than the PS4! This image is for anyone who tries to disagree with me! >:)

DISCLAIMER: This post is not meant to be taken seriously.. -__-


Driveclub and Forza H2 will both be great racing titles in their own respect.  FFXIV is still getting new content and will continue for years to come.  TLoU remastered is a fantastic addition, but I will give the nod to MCC for overall value.  LBP3 is big whether you like it or not.  Sunset COULD be good, but it could likely go multiplat after a time (the sequel most likely).  Then right into 2015 PS4 gets The Order and Bloodbourne while X1 has nothing in terms of exclusives.


Earlier we have the equally matched Infamous and Titanfall,  in their own respect.  Launch titles were pretty equal as well with a slight edge to the x1 with Forza 5.  This however was quickly douced by the release of MLB The Show and FFXIV securing more retail titles on the PS4.


That said it things are pretty equal, but there is no doubt they are starting and will continue to tilt in favor of the PS4. 


That said...


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FIFA and COD are my favorite X1 exclusives.

Toastboy i'm not sure what you've done on this site exactly, but it seems like Alot of people like to kiss your ass