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Forums - Sony Discussion - GTA5 for PS4 will do the same Numbers of TLoU:R

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Nope, more. At least double. Probably more in the ballpark of triple or quadruple.

Don't underestimate GTA fans. Other than TLOU this game has replay value. A LOT of fans will be double dipping.

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Nah, it'll surpass TLoUR. It'll probably sell another 4 million alone on current gen.




It will do more.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

by this thread i see that there is a lot of people upgrading!


the last of us

Week EndingWeekWeeklyChangeTotal
02nd August 2014 1 731,788 N/A 731,788

GTA V (ps4)

Week EndingWeekWeeklyChangeTotal
22nd November 2014 1 2,189,342 N/A 2,189,342
