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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Hyrule Warriors 1st Week In Europe Predictions! 70k Japan!


Come on, papa needs a new pair of shoes!

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NNID: Maraccuda              
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176k warriorland!

ryuzaki57 said:
Symbios63 said:
ryuzaki57 said:
25K. Folks, it has 33 pts on COMG


1 point usually worth 1.5k FW for Nintendo games

This isn't your average family-friendly Nintendo title that parents pick up for their kids during their Sunday shopping. That rule likely won't apply here.

Maybe not, but this is still a Zelda-themed game which sounds like Nintendo to me.. I guess we'll see.

Besides, it still has 9 days to go + another sku not included in the 33 pts...

IMO anything below 50k first week is VERY unlikely (like anything over 150k) and 25k just sounds impossible to me.



NNID: FrequentFlyer54


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50k, didn't WWHD only do like 30k first week?


baloofarsan said:
As I have no personal experiance of the Warriors series ( I cosider the game more Warriors with Zelda skins than the other way around ) I turn to the Vgchartz database.
Dynasty Warriors 8 (PS3 2013) First week in Japan: 212 798
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 2 (PS3 2013) First week in Japan: 274 241
One Piece: Pirate Musou (PS3 2012) First week in Japan: 664 313
Dynasty Warriors 7 (PS3 2011) First week in Japan: 262 324
Warriors Orochi 3 (PS3 2011) First week in Japan: 199 871
Dynasty Warriors Gundam (PS3 2010) First week in Japan: 189 271

So my prediction for Hyrule Warriors (Wii U 2014) ) first week in Japan will be:
216 544

None of these games were on the Wii U..

70k, this is a game where you'll have to be safe. It can go either way and 70k would be good enough for the FW.

Check out my Upcoming Wii U Games 2014 Thread

3DS Friend Code: 4553 - 9954 - 4854. Name - David

i think it is more a zelda fan apealing than musou...

20k wii us.