It wasn't fake. I was genuinely sad to see spurge dead, but proud of him for guessing correctly.
I was considering all angles. We were discussing the possibilty of two factions yesterDay, and I didn't want town to dismiss it simply because only one person died last Night. Call me paranoid. I don't really care if it makes sense or not. It's a possibilty.
Regarding the change in behavior, you're right. The reason is twofold. One, I had no classes last week, but I'm back to work now and I don't have the energy to post as much.
Two, a group of you almost killed me yesterDay for simply being too aggressive, so forgive if me if I feel I should back off a bit for now. Don't get me wrong, I still wanna win. I'm not giving up. Not even close. I just don't feel much like posting crazy amounts atm. Pressure votes won't work either, so save it for someone else.