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Forums - Movies & TV - Super Official Anime Discussion Thread

pokoko said: 

There isn't anything mind blowing this season, except maybe Zombie Land Saga, but there is a lot that's pretty enjoyable.

Even Radiant, which I can't help but make fun of, is kind of good.  I mean, seriously, it turns out that 'Radiant' is a mythical place that the young protagonist sets off on a journey to find?  And he gathers crewmembers on the way?  I can't even mock that, it's too easy.  I just hope he gets there in ... one piece.  

Episode 3, however, was a big improvement on the first two.  Alma is just a damn good character and her story had me invested in the anime for the first time.  She's probably going to die like all good mentor characters, though, just to give the protagonist that much cliched boost, which sucks.  

I gave you a thumbs up for the top tier pun. Good job, sir.

I hope his crewmates are sufficiently quirky. Bink's Sake came up on my Spotify playlist the other day(yeah I was surprised too), and I remembered how much I liked seeing Luffy's crew expand.


Only change from last time is that I started that Slime anime. It's surprisingly good, reminds me of a manga I read a while back about a dude who gets Minecraft powers. Was expecting another lame isekai but this one feels pretty clever and I like the chill pacing so far. Though its a bit uncomfortable seeing hot goblin girls after that other anime airing this season.

Wow, Hajimete no Gal cameo in My Sister, My Writer. It's like there's a Subpar Harem Anime Extended Universe now. Way better than Marvel's for sure. I liked seeing Karen from Gamers! in the background though...super underrated anime IMO.

I think I'll drop Sword Art Online...I really find Kirito too bland to really care about seeing him interact with a bunch of new characters. Not sure if a new blonde FMC will change my opinion. Well maybe. With Attack on Titan over I need a new Monday anime so maybe I'll give it a few more episodes.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

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Super_Boom said:

I gave you a thumbs up for the top tier pun. Good job, sir.

I hope his crewmates are sufficiently quirky. Bink's Sake came up on my Spotify playlist the other day(yeah I was surprised too), and I remembered how much I liked seeing Luffy's crew expand.

I totally forgot about that little whale.  Someone criticized the emotion in One Piece in that "battle" thread the other day and I just ... I didn't even know what to say.

Radiant, it turns out, is a French comic that is also published in Japan.  Seems obvious where it gets its inspiration.  Is that you, Trafalgar?

I guess this is his crew below?  Though only the girl, the guy with goggles, and the woman in purple (Alma) are shown with him in the OP.  I think Goggles and the girl show up next episode.  Maybe the others are enemies or allies.  The girl seems pretty nifty rather than the wet blanket type.

The OP is not bad at all.


The Slime anime is good.  Reminds me of the Spider manga I read (also soon to be anime) in that it handles everything intelligently rather than the classic shonen style of leveling up and getting new powers by yelling loudly.  Yes, I take shots at Fairy Tail whenever I can.

Last edited by pokoko - on 22 October 2018

I found myself going back and watching the rap battle again.  The girl playing Saki (the blonde) really impressed me.  Love the mic drop, too, and Tae-chan's part is awesome.

I finally watched Ordinal Scale. The plot is really really stupid but it was entertaining and really really pretty. I had to check twice and I still don't believe it was produced by A1 and not Ufotable.

My short attention span is barely enough to watch a single episode but I watched through the whole 2h without a break, which is a testament to its entertainment value.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Finished HisoMaso yesterday. Definitely a deserved 9/10. The writing and the VA performance are outstanding. I hope I'll see the seiyuu of Hiso in many more roles.

Also finished GGO. Passable as usual.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

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So as of late, I've been frequently browsing the anime section of my nearest FYE Superstore - and I noticed something peculiar. Anime's from the late 80's, 90's and early 2000's are becoming "Out of Print" (meaning no longer being produced and distributed to retailers) and many old school anime are becoming collectors items. Many of these anime at my FYE have been sitting on their store shelves for so damn long that their price tags are several years old - and ring up at about $1 to $5, as opposed to the listed $24.99 you see on alot of them.

So now I find myself becoming a collector of vintage, rare, and OOP anime DVD's. You'd be AMAZED at the some of the shit thats been over looked over by younger customers that sell for hundreds of dollars on eBay. (Koi Kaze, Robotech, 3x3 Eyes, Battle Arena Toshinden, Gunsmith Cats, Perfect Blue, Card Captor Sakura, Chobits, Shadow Skill, Twilight of the Dark Master, Ronin Warriors, original Ah My Goddess, Patlabor 1 & 2, etc) and these anime's depending on the series - can fetch up $500 on eBay.

Does anyone in here actively collect out of print anime? I'd love to hear some of people's finds and collections...

Mar1217 said:
vivster said:
Finished HisoMaso yesterday. Definitely a deserved 9/10. The writing and the VA performance are outstanding. I hope I'll see the seiyuu of Hiso in many more roles.

Also finished GGO. Passable as usual.

Which one ? The GGO spin-off or the 1st arc of the 2nd season of the main show ?

The Pink Devil one. It was fun and not as excruciatingly stupid or melodramatic as the first one.

I'm probably dropping Karakuri Circus. It's not bad but not good enough to keep it in my ever shrinking season selection. I think I pretty much got the whole series out of the first 2 episodes anyway.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Man that Zombieland ending. Poor lady XD I burst out laughing when the MC tried to hide but got a head of herself.

*crickets chirp*

Slime MC has good taste in girls. 

Still watching Black Clover in backlog land. Like a lot of manga/anime it draws on, the characters are a lot better than the story, and thankfully Asta's voice stops being horrible later on. Still find the arcs pretty predictable, but the execution is usually nice.

Again though, holy cow the OP/ED selection is great. I've yet to hear a bad one.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

Anima Yell ep 4 - I always call it Animal Yell and it actually turned into that.  Loved Kohane's pose.  New girl is adorable.  She's like a little hamster ... even though her name probably means she's going to be a Tiger.

Just finished Burst Angel, and Gad Guard. I've been very into older anime lately, and started watching five old shows from Funimation.

They're both hot messes with terrible pacing and so much filler. Burst Angel is the worst offender, so much pointless episodes and for some reason, the women's breasts keep getting abnormally large as the series goes on. Gad Guard at least had some plot going on from very beginning to end, but it was very shallow and got completely sidelined by the middle section. Suddenly it became another case of main characters having homosexual tendencies in the name of "friendship" or whatever obsessive thing is moving them. This series awfully reminds me of Megaman, they done copied the blue bomber.