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Forums - Movies & TV - Super Official Anime Discussion Thread

I finally started to watch some things from this season now that we are at least a couple of weeks in to basically everything. I will give my thoughts in 8 - 10 weeks when I get around to watching more.


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Ka-pi96 said:
New Pokemon movie is really good. Sooo many Sinnoh references too!

Sooooo, not enough water?

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Ka-pi96 said:
vivster said:

Sooooo, not enough water?

Can there ever be just the right amount of water?


No, water is fluid. It constantly changes form and volume.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

looks like one of the laws of nature is still true. Teddyloid is physically incapable of making bad music.


And 18if is still the best anime that no one is watching.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

I'm not very into anime anymore, but lately I began watching two different series (impressive for my standards) and I'm enjoying them.

The Count of Monte Cristo is amazing. I remember watching episode 1 back in 2009 and I didn't like it. Found it boring and very weird looking... After I've studied art, and music, while also getting more mature: I GET IT NOW. Its much more than an anime about fighting bad guys, there's a complex (if a little predictable At times) plot with striking art direction, atmosphere, and nice characters. Of course it had to be based on a literature work. I've watched up to Episode 10 so far.

Ghost Hound caught my attention due to having super natural elements, and although the first two episodes were incredibly slow; the third episode picked the pacing and plot up and now I'm HOOKED. There's so much to this series beyond "ghosts", its similar to a psychological horror movie and I love those. I haven't taken an anatomy or psychology class in a while, so all these talks about the brain and mental health issues are a little complicated to understand at face value, but I enjoy it nonetheless. I've seen up to Episode 10 so far.


I can't stand the typical shounen/beat bad guys with the power of friendship anime anymore, that's what JRPGS are for. So these two are a breath of fresh air.

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Still no clear challenger for waifu of the season. I might have to resort to the waifu grab bag that is MHA.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

I'm beginning to not like Yumeko Jabami. You can't even tell anymore what's her actual personality and what's just for show. They really went overboard with her.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Finished My Love Story and SnK/AoT season 2.

For My Love Story, I thought it was hilarious at times. Many times I felt it surpassed the other funny SoL anime that I have watched recently. But then there were also the other completely boring moments. It is hard to rate it in comparison due to these times, but well worth the laughs.

AoT season 2 merged the animation and music quite well, more so then last season I think. Gotta say though I could do without the flashback every episode, normally only have to suffer through 1 episode with that. I feel like I am being too negative, so I will say this season's characters and action seemed top notch. After watching 1 or 2 episodes I was hooked, and had to marathon the rest of the season.

I got around to watching Haganai (I Don't Have Friends or something) over the past two weeks. It's been in my pile for a while...and only really knew about if from...doujins...*clears throat and looks to the side*

Most of the anime is fun SoL/harem stuff with some nice ecchi humor. Harem tease was cute, though not particularly deep. The last few episodes of season 2 totally caught me off guard though...and really turned a certain harem cliche completely on its head. Wasn't expecting actual drama in a show like this, but I was actually impressed with how it was executed.

Overall, the anime was solid to good overall. And by anime...I mean the anime only. Ended up looking up spoilers for the light novels...and Jesus. Even if the second season ends in cliffhanger...that's still the conclusion that's canon in my mind.

Anyways for weekly stuff...My Hero Academia is just godly, and is constantly reminding me why I enjoy this hobby. Aho Girl makes me laugh out loud every episode, and Restaurant to Another World is amusing.

Couple other shows I'm following that I don't care to mention...unless they either improve or end up getting dropped.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

D: there's only 1 more person that likes horror over those that don't? In any case I watched a few episodes of Cowboy Bebop yesterday, it's picking up my interest a bit more than the first few episodes did.