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My list will follow as soon as I'm done with this season.

Has anyone finished Occultic;Nine? I'm pondering if it's worth to watch the episodes after Ep 4 or if I should just drop it. It feels really intriguing with great art but the story telling is a total mess and hard to watch.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

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Versus_Evil said:
vivster said:

My list will follow as soon as I'm done with this season.

Has anyone finished Occultic;Nine? I'm pondering if it's worth to watch the episodes after Ep 4 or if I should just drop it. It feels really intriguing with great art but the story telling is a total mess and hard to watch.

What happend, thought you loved Occultic;Nine.. did you finnally realise how much of a trainwreck it is?

I still really like the first episode. I also love the style and the OP and ED. It's pretty hard to watch though. It's one of those animes I genuinely want to give a chance. Kinda like Mahou Shoujo Ikusei Keikaku.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Alright so I've finished Psycho Pass season 1. Quite enjoyed it! It was easy to get into because I'm a fan of cyberpunk/futuristic settings, and the writing was competent enough to keep me hooked. Ended up buying it on blu-ray as a present for my sister. I've read that the writer also penned Fate/Zero and Madoka Magica so those will be on my radar for sure (liked his style).

Anyhow I haven't decided if I want to stick with the same sort of thing for my next show (which would probably be GiTS SAC season 1) or if I should keep it fresh with a comedy like "Daily Lives of High School Boys". I ended up watching the first few episodes of the latter as a breather, but I didn't end up doing much breathing haha.

Other than those two, in the near future I have Monster, Shinsekai Yori, Usagi Drop, Fate/Zero and The Devil is a Part Timer to look forward to.

God damnit guys I'm stuck in another binge cycle pls send help

#1 Amb-ass-ador

ReimTime said:
Alright so I've finished Psycho Pass season 1. Quite enjoyed it! It was easy to get into because I'm a fan of cyberpunk/futuristic settings, and the writing was competent enough to keep me hooked. Ended up buying it on blu-ray as a present for my sister. I've read that the writer also penned Fate/Zero and Madoka Magica so those will be on my radar for sure (liked his style).

Anyhow I haven't decided if I want to stick with the same sort of thing for my next show (which would probably be GiTS SAC season 1) or if I should keep it fresh with a comedy like "Daily Lives of High School Boys". I ended up watching the first few episodes of the latter as a breather, but I didn't end up doing much breathing haha.

Other than those two, in the near future I have Monster, Shinsekai Yori, Usagi Drop, Fate/Zero and The Devil is a Part Timer to look forward to.

God damnit guys I'm stuck in another binge cycle pls send help

Just don't watch Psycho Pass season 2. Save yourself the pain of such mediocrity as a followup to a genuinely good anime.


LuckyTrouble said:
ReimTime said:
Alright so I've finished Psycho Pass season 1. Quite enjoyed it! It was easy to get into because I'm a fan of cyberpunk/futuristic settings, and the writing was competent enough to keep me hooked. Ended up buying it on blu-ray as a present for my sister. I've read that the writer also penned Fate/Zero and Madoka Magica so those will be on my radar for sure (liked his style).

Anyhow I haven't decided if I want to stick with the same sort of thing for my next show (which would probably be GiTS SAC season 1) or if I should keep it fresh with a comedy like "Daily Lives of High School Boys". I ended up watching the first few episodes of the latter as a breather, but I didn't end up doing much breathing haha.

Other than those two, in the near future I have Monster, Shinsekai Yori, Usagi Drop, Fate/Zero and The Devil is a Part Timer to look forward to.

God damnit guys I'm stuck in another binge cycle pls send help

Just don't watch Psycho Pass season 2. Save yourself the pain of such mediocrity as a followup to a genuinely good anime.

Yeah I've read in a lot of places that the second season really fell short. The first season ended on an open enough note to allow for a good second season, so what happened?


#1 Amb-ass-ador

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Finished Last Exile, or at least the first season.

First few episodes almost made me not watch the anime, but then the show started ramping up and it was good until random drama but then finished fairly strongly. The show certainly shows it's age pretty hardcore for me, but it was very well done in the end.

Lastly Hitomi Kuroishi is a musical genius and I will love the music no matter what.

So Fate/Grand Order was just an OVA? That means I watched that 1h borefest for nothing? The Fate series is a fucking time vampire.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Don't forget today is Anime Jesus Day!

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

"Zankyou no Terror" (by the legendary Cowboy Bebop/Samurai Champloo-Producer) and "Death Note" are AMAZING !!!!!!

Next month, i watch "Death Parade" : )

Drifters is really cool. (by Hellsing-producer)
PS: In february, Naruto Shippuden UNS4 Final Edition is coming for PS4.

I just watched the Oregairu Zoku OVA. It's good, it really makes the wait for a potential 3rd season more painful.

It also officially confirms that Iroha is the best girl.