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Forums - Movies & TV - Super Official Anime Discussion Thread

Finished Nanbaka earlier. It is a surprisingly well balanced show that is partially a gag anime, yet does an amazing job intermixing serious elements to create a show that keeps you coming back for multiple reasons.

I'm really looking forward to the next season that thankfully starts with the upcoming Winter lineup. One of the best of the season, to be certain.


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My vote goes to Izetta. While Haikyuu and Euphonium were technically better, they were going to be great anyway and Izetta deserves it for being a really cool new IP.

Also moe anime of the season goes to Stella no Mahou. It went from being super adorable to ultra mega mighty moe adorable. Tamaki is just sweeter than anything I've ever seen in anime.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

BTW I finished Shoushin Shoujo Matoi. Probably the most overlooked anime this season. It is a by the books mahou shoujo anime but it's really funny and heartwarming. The animation is quite erratic but that gives the anime a lot of charme. I certainly want to see more of that director.

It feels kinda nostalgic.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

And Flip Flappers is over. Great show with some really awesome and diverse animation.

The biggest highlight for me was of course, Cocona and Papika's relationship, quite deep and satisfying, adore the chemestry between them.

Flip Flappers ended in something pretty disappointing. Maybe my expectations were a bit too high but in the end I'm left with a fairly inconsequential anime that's barely memorable. I actually struggled to give it a 9 but I decided to award at least the artistic merits.

In other news, Hibike Euphium got a clear cut 10. It might just be the best work KyoAni has ever done and that's saying something.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

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As for the rest of the season.

Ikusei Keikaku was good, sad af, I ended up liking most of the characters so their deaths were quite something, Swim Swim got up there as one of my most hated characters in fiction tho, so yay I guess.

Enjoyed some shorts this season, Nobunaga no Shinobi being really funny for me and Mahou Shoujo Nante Mou Ii Desukara. 2nd Season being super cute like the first one.

Still planning on finishing Vivid Strike and watch Scorching Ping Pong Girls.

My one drop was Hibike Euphonium Season 2, watched till episode 5, the excessive focus on drama and the fact that they don't play any subtantial piece of music till that episode just really bugs me. What I enjoyed about the first season was that while there was bits of drama here and there, it was still a little story about a school band seeking improvement and actually playing music, with some nice and fun characters and friendships.

ARamdomGamer said:

As for the rest of the season.

Ikusei Keikaku was good, sad af, I ended up liking most of the characters so their deaths were quite something, Swim Swim got up there as one of my most hated characters in fiction tho, so yay I guess.

Enjoyed some shorts this season, Nobunaga no Shinobi being really funny for me and Mahou Shoujo Nante Mou Ii Desukara. 2nd Season being super cute like the first one.

Still planning on finishing Vivid Strike and watch Scorching Ping Pong Girls.

My one drop was Hibike Euphonium Season 2, watched till episode 5, the excessive focus on drama and the fact that they don't play any subtantial piece of music till that episode just really bugs me. What I enjoyed about the first season was that while there was bits of drama here and there, it was still a little story about a school band seeking improvement and actually playing music, with some nice and fun characters and friendships.

GET ON THIS ALREADY! its far better than nanoha vivid.

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It's been fun being OP of this thread when I took over for Versus a little before the Fall season started. I hope everyone did as well and we can keep the community strong and growing. I'm always willing to listen to feedback from you guys if there's something you guys think we can do to improve the thread and keep it interesting, whether it's a poll suggestion, a game we can play at the thread or something else entirely, don't  hesitate to PM me. I'l be working on the OP for the winter season soon and having the AOTY poll too. Hopefully with the coming year we can continue to enjoy anime together :)

Oh yeah and of course...


Friendly Fate/ series post

Fate/Grand Order special is out now.

With it some news as well.


Happy new year to all the weebs here.

As far as anime goes, I watched the most during this year so discovered some great things like Jojo, Nanoha and Natsume thanks to some friends and a bunch of other shows, so pretty good year overall, so I decided to post my updated top 10 anime, quite a bit changed.

1. Kill la Kill

2. Puella Magi Madoka Magica

3. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Diamond is Unbreakable

4. Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru

5. Kyousou Giga (TV)

6. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (2012)

7. El Cazador de la Bruja

8. Fate/Zero

9. Suzumiya Haruhi no Shoushitsu

10. Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha The Movie 2nd A's

Gotta think what am I going to replace whenever the Stone Ocean adaptation comes.