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Forums - Movies & TV - Super Official Anime Discussion Thread

Trying very hard to think of a good anime based on a game. Tales of Zestiria was decent.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

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I thought God Eater was decent, but that was probably just my bias towards the series. Animation and music were good at least. Lenka as the mc was meh, but seeing my favorite characters from the game in anime form was sweet.

Ace Attorney was about what you expect from it, animation was ugh at times and they had to rush a lot of the cases to fit the anime format. Music was good tho


This one was just announced to get an anime.

"The story centers on a girl named Maika who gets a job at a cafe where all the waitresses are given certain attributes — such as "tsundere" or "little sister"  to embody while serving customers. The manager asks Maika to be the "Do S" (extreme sadist) waitress, so she will have to adopt a dominant and aggressive persona." 

Sounds like fun.


Alright time for the AOTS poll.

I haven't seen too much this season, but my vote goes to Nanbaka, there aren't many good gag animes, so I'm glad this one turned out to be much better than I was expecting it to be.


Versus_Evil said:

At the end of 2017 we could possibly look back and remember the year like this

Kono Subarashi Season 2 

Take it in.

I'm looking forward to this one way more than I thought I would. The first season made me laugh so, so much, and I can't wait to see more of the stupidity in this fantasy land.

As for my AOTS, I'm gonna go with Haikyuu. Nothing else this season matched the energy of those ten episodes for me, and no other show had me coming back so consistently week after week like this one.


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Hm...well Jojo was my AOTS, but 3-Gatsu was my favorite anime that debuted this season. I've mentioned why before, but the mix of drama and slice-of-life really works well here, and it was probably the anime I most looked forward to every week. Something about the MC's story just came across as very relatable to me; acting like a loner, when in reality so many people care about him. I'm looking forward to continuing to watch this into 2017.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

Finished No Game No Life. Quite the hilarious and interesting anime. Felt quite the intrigue with all the different games being played. I hope a new season gets greenlit sometime, as the anime felt unfinished.

Finished Parasyte the maxim. First anime in awhile to make me feel sad. The music and everything was a little odd at first, but then everything came to life in the later episodes. Also a good ending in an anime in a long time. Normally some type of BS comes by to ruin something imo. I normally stay away from gruesome looking anime like this, but in the end it was not all that bad.

Started Last Exile, and I cannot seem to get into it. Hopefully it feels better.

If you guys like comedy high school sol, watch Masamune-Kuns Revenge next season; the manga is great, and I always knew it would translate well as an anime.

Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda Muda!!!!

AOTS is between Izetta and Flip Flappers (will just leave it as a tie, since I love both so much).

We know the true AOTS was more Diamond is Unbreakable tho.

Versus_Evil said:

