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Forums - Movies & TV - Super Official Anime Discussion Thread

Shadow8 said:

As for favorite ED, I'll go with Space Patrol Luluco's ED because it's just so captivating and I could listen to it for hours!


I agree with that.  The anime is okay but the ED is one of the best musical pieces of the season.

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No idea about OP yet...I need more time!

Favorite ED is definitely Jojo. Chica Cherry Cola~

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

Mayoiga is quite interesting.  That was an intriguing second episode and I'm looking foward to more.

I said after the first episode that there was a "And Then There Were None" vibe to it and now Lovepon dropped what definitely sounds like a reference with the, "maybe they were executed one by one," line.  It wouldn't surprise me, as I've seen several references to Agatha Christie in both Japanese live action and anime.

So, yeah, that reminds me, go watch Elevator Trap.  Trailer.  It's a very twisted mystery involving four strangers, each with a secret, trapped in an elevator.

pokoko said:

Mayoiga is quite interesting.  That was an intriguing second episode and I'm looking foward to more.

I said after the first episode that there was a "And Then There Were None" vibe to it and now Lovepon dropped what definitely sounds like a reference with the, "maybe they were executed one by one," line.  It wouldn't surprise me, as I've seen several references to Agatha Christie in both Japanese live action and anime.

So, yeah, that reminds me, go watch Elevator Trap.  Trailer.  It's a very twisted mystery involving four strangers, each with a secret, trapped in an elevator.

Yeah, they all look like they have a secret to me. 

I Love Playstation, but my uncle works at Nintendo.


Since you guys are putting best opening or ending this season and I don't watch new anime.

I'm putting and opening that I like so much and I can listen to this all day.

yeah I know, I don't know how to put videos in here lol

Xbox live: kyokusanagiii    Watching: Patlabor The Mobile Police (OAV 1)

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kyokusanagi said:
Since you guys are putting best opening or ending this season and I don't watch new anime.

I'm putting and opening that I like so much and I can listen to this all day.

yeah I know, I don't know how to put videos in here lol

Ah higurashi a classic, love that one.

I enjoyed kira, especially since nothing bad happens to them after....a really hard battle against the curse. Haven't seen it in a while, might rewatch it.


Shadow8 said:
kyokusanagi said:
Since you guys are putting best opening or ending this season and I don't watch new anime.

I'm putting and opening that I like so much and I can listen to this all day.

yeah I know, I don't know how to put videos in here lol

Ah higurashi a classic, love that one.

I enjoyed kira, especially since nothing bad happens to them after....a really hard battle against the curse. Haven't seen it in a while, might rewatch it.

You're right, i just love the opening on the one, this one didn't have anything to do with the series.

For the plot i like kai because they finally explain what heck was going on, I was lost on the first one lol

Xbox live: kyokusanagiii    Watching: Patlabor The Mobile Police (OAV 1)

Ka-pi96 said:
pokoko said:

Mayoiga is quite interesting.  That was an intriguing second episode and I'm looking foward to more.

I said after the first episode that there was a "And Then There Were None" vibe to it and now Lovepon dropped what definitely sounds like a reference with the, "maybe they were executed one by one," line.  It wouldn't surprise me, as I've seen several references to Agatha Christie in both Japanese live action and anime.

Was that an Agatha Christie reference or something then? I don't watch her so I didn't get that reference. I just thought it was a weird line since I was thinking 'but who would have executed the last one then?'

She's an author, responsible for some of the most famous mystery novels of all time.  "And Then There Were None" has sold more than 100 million copies world wide and is in the top 5 best selling novels ever.  "Murder on the Orient Express" is also very well known.

In "And Then There Were None," a group of strangers are brought to a secluded island under the pretense that they've lucked into a wonderful vacation.  When they arrive, however, they learn that it's a trap and that they're cut off from the rest of the world.  Eventually they realize that everyone in the group is guilty of something and that someone in the group or in hidding is knocking them off one by one in the name of justice.  As might be expected, this leads to everyone being suspicious of everyone else, as they all attempt to find the killer before all of them are murdered.  As far as what Lovepon said, I'll explain that in spoiler tags because it's a reference to the end of the novel.

Complete Spoiler for the end of the book, only read if you don't care --  One of the big twists at the end is that the murderer also considers themselves guilty and has arranged for their own death in such a way that it looks like they were a victim, as well.  They were also "executed" for their crimes, meaning that no one made it off the island.  It's kind of funny that the twist is given away right in the title (though that's not the original name of the book).

Luluco's ED is a great one. Big surprise, it's by Teddyloid after all.
Don't forget the ED for RE: Zero though. It's by Myth & Roid who have their 3rd great ED in a row.

Kiznaiver OP probably is the best this season.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

kyokusanagi said:
Shadow8 said:

Ah higurashi a classic, love that one.

I enjoyed kira, especially since nothing bad happens to them after....a really hard battle against the curse. Haven't seen it in a while, might rewatch it.

You're right, i just love the opening on the one, this one didn't have anything to do with the series.

For the plot i like kai because they finally explain what heck was going on, I was lost on the first one lol

Lol, first one can be really confusing xD

I enjoyed all of them really, the premise of the show was interesting and the studio didn't dissapoint on it, although it did feel a little repetitive, but that was unavoidable considering what was going on.