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Forums - Movies & TV - Super Official Anime Discussion Thread

No!!! You're making me choose between my Shonen babies D:

Thankfully we're talking about the animes and not the mangas, so I'll just choose the one with the least fillers, Gintama.


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Don't know why Gintama is there but out of all the mainstream shounen I prefer Naruto the most ...

Bleach isn't exactly deep enough for me and I feel that One Piece detracts too much from it's main goal ...

ERASED keeps playing with my heart. I can't take this

1.  One Piece.  It's one of the best written long-running series I've ever seen.  Seriously, the writing is so far above most other action anime than it's not even funny.  Stuff mentioned in episode 50 comes into play in episode 550.  It's an 11 on the EPIC scale.  It's even made me cry more than once.

2.  Gintama.  One of the funniest shows I've ever seen, period.  Nothing breaks the third wall like Gintama or takes more shots at itself.  It has some fantastic characters, too.  Only downside is that the quality has slipped a few times over its long run.  

3.  Bleach.  It has periods of being excellent.  Of course, it also has periods of bleh.  A much better watch if you pretend half of it never happened and skip the filler.

4.  Naruto.  Never liked the main character very much and thought the side characters were much more interesting.  Enjoyed it for awhile, especially the Exam arc, but I quit caring sometime after that.

One Piece - Easily my favorite manga at the moment, it's really something else. It's incredible how much effort Oda puts into his story, plotting every little detail, and executing so many different storylines at once while still keeping me engaged. Deserves all its incredible sales and more.

Gintama - One of my favorite comedies, with some actually well written serious plotlines as well.

Bleach - I'm behind on the manga, but the characters and themes are pretty interesting. I love the artsyle as well.

Naruto - I could write a LAP on this...but I grew to hate this series during the final arc of the manga. Easily my least favorite of this group, but I watched/read it for long enough that I can't quite dismiss it entirely. Just wish the themes established in Part I received a better follow-up.

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

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Jranation said:

Even Nintendo goes for #TeamChitoge 

I nearly spit out my drink when I read it. Such a bizarre crossover...not that I'm complaining or anything. When I read it I was nearly positive my Skype friends were trolling feels like it was made entirely for me!

pokoko said:

Dammit it's like I just read my own post. @_@

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334

fatslob-:O said:
Don't know why Gintama is there but out of all the mainstream shounen I prefer Naruto the most ...

Bleach isn't exactly deep enough for me and I feel that One Piece detracts too much from it's main goal ...

I actually really like One Piece because they can focus on the main goal while having all the members of the Straw Hat crew stay true to their convinctions. They don't portray themselves as heroes. They just help those that they feel deserve it while on their path towards the One Piece. They recognize that there will be powerful enemies even if they attempted to go straight for it, and they fight their way forward understanding that they need strength to continue. Every piece of the plot matters, and the characters are far, far better developed than basically any other shounen anime I have ever seen. Although everything they do is done towards taking another step towards the One Piece, removing obstacles of one kind or another, they don't put the action above everything else.

I would still rate going to rescue Robin from CP9 as one of the best things I've seen in anime. It was more dramatic and emotional than anything I had expected from the show up to that point, even considering Luffy's outrage against Arlong for what he done to Nami.


Super_Boom said:
Jranation said:

Even Nintendo goes for #TeamChitoge 

I nearly spit out my drink when I read it. Such a bizarre crossover...not that I'm complaining or anything. When I read it I was nearly positive my Skype friends were trolling feels like it was made entirely for me!

HAHA! You and our Chitoge hater Uran that first thing came to my mind when I saw this XD

I was about tot ake a nap, but I checked my Youtube Subscription feed and saw Gamexplain's video and it made me fully awake!  Nintendo is full of surprises! 

Pocky Lover Boy! 

LuckyTrouble said:

I actually really like One Piece because they can focus on the main goal while having all the members of the Straw Hat crew stay true to their convinctions. They don't portray themselves as heroes. They just help those that they feel deserve it while on their path towards the One Piece. They recognize that there will be powerful enemies even if they attempted to go straight for it, and they fight their way forward understanding that they need strength to continue. Every piece of the plot matters, and the characters are far, far better developed than basically any other shounen anime I have ever seen. Although everything they do is done towards taking another step towards the One Piece, removing obstacles of one kind or another, they don't put the action above everything else.

I would still rate going to rescue Robin from CP9 as one of the best things I've seen in anime. It was more dramatic and emotional than anything I had expected from the show up to that point, even considering Luffy's outrage against Arlong for what he done to Nami.

@Bold Umm, that's not exactly how it is from the audience's side or likely the author's perspective and neither is that true for the vast majority of the characters that meet the Straw Hats. Most of the Arcs end up having a happy ending with the Straw Hats intervening. They may not be clear and cut heroes but they certainly have tons of endearing traits of what most of us would consider heroes. Them being good natured vigilantes would definitely put them under the category of heroic ... 

Every piece matters ? Including Skypiea I presume ? 

Every popular shounen has character development but I don't see what makes One Piece so special or cut above everyone else ... 

Everything they do is a step towards obtaining the One Piece ? Why do they have to beat Crocodile, Enel, the CP9 or even Gekko Moriah ? Were any of these painful obstacles necessary ? 

Ennies Lobby was a very good Arc, it's just too bad that Oda hasn't had any success replicating that passion in the later arcs ... 

It's no wonder I find myself unintertested in keeping a constant pace with One Piece ...

fatslob-:O said:

Every piece matters ? Including Skypiea I presume ? 

Everything they do is a step towards obtaining the One Piece ? Why do they have to beat Crocodile, Enel, the CP9 or even Gekko Moriah ? Were any of these painful obstacles necessary ? 

The events of the Skypeia arc have already played a role in the story in both Bellamy's return and introduction of Haki, and based on Enel's manga gaiden, they'll most certainly return in the future. This is One can't judge the importance of an arc by what immediately comes after. We didn't see the full extent of Arlong's villainy until over 600 chapters after Luffy beat him, and Brook entered the story in an arc that preceded even Chopper's entrance.

A lot of the events of the story are circumstantial, but it all builds up to something, which is why it's so appealing to me. Crocodile's defeat led to his incarceration in Impel Down, which led to his alliance with Luffy afterwards. Enel, Lucci, and Moriah have all been set up to return in the future, and I wouldn't be suprised if they played a similar role. If you look at it in-universe, sure it seems random. But from the perspective of one reading the story, it's absolutely incredible how detail oriented Oda is. I literally can't dismiss anything, since it could easily return as some huge plot point later on.

*Added spoilers for Uran High School Host Club*

NNID: Zephyr25 / PSN: Zephyr--25 / Switch: SW-4450-3680-7334