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Forums - Movies & TV - Super Official Anime Discussion Thread

vivster said:

BTW anyone looking for unspecific recommendation please check out this poster. I watched a good chunk of it and each and every anime on that poster can be recommended without reservations.

It helped me to find a bunch of great classics when I first started watching anime.

 (rightclick and open to see it bigger)  

I was pleasantly surprised by the above list since a lot of lists tend to contain anime that people deem "manly", in other words ones with a lot of fighting. This list though has a very good balance of action, comedy, romance, adventure, horror and pretty much all genres anime tend to cover and those are some great titles.

Then of course there is school days. Oh god the horror, the trauma. I wouldn't have put it there just because I wouldn't want a fellow human being to suffer through what I suffered. It has been over 8 years that I watched School Days and the horror does not fade. THE ENDING ARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!


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Slade6alpha said:
Just kinda curious... but why isn't Naruto Shippuden, or Bleach ever listed/discussed in this type of thread? I've seen a few users in this thread who I know watch at least one of them. Those two are honestly the only anime I watch anymore. Elfen Lied honestly turned me off to a lot of the smaller anime. Claymore was pretty cool though, got attached to a few characters, but didn't like how it ended.


I watched all One piece,Bleach,Ashita no joe, Kaiji,Jigoku Sensei Nūbē episodes now i'll watch Eyeshield 21

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m

MohammadBadir said:
vivster said:
MohammadBadir said:
Wow, 100+ animes a year? I barely watch one!

That would explain why you don't know many good modern animes.

According to my personal statistics(which would never be possible in myanimelist:P) I watched 1.6 animes per week. There was a time wghen I didn't watch as much but since I started following seasonal animes I always watched 20+ per season.

I'm a fan of the longer series which don't end abruptly in 20 episodes.

Name 5 good classic anime that lasted longer than 2 seasons. I can only name 1, which is Monster, and that one isn't even 10 years old.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

UltimateUnknown said:

I was pleasantly surprised by the above list since a lot of lists tend to contain anime that people deem "manly", in other words ones with a lot of fighting. This list though has a very good balance of action, comedy, romance, adventure, horror and pretty much all genres anime tend to cover and those are some great titles.

Then of course there is school days. Oh god the horror, the trauma. I wouldn't have put it there just because I wouldn't want a fellow human being to suffer through what I suffered. It has been over 8 years that I watched School Days and the horror does not fade. THE ENDING ARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!

I don't know why people always complain about the ending. The whole anime in its length was a torture trip(in a good way). The ending was just the logical conclusion. I found the ending to be rather relieving after all the suffering. A quick death is always preferable to years of mental torture.

School Days will always be a master piece of psychological drama but for some reason people only remember it for the gory ending that wasn't even nearly as cruel and graphic as the rest of the story.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Around the Network
vivster said:

BTW anyone looking for unspecific recommendation please check out this poster. I watched a good chunk of it and each and every anime on that poster can be recommended without reservations.

It helped me to find a bunch of great classics when I first started watching anime.

 (rightclick and open to see it bigger)  

God looking at that list I'm recalling so many anime I've watched over the years and just forgotten. That's a very good list

Squeezol's Fanclub Member? is that how it works?

Why can't I hold all these no gaemz?

Always looking to improve my awful drawings ;_; 

vivster said:
UltimateUnknown said:

I was pleasantly surprised by the above list since a lot of lists tend to contain anime that people deem "manly", in other words ones with a lot of fighting. This list though has a very good balance of action, comedy, romance, adventure, horror and pretty much all genres anime tend to cover and those are some great titles.

Then of course there is school days. Oh god the horror, the trauma. I wouldn't have put it there just because I wouldn't want a fellow human being to suffer through what I suffered. It has been over 8 years that I watched School Days and the horror does not fade. THE ENDING ARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!

I don't know why people always complain about the ending. The whole anime in its length was a torture trip(in a good way). The ending was just the logical conclusion. I found the ending to be rather relieving after all the suffering. A quick death is always preferable to years of mental torture.

School Days will always be a master piece of psychological drama but for some reason people only remember it for the gory ending that wasn't even nearly as cruel and graphic as the rest of the story.

No no you got me all wrong. The ENTIRE thing was just painful as I said in my post but I only pointed out that the ending was haunting because (SPOILER TERRITORY):



It wasn't Makoto's death that bothered me. The dude deserved a much more painful death. It was more whether Sekai was actually pregnant or not that just left me scratching my head in just utter shock. Plus it was also Kotonoha's transformation from such a lovely innocent girl into what she became in the end. That boat scene I will never forget. But yes I absolutely agree the whole anime itself, every part of it was just me sitting there banging my head against the wall as the protagonist made every possible wrong choice after another.

That being said I think I remember watching another psychological anime at the time which wasn't so bad called Myself Yourself. It had similar School Days sort of vibe and design but not so bad. That had a much nicer ending though.


Akiran said:
vivster said:

BTW anyone looking for unspecific recommendation please check out this poster. I watched a good chunk of it and each and every anime on that poster can be recommended without reservations.

It helped me to find a bunch of great classics when I first started watching anime.

 (rightclick and open to see it bigger)  

God looking at that list I'm recalling so many anime I've watched over the years and just forgotten. That's a very good list

Agreed. FMP:F especially stood out for me, that was by far the funniest anime I have ever watched. Good times.

                                                                                                               You're Gonna Carry That Weight.

Xbox One - PS4 - Wii U - PC

vivster said:

BTW anyone looking for unspecific recommendation please check out this poster. I watched a good chunk of it and each and every anime on that poster can be recommended without reservations.

It helped me to find a bunch of great classics when I first started watching anime.

 (rightclick and open to see it bigger)  

Talk about a nostalgia rape of animes lolll! I remember watching a lottt of them! Such good times, some sad, some happy, but most were epic none the less


PC Specs: CPU: 7800X3D || GPU: Strix 4090 || RAM: 32GB DDR5 6000 || Main SSD: WD 2TB SN850

UltimateUnknown said:

That being said I think I remember watching another psychological anime at the time which wasn't so bad called Myself Yourself. It had similar School Days sort of vibe and design but not so bad. That had a much nicer ending though.

I made a big mistake when I watched 3 certain Animes in a row in just a few days.

I watched School Days, Kimi ga Nozomu Eien and a 3rd painful drama in a row(School Days last). I had to stop watching for like a week after that. Dramas are great but that was just too much for my brain.


Speaking of great dramas. A recommendation for everyone who loves atmosphere, drama, yuri and a cast that technically is devoid of males. And I know for sure that no one of you has watched or merely heard of it

Simoun is a depressing scifi/fantasy romance drama with an intriguing plot, lots of twists, a huge cast that practically gets the definition of character development and a great ending. It also has awesome music. The bad CGI and weird character design may turn some people off but I can assure you that it is by no means cheap or full of fanservice.

I learned from it through that poster and it absolutely blew me away. I have never seen anything like it plotwise ever again.

I wanted to post an AMV but they're all full of spoilers. So I'm posting the op.


You can't see it but even only hearing this music I'm already tearing up again ;(

I would've given it the highest rating but the bad art knocked it down to a mere 9/10.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.