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Forums - Sony Discussion - Sony: EA Access Doesn't "Represent Good Value To The PlayStation Gamer"

I expect Sony to retract this statement in the near future when similar services from other publishers are announced. I think Sony may be a little bitter that EA decided to make this a Xbox exclusive for no real reason other than MS paying more money for it.

I still believe this service will eventually make it to PlayStation consoles. EA making it exclusive makes it miss too much money.

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jlmurph2 said:
overman1 said:

While I belive there is a need for Options regarding EA access on the PS4, I believe this is very bad and could come back to hurt the cusomers later on. Lets say this works, what is to stop Activision, or Ubisoft or any other publishers from doing this? How many subscriptions would the average gamer have to pay in order to get the "best deals"?

If its an option then by all means, let them. Id rather give my money to the publishers than Gamestop.

Well, Like it or not, gamestop has come through for a lot of people and for me especially. Used games and pleasant deals like the last of us PS3 trade ins. Game stop is good for the gaming industry, would it be more awesome i they were cheaper? fuck yeah! 

with all these digital downloads for everything...idk.

Also what is stopping EA from charging people for items or deals on this EA access when on a regular they might have been incline to give them for free in order to win customers over?

overman1 said:

While I belive there is a need for Options regarding EA access on the PS4, I believe this is very bad and could come back to hurt the cusomers later on. Lets say this works, what is to stop Activision, or Ubisoft or any other publishers from doing this? How many subscriptions would the average gamer have to pay in order to get the "best deals"?

$90 and I'll play Ass Creed, Watch Dogs, Rayman, Destiny, COD, Fifa, PVZ,Peggle, etc... bring it on.

overman1 said:
jlmurph2 said:
overman1 said:

While I belive there is a need for Options regarding EA access on the PS4, I believe this is very bad and could come back to hurt the cusomers later on. Lets say this works, what is to stop Activision, or Ubisoft or any other publishers from doing this? How many subscriptions would the average gamer have to pay in order to get the "best deals"?

If its an option then by all means, let them. Id rather give my money to the publishers than Gamestop.

Well, Like it or not, gamestop has come through for a lot of people and for me especially. Used games and pleasant deals like the last of us PS3 trade ins. Game stop is good for the gaming industry, would it be more awesome i they were cheaper? fuck yeah! 

with all these digital downloads for everything...idk.

Also what is stopping EA from charging people for items or deals on this EA access when on a regular they might have been incline to give them for free in order to win customers over?

I have literally never heard that statement in my life. Its when I stopped reading. Sorry but I cant..I just cant.

EA are money hungry pigs and no smart person should sign up for this, good on you Playstation

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“We evaluated the EA Access subscription offering and decided that it does not bring the kind of value PlayStation customers have come to expect,” a Sony representative told us via email. “PlayStation Plus memberships are up more than 200% since the launch of PlayStation 4, which shows that gamers are looking for memberships that offer a multitude of services, across various devices, for one low price.

LOL, are you sure this doesn't have anything to do with.. idk, putting online play behind the paywall?

We don’t think asking our fans to pay an additional $5 a month for this EA-specific program represents good value to the PlayStation gamer.”

Oh, I guess that explains all the other subscription services you have on PSN and of course PS Now, which has pretty steep prices.

Remember guys, #4theplayers. Looks like Sony just doesn't like competition to their services on the platform. But I guess not providing consumer options is ok this time? I see some people are already lapping it up and even giving Sony praise for making decisions for them.

Viltgance said:
EA are money hungry pigs and no smart person should sign up for this, good on you Playstation

Why is this good on Playstation?? They are basiclly taking the choice away from the consumer (Thats what they make it sound like in this statment even though im pretty sure thats not true it was EA's decsion). This is a choice for the consumer,if you like EA games then why wouldnt you sign up for this service?

           Survivor Millennial vs Gen X!!

I really like this news and the price of EA Access. It will make sony lower their price on PS now cause right now the prices are ridiculous. That is the good thing about competition

Good job Sony, nothing better than not giving gamers a choice.

And what the hell are they thinking with this PR and openly throwing a 3rd party under the bus? One of the more foolish choices I've seen from Sony in a while.

Goatseye said:
overman1 said:

While I belive there is a need for Options regarding EA access on the PS4, I believe this is very bad and could come back to hurt the cusomers later on. Lets say this works, what is to stop Activision, or Ubisoft or any other publishers from doing this? How many subscriptions would the average gamer have to pay in order to get the "best deals"?

$90 and I'll play Ass Creed, Watch Dogs, Rayman, Destiny, COD, Fifa, PVZ,Peggle, etc... bring it on.

I wish this EA thing works and other publishers do the same. Like you, I would gladly pay for companies I find would bring me value, and not just for those Sony tells me that they do.

People have started hating on this deal, while forgetting that nothing changes for anyone who doesn't take the offer. There are still physical games to be bought and sold and bought second hand, there are still digital games and DLC accessible without subscription at a slightly higher price.

There is nothing that would harm customers. Only an annoying fact that Sony gives you random games, mostly cheap indie ones, while by subscribing to EA, or Activision, Ubisoft, the future, you choose your own games.


Oh, and the irony ---> August PS+ free game is Crysis 3, an EA game.